Komentar :
h gunawan Tanjung (14/04/2018 14:25)
Irwan Hasballah (31/03/2018 01:13)
Good tàste
Suhra Ilyas (18/11/2017 06:00)
Great food with great view.
Michelle Liù (07/10/2017 09:51)
This is my third time visited here:
first time for my first research phase and one month anniversary.
second time we went here with Ivy.
and this time we came with Angela who visited Aceh for a short time.
Even though we came here every time during the lunch time,
the weather is usually very hot,
but luckily that we had the shelter and the windy patty fields around us.
Especially with the great food that all served on the table,
even we had Udang Goreng (fried shrimp) this time.
Ayam Goreng is as perfect as always, and so does to the Lamb curry.
Irfan M (20/05/2017 06:05)
Best local food & nice place
GWH Entertainment (09/09/2016 16:42)
Cozy place, acehnesse food
fitri rayadi (13/08/2017 03:13)
Rudy Taniwan (21/06/2017 13:41)
Dine next to the paddy field
Siswana Purwadi (02/05/2017 10:43)
Resto masakan asli Aceh, tempat sangat nyaman luas, bersih dan berada di pinggir sawah sehingga merasa betah sambil menunggu hidangan. Berbagai hidangan disajikan lengkap, rasa rempah, nikmat rasanya
firman syah (07/02/2017 02:31)
Nice view
Khairul Fajri (10/12/2016 07:26)
Kuliner enak khas Aceh Besar
Andy Priyantoko (03/11/2016 12:38)
Restaurant khas masakan Aceh. Ayam tangkapnya mantap banget. Suasana nyaman untuk berlama2 karena viewnya sawah yg luas dengan latar belakang perbukitan
yudi armanda (10/10/2016 11:59)
Tempat makan khas aceh yg lumayan enak, terletak dipinggiran sawah yg luas, parkir jg luas. Ayam goreng panasnya enak, juga kari kambingnya. Sebanding dengan harganya yang cukup mahal
Giyarhadi Wahada (09/09/2016 16:42)
Cozy place, acehnesse food
Indra Andianto (18/08/2016 06:35)
Ayamnya enak
Sambelnya enak