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About Hotel Permata Indah Permai & Permata tours

Hotel Permata Indah Permai & Permata tours is a lodging, located at Jl. Yos sudarso 22, Banyuwangi, Jawa Timur, Indonesia 68452. They can be contacted via phone at +6282233295200, visit their website for more detailed information.

Cheap & clean Hotel and tour package



Item Reviews - 237

Surawan Mawan

" Cukup memuaskan untuk sekedar buat singgah disaat perjalanan mudik masih jauh???????????? "

27 September 2020

Teguh Wahyudi

" Ok "

25 February 2020

Tono Priantono

" Good "

20 February 2020

Tono Priantono

" Good "

20 February 2020

Yatno Grandong

" Baru saja kami di usir pelayan. Kurang puas karena waktu perjanjian jam 3 kenapa jam 2 di ketuk di usir kecewa sama pelayan cewek cewek. Gak sopan "

25 December 2019


" Mantapp bgt di sini murah gilaaaaaa gk usha teservasi lgsung datang bocoran aja per mlmnya 100k untuk kmr yg tidak berAC. Tp untuk trevvelr cocok bgt murah buat singgaj istrahat udh ada kipas anginnya hehehe mantap "

19 December 2019

Khimarul Arifin

" Ok "

14 December 2019

Khimarul Arifin

" Ok "

24 November 2019

Fernandy Maktal

" Nice "

04 November 2019

Annesa Nur

" Harganya lumayan murah... kebersihan kamar sih lumayan bersih walaupun kadang sarung bantal ada yg bau. Tapi parkiran luas😊 ada tv, AC atau kipas angin. "

04 June 2019

Joko Nugroho

" The polite srrvice in this hotel... "

24 May 2019

Ariza Dian Praditha Rini

" Nothing special "

05 May 2019

Ali Maskoer

" Top "

26 February 2019

Ali Maskoer

" Top "

26 February 2019

Syaiful Abidin

" Pertama kali singgah kesini (hari sabtu, 15 Desember 2018 sekitar pukul 10.40) booking kamar R.23 / R.13, pokoknya kamar atas bagian utara paling timur. Udah bayar 125rb utk 12 jam, eh baru dapet 4jam udah diketok pintunya. Katanya kamar udah dibooking. Ini gimana sih, kamar udah dibooking malah dibolehin dibooking orang lain juga. Yaudah terpaksa istirahat cuma 4jam an aja habis itu pulang. Pas saya dan istri sayang ambil tanda pengenal, eh pihak pengelola ngga ngasih ganti rugi (ya minimal separuhnya lah, orang kami cuma istirahat 4jam (kalo dibulatkan masuk ke setengah hari kan) jadi paling engga dapet kembalian 60, lah ini malah engga). Saya sangat kecewa, mana tv nya udah rusak lagi -_- "

15 December 2018

Frimadi Chandra

" Nice place to rest and meeting "

02 December 2018

Hadi Sunarto

" Aman,nyaman "

16 October 2018

Iwan H Usmany

" Not bad..servis not so good "

07 September 2018

Jim Gurke

" Sellers are allowed to praise their goods in front of your hotel room door at 6.30 am. They won't stop shouting until you get up and buy something or send them away. Very nice staff. Little bit expensive, but i guess it's the best hotel in Gombong.
So it's a good stay for visiting the beautiful nature South of the city with beaches and caves.
There's also an Alfamaret which is open for 24 hrs. "

30 August 2018

Wening Andayani

" Belum pernah "

28 July 2018

Rezttstarship 01

" Good pleace for traveller "

08 July 2018

Eléonore Baco

" Yulianto is an amazing manager. He is there to help and please his guests.

Definitively recommend this place if you are planning to climb Kawah Ijen. He organises tour for 175k all included. We checked around and it was the best offer from far. "

26 May 2018

Sanjaya Liauw

" Tempat nya perlu renovasi letak nya dekat dgn mall, siring dan banyak tempat makan disekitar nya. Tarif murah. Pelayanan nya agak kurang. "

14 May 2018


" Good "

11 May 2018

Jody Ferdiansyah

" Sorry "

08 May 2018

Ulun Nasier

" Hotel nyaman recepconisnya bagus brrsih cuma ac nya tidak dingin sower airnya tdak panas "

07 May 2018

Adhie Wijaya

" Nice hotel and located right in front of kebun raya bogor "

06 May 2018

Kenanga Art

" Hotel tarif murah cuman 75rb kasurnya biasa letaknya masuk gang dikit, tapi sekitarnya rame banyak jajanan warung makan.. Saturday satunya hotel di area sini "

05 May 2018

Hananto Pradityo

" Dari pertama booking via tlp,receptionist tdk menunjukkan sikap pelayanan hotel yg prima. Sampai di lobby hotel tdk nyaman krn panas.
Kamar lmyn luas utk level deluxe,tapi byk kurangnya : ada water heater di kmrn mandi ada bath up ada pemanas air utk minum coffe,no tea,no sugar. sandal @room ada kulkas mini
7.dan yg paling mengagetkan yaitu sarapan hanya diberi 2 pilihan : nasi goreng atau INDOMIE (kyk ngekost aja) 😭
8.dan yg mengecewakan,saya order makanan bayi dr online shop dan request kpd receptionist utk titip di freezer hotel,tp ternyata request saya tdk dilaksanakan(yg alasannya yg nrima pesan beda shift=kan bisa dikomunikasikan dgn shift selanjutnya)
9.petugas kyk cuek/males waktu saya minta segelas air panas(tdk ada sapaan,tdk senyum,hanya melaksanakan perintah dan selesai tugas)
10.dgn harga yg sama dgn hotel disekitar situ,saya tidak merekomendasikan hotel ini,skrng saya pindah ke hotel grand asia,hanya selisih Rp.7.000 saya mendapatkan service yang jauh lebih baik(9 poin diatas yg saya harapkan disini tersedia)

Intinya mengecewakan dibandingkan dgn harga dan pelayanannya 😭🤕😢☹️😱🤬🤯 "

04 May 2018

Yudi Ahmad

" Sarapannya cuma dua lembar roti tawar "

02 May 2018

Rivo Maupa

" Not bad "

29 April 2018

Rosser Ikhlas

" consisting of old building and new building, I stay at the old one. a tiny lift with 3 floors stage, ordinary room with rather low cleanliness, a pretty good menu of many choices of sambalado. soup or "sayur asem" available at the corner for those who like to eat "berkuah". there are two restaurants for public and for group guests. the pool is so small and too near to the restorant, less comfortable swimming seen by eating people. unfortunately the street in front of the hotel lobby is slightly damaged, causing bad impression when comes here.I think this place needs a new color, btw the restaurant waiters up to the parking waiters are all friendly. "

29 April 2018

Muhammad Ilyas Prakananda

" Didn't looks good from. Outside. But the inner part of this hotel is good. I think this place is not for a weekend getaways. I was here for a meeting. Rooms are okay, but the WiFi is not that good. "

29 April 2018

Yusuf Darsyad

" Kotor "

26 April 2018

Sujatmiko Donohadi

" The best hotel in Gombong. Place is OK with the situation. "

22 April 2018

Akhsanur Rofi

" The most standout point for this hotel is its location at the heart of Bogor City. At the Eastern side of Kebun Raya, the hotel is near to two malls, Lippo Mall and Botani Square. The facilities is quite on par with the paid price, but seems very valuable considering with location "

20 April 2018

Seven Lo

" Just like the other common hotel "

20 April 2018

Irma Hariyani

" Selamat Pagi Saya Mau Tanya Hotel Permata Indah Di Daerah Jakarta Pusat ada juga ya?Kalau Ada Alamatnya dan Ancerannya di mana ya? Trm Ksh Banyak Informasinya "

20 April 2018

PewDiePie Remix

" Mntap "

17 April 2018

Sendrawati Riza

" Bersih dan tempatnya sangat strategis "

15 April 2018

Agung Prastiyo

" Biasa aja "

13 April 2018

Drajat Dwi Hartono

" Quite nice place to stay "

12 April 2018

Dinda Tahta

" Suka banget dengan hotel ini 👍 "

12 April 2018

Mohammad Farid Fadila

" Not good. Old buildings, too expensive. "

11 April 2018

Latief Zakir

" "Don't judge the book from the cover". Cocok untuk hotel ini. 😊 "

10 April 2018

Taufiq Awaludin

" Warm n cozy place to stay.. the location is strategic.. too bad the pool is so small and not swimable.. "

10 April 2018

Landung Mandiri

" Murah "

05 April 2018

Ira Iraira

" Near of famous destination in Bogor such as Kebun Raya Bogor, Botani Square Mall, factory outlets and Gang Aut "

30 March 2018

Ami 95

" Nyaman "

27 March 2018

Widya WW

" Experiencing airy rooms in this hotel. Good location, Friendly staffs, clean rooms, bath amenities, towel, cool hot shower, welcoming snacks from airy. Good Wi-Fi. TV channels not good for lacking options, breakfast with bread which I don't like because they don't serve it in buffet. "

22 March 2018

Suparman Dji

" Kamar bocor, saluran air di toilet tersumbat "

18 March 2018

Editya Ganda

" nyaman,murah "

14 March 2018

Bunga Sari

" kurang puas sih, pesan yang pake breakfast and i think bf nya itu nasi ternyata cmn dikasih biskuit gtu pas cek in. tapi untungnya pelayanannya bagus. makanya aku kasih nilai 3 "

14 March 2018

Azka Keichiro

" murah,tp low sinyal "

14 March 2018

Tebe Igoen

" nice place, nice hospitality, nice service, nice food..... over all great for buget hotel "

12 March 2018


" Very near to Botanical Garden. Good hotel with good value 👍 "

10 March 2018

Yono Wijaya

" Sipp BS tbh temen oke "

05 March 2018

Yohanes Agung

" The hotel is located in the center of Bogor, easy access to well known places in Bogor, serving delicious Indonesian food, friendly staff, and indeed a friendly room rate. Great place to stay. "

23 February 2018

Asrul Arsyad

" Good "

23 February 2018

Ali Smartfren

" Hotelnya bgs. Nyaman cocok untuk nginab "

20 February 2018


" I don't know that room, i like it "

17 February 2018

Dayuamalia Ilmi

" Kamar sangat nyaman n bersih. Sesuai rate. Nasi gorengnya juga enaaak "

11 February 2018

Riansakti 118

" Murah ok tapi ga ada kipas dan kunci agak susah "

09 February 2018

Riki Thebardex

" Per mlm y naik lg ia? Jadi berapa boss? "

08 February 2018

Surya Pradesa

" Bravo "

02 February 2018

Kelik Syifa Syifa

" Bagus "

31 January 2018

Ihsan Nawa

" Sesuai harga "

30 January 2018

Sahril Rusman

" Bagus lumayan lah.. "

27 January 2018

Dias Rizky

" Damai "

26 January 2018

Nia Permata

" Hotel permata indah menurutku nyaman dan jga bersih tempatnyapun ok, ayo silahkn klo ada yg minat datang ja ke tempatnya hotel permata indah 2 jln. Kp gusti jakarta utara, "

26 January 2018

Permata Hotel

" terima kasih atas kunjungan anda...apabila dalam pelayanan kami kurang berkenang dan kurang maksimal kami menghanturkan kata maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.kritik dan saran kami harapkan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kami.salam. "

18 January 2018

Haqqa Diyant

" Nice and cozy place. "

14 January 2018

Agil Maulana

" Ada no hp "

13 January 2018

Ali Mukhsinin

" Good hotel for a small town. "

11 January 2018

Arie N

" The staff is friendly but when I got there the room I booked wasn't available so I had to pay for their most expensive one to get A/C and private bathroom, which the room I booked had (but a bit smaller), for 75k less...

at 200k for a night I would expect it to be cleaner. Otherwise it was okay and it was quiet as it's one of their rooms in the back. Note that there is no hot water in the showers. I wouldn't recommend their more expensive rooms but the cheaper rooms are fine for what you pay. "

09 January 2018

Howdy Traveller

" Simple | Clean | Low Budget

I just stayed here.
The room and toilet are clean.
This hotel also serve food and drink with low price.

Because the building is very near to the main street, you could hear vehicles sound in your room.
Overall is OK

The hotel also serve tour, just check with them

Recommended for backpacker "

08 January 2018

Faznu Wendro Hernowo

" Good "

05 January 2018

Carlos De La Fuente

" The place itself is not super nice but good enough for 1-2nights. Sometimes noise bec of the road close by and a bit warm in the rooms but for 85rp can't complain. Highlight the great staff who work there, always willing to help. A must to take the tour to Ijen crater with them, great service and amazing guided tour (Tom) "

04 January 2018

Eko SuLiwa

" nyaman "

28 December 2017

Eko SuLiwa

" jelek mahal "

27 December 2017

Rano Welum

" Tempat Babam Paling Aman dgn harga Murah "

22 December 2017

Oktovina Krissanto

" Small hotel in silemce environment "

19 December 2017

Venty Venty

" ada harga ada rupa.
kamar standard. waktu dateng jam 19.00 lampu kamar mati 2 dari 4. handuk belum ada.
ngga ada shower cap dan sisir.
makanan cenderung ngga enak.
plusnya ada kolam renang. cuma bisa ada yg ngerokok disana. "

18 December 2017

Al Faro

" Oke sekali "

18 December 2017

Andreas Purboharsono

" ekonomis "

12 December 2017

Indra Kusuma

" + wifi available, ac, white clean towel "

10 December 2017

Yuli Wirasta

" Pengen nyoba "

09 December 2017

Boyolali Tersenyum

" Tempat nya kurang nyaman dan msh dlm tahap pembangunan "

27 November 2017

Sagara Sousuke

" Cheap hotel with Excellent tour
almost forget to mention about the great staff and Yulianto as the owner "

25 November 2017

Agus Sribit

" hotel melati "

23 November 2017

Dedik Haryanto

" Hotel yg sangat Bagus, pelayanannya ramah, lokasi sangat strategis. Restorasi nya juga menawarkan aneka masakan yg pas di lidah. Dekat dengan kebun Raya, botani square. "

22 November 2017

Agus Widodo

" * Hotel mirip kost dgn kamar per kamar
* Cukup nyaman hrg 125 uda fasilitas tv,air panas,fan
* Pegawai hotel cukup ramah
* Sarapan pagi berganti"menu ... jdi tidak monoton
* Parkir memadai
* Rekomended untuk stay "

19 November 2017

Makmun Murot Bongo

" Dugem sejenak bos.ngilangin kefenatan otak biar kagak steres. "

09 November 2017

Amin Wahyu

" Murah dan nyaman "

09 November 2017

Wungu Putih

" Nice place to relax "

29 October 2017

Iif Hafifah17

" Lumayan untuk tempat bermalam, tempatnya dekat dengan pasar jadi mudah kalau mau beli makanan, dekat juga dengan taman, jadi enak kalau misalkan mau jalan-jalan pagi atau malam
Selain itu jangan khawatir misalnya kehabisan duit dan gak tau mau cari atm dimana karena disini sedia mesin atm mandiri, bri, bni yg letaknya masih di dalam hotel "

29 October 2017

David Fortier


26 October 2017

Davied Lopulalan

" Good and cheap hotel for resting the night. "

23 October 2017

Natalia Oriza

" Small meeting room..
You'll have limited access to internet because the signal is a mess here..
Newer room is recommended...
Food is okay, You'll find various types of Sambal.. "

21 October 2017

Eko SuLiwa

" nyaman "

19 October 2017

Daeng Ipul

" Not bad, considering that its located on a small town "

18 October 2017

Chris Gunanto

" They have a good spot in bogor and the breakfast are quite good, too bad the bathroom and room are rusty. They need to do a lot of flipover. And don't forget to bring a mosquito repellent! or you won't be able to sleep... 😁 "

16 October 2017

Abdul Karim Achmad

" Butuh parkiran yg luas "

15 October 2017

D. Antonio Nugroho

" Hotel Permata Bangko sekarang sangat bagus dan sudah ada peningkatan, tidak seperti sebelumnya.

Restoran dengan harga kaki lima tapi menu dan pelayanan seperti hotel bintang 5. Room sudah menggunakan wallpaper dan Bad nya juga sudah baru-baru. "

13 October 2017

Revelyno Igo

" Buat kalangan yang menenga ke bawah di sini baik "

12 October 2017

Septyadi Akbar

" Good hotel. But sadly the hot water didnt work. Luckyly the receptionist respond very fast, they fix it and hot water served "

07 October 2017

James Tiberius

" Mr. Tom is the best

I'm staying at Permata indah permai hotel and using their cheap tour package,got some problem while at the parking lot but our guide covered it up,Mr. Tom really know how to entertaint and filling our curiosity completely 100% "

02 October 2017

Ario Ramadhan

" Lumayan untuk para pengunjung yang mencari penginapan "

02 October 2017

Jojo Lie

" Bisa transit, minim kwalitas furniturenya, cuman ada paket 5x transit gratis 1x (tfk berlaku utk weekend/tgl merah) "

28 September 2017


" Nice place 👍🏻👍🏻 "

17 September 2017

Rudye Ban Motor

" 2 night "

12 September 2017

Herry Noise

" Wisma murah..dengan fasilitas komplit.. "

12 September 2017

Aqmal Qarimata

" Hotel ini berdiri di tempat yang strategis dan berada di pusat kota.. untuk akses hiburan, taman rekreasi, pasar, dan swalayan juga sangat dekat bisa ditempuh dengan waktu yang relatif singkat.. dan biaya penginapan juga terjangkau.. sangat direkomendasikan untuk anda... "

08 September 2017

Budi Kristianto

" Lovely resort style hotel "

06 September 2017

Danang Shankara

" Lumayan buat yang kangket "

04 September 2017

Gemasakti Adzan

" Pelayanan memuaskan. Kebersihan kamar perlu ditingkatkan. "

01 September 2017

Susilo Hartono

" Kotor, kurang terawat "

29 August 2017

Desty Taopik

" Brpa 24 jm y "

28 August 2017

Perdana Sigit Nugroho

" so so "

28 August 2017

Ary Dekky Hananto

" Located in the main road of Bogor..however they should pay more attention to room interior design..for me the room interior just too awkward "

27 August 2017

Rendra Hasan

" Nice place to stay. It's the opposite of Bogor Garden. Leave ur vehicle at the hotel, just take a walk. "

27 August 2017

Riyadh Ahadi

" Good location, good price and very comfortable "

14 August 2017

Erasmus AW

" If you just have a work visiting. This one is a good one "

09 August 2017


" Oke tp cleaning service kurang proaktif. Buktinya sampah malam hari sudah d taruh luar kamar belum dibuang smpe jm9 pg "

08 August 2017

Stanislaus Widjanarko

" Cheap, quite clean. "

07 August 2017

Synyster Jayz

" Pesan yang paling mahal tpi malah kecewa... Air panasnya gk bisa "

07 August 2017

Dafa Cell

" Mau boking nih per 24 jam nya berapa y harganya "

05 August 2017

Nicanor Wijaya

" clean hotel despite mosquito problem but overall good 3 star hotel "

01 August 2017

Luqman Hakim

" Good hotel with strategic place "

30 July 2017

Aan Kristanto Nugroho

" tempat yang cukup bagus untuk menginap "

14 July 2017

Apip Purnama Hadi

" Tempat nyaman fasilitad tidak mengecewakan, harga bersahabat "

14 July 2017

Surmayatun 123

" Murah harganya "

12 July 2017

Rachman Fauzi

" This place is pretty comfortable "

10 July 2017

Dwiyansyah Sapanang

" Bagus, cuma kamar mandi saja yang kurang , kamar mandinya bisa banjir klo shower nya terlalu kencang, "

10 July 2017

Wiwiet Rinie

" Lumayan bagus.
Bersih. Air panas ada. Ac dingin. Cuma di masih ada sedikit bising suara lalu lintas. "

10 July 2017

Albertus Gunadi

" Wifi nya cepat, hanya saja ada masalah di remote AC dan pintu kamar mandi "

08 July 2017


" Too dirty. Found hairs on the bed and dirty spot on the bed sheet. However its crowded with customers, probably cause of the price. I haven't had bfast since too crowded at the morning. Think twice is you really care about clean room environment. "

08 July 2017

Latiful Khairiyah

" Kamar suit family nya nyaman "

07 July 2017


" good ! low budget ! but it still has a good service "

06 July 2017

Rakan Dhia

" Ada fasilitas bathup nya nggak? "

05 July 2017

Akbar Setiawan

" Harga? "

04 July 2017

Rosiadi Dwiana Putra

" Comfort area to take a rest "

03 July 2017

Josephine Lestari

" Reception was not heloful, lsy out of rooms not nice. Rpom is clean looking but not cozy "

03 July 2017

Natalia Laksmisari

" Tempat strategis, ga susah cari makan, dekat tempat area bermain anak, dekat taman kota Sampit. Hotel okelah. Versi jadul dan new ada disini. Harga terjangkau pas banget sepadan dgn pelayanan nya. Yuk mampir. "

25 June 2017

Antoine Bruno Le Guen

" Could not get the staff to wake up for more than 15 sec, he went back to sleep 3 times while we were talking to him showing that he couldn't care less of having potential customers in front of him. Rooms are dirty, no proper toilets and windows but really cheap... Might be ok if you really are on a tight budget. "

19 June 2017

Fadlah Anggraeny

" Recomanded banget dan pelayananya sangat baik "

18 June 2017

Ricky Abet Antonius

" Cuz its my home :) "

17 June 2017

Putu Tonsen

" It is strategically located. Just across the Bogor Botanical Garden, with the Bogor Presidential Palace inside the Garden. It is alao very close to the Baranangsiang bus terminal: les than 5 minute walk.

This ia one favourite place for people to spend et the weekends. "

13 June 2017

Sunarwan S.H.

" Bismillah.. Ya Allah Ya Rohman Ya Rohim.. Lancarkn,luaskan,dekatknlah Rezeki ku Ya Allah.. Aaminn.. "

08 June 2017

Januar Taufik

" Poor services for meeting and the coffee taste funny "

01 June 2017

Ayub Pujiyanto

" tempatnya asik cuman jam pelayanan tidak tertera "

31 May 2017

Muhammad Ichlas

" Fasilitas sesuai dengan harga "

31 May 2017

Andi Perdana

" Salah satu hotel di bangko yang memiliki fasilitas wifi "

30 May 2017

Imawan Wibisana

" Tempat nyaman "

29 May 2017

Adit Maulana

" Ini hotel ya bukan klinik permata indah 😂😂 "

28 May 2017

Wahidah Ida

" Lumayan "

28 May 2017

Enggar Wigantara

" Bagus "

25 May 2017

Jemmy Haris

" Cukup bagus "

23 May 2017

Liony Fransisca

" Quite strategic place. Good place for meetings. "

22 May 2017

Ahadini Karimah Rizqiyani

" The staff is not quite helpful, i have an issue about my room key and it happened twice but the response was so slow. "

21 May 2017

Adi Prastyo

" Bersih tenang dan nyaman "

19 May 2017

Satria Andika

" Tarip Biasa
Rp. 50.000 s/d Rp. 90.000
- Air Hangat
- Kipas Angin
- Springbed "

16 May 2017

Hanneke Rolloos

" Should have more stars! Very good service and clean. "

03 May 2017

Joko Waluyo

" New room and small space. Brakfast is very standard, average taste. Low response from waitress, egg corner is disappointed. "

27 April 2017

Nanung Ekon . M

" bagus . pelayananya baik "

24 April 2017

Wiryadi Putra

" Harga kamar murah dan breakfast untuk 2 org "

23 April 2017

Ricky Hariwibowo

" Terbaik di bangko "

18 April 2017

Mohammad Aulia

" Pelayanan hotelnya bagus, dekat dgn tempat makan (tinggal nyebrang), sarapan lumayan, kebersihannya tolong lebih diperhatikan (kamar bau keringat) "

14 April 2017

Ahmad Junair

" lumayan bersih "

05 April 2017

Denny Fathuara

" Lumayan murah. "

05 April 2017

Ricko Packoe

" Lu,..mayan drpd lu,..manyun 😆 "

02 April 2017

Denny Bambang

" Ok "

27 March 2017

Zaki Kurniatullah

" Unrecommended for twice. Room excecutive but signal TV just got ant program. "

26 March 2017

Moelyadi Donat

" Hrga kmar 150 ribu, ac, tv 14", kmar mndi di dlm yg pasti muda cari mkn "

20 March 2017

Ajeng Illastria Rosalina

" There are smell og the coackroach at the bathroom
The food menu was awesome actually "

18 March 2017

Jiří Prokeš

" On a budget? This is a place to go. Really cheap and basic hotel with good restaurant. Not a place for princess on a heels. Cheap tour to Kawah Ijen. "

10 March 2017

Hary Fridayanto

" Parah..
Baru pertanggal kaki nemu hotel di kasihan kunci air mineral langsung di lobi
"ini kunci, air, kamarnya di lantai 2.
Silahkan bapak kekamar"
Tidak di antar...
Di lantai 2 melalui tangga "

05 March 2017

Nicko Sulistiono

" Lumayan bersih "

01 March 2017

Ayub Ayoeb

" mantap,nyaman dan murah "

01 March 2017

San Hendrik

" Nyaman dan pelayanan bagus "

26 February 2017


" Dekat dengan disbun "

26 February 2017

Tg Gaplek

" strategis "

25 February 2017

Sifa Iman

" karna tmpt ny sngt k'kluaga'n,sngt islami,dan jauh dri yg br'bau" mksiat,sngat dkat dri tmpt tmpat hiburan anak"dll..?? "

24 February 2017

Astuyr Verela

" Nyaman bersih dan wangi soal harga terjangkau pelayanan ok "

23 February 2017

Bobby Mizutani

" Nice hotel, but needs serious renovation. Located on main road of Bogor city. "

16 February 2017

Dinda Sa

" Mayan enak strategis murah dan bersih cuma breakfast nya aja makanan ala kos 😂 "

08 February 2017

Firman Dagdo

" Lumayan cukup bersih "

05 February 2017

Juwita Saptomo

" I did'nt stay at the hotel. I dined in the restaurant. Many of food listed in the menu are not available. The service and ambience are quite good. "

30 January 2017

Tyo Manuel

" Buat penunggu pasien dr luar kota seperti kami, tempat ini sangat cocok karena dekat dr RS PKU Muhammadiyah. "

26 January 2017

Catur Indragiri

" Hotel permata berada disebelah timur RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Gombong "

11 January 2017

Abin Ramadhan

" Ideal untuk bersenang-senang dan bersantai,
dari kehebohan pusat kota, hotel bintang 1 ini memiliki lokasi yang bagus dan menyediakan akses ke obyek wisata terbesar di kota ini. Yang tidak ketinggalan adalah akses mudah menyediakan pelayanan dan fasilitas yang terbaik. Ada beberapa fasilitas hotel ini seperti layanan kamar 24 jam, Wi-fi di tempat umum, tempat parkir mobil, layanan kamar, restoran.fasilitas yang tersedia seperti televisi layar datar, kamar bebas asap rokok, AC, meja tulis, bar mini. Hotel ini menawarkan berbagai pengalaman hiburan unik seperti pijat, taman. "

11 January 2017

Jumanto Xboyo

" Lumayan "

10 January 2017

Muslikhudin Muslikhudin

" Nice lah, lokasi dekat taman dan dekat hiburan. Cari makan juga gampang, saran: perbaiki fasilitas, kebersihan kamar mandi perlu di tingkatkan "

10 January 2017

Titok Putra

" Nyaman "

03 January 2017

Wawan Ardi

" Hotel tergabung dlm airy grup...sayang parkirnya kurang luas "

29 December 2016

Harmoko Ika

" ok "

20 December 2016

Anadra Anadra

" Hotelnya murah, pelayanan ramah, fasilitas lengkap dan wifi yg kencang. "

12 December 2016

Bintang Bercahaya

" Ya..... Lumayan buat pelepas lelah dan penat "

03 December 2016

Siswandi Poernomo

" Sayang banyak nyamuknya "

27 November 2016

Ragil Supartomo

" Kamar luas, parkir luas, kamar mandi lumayan bersih "

02 November 2016

Aleksandra Brenko

" Simple, basic hotel, quite cheap, 10 minutes away by car from the ferry/train station. Good for visiting Kawah Ijen as the hotel itself offers a tour. (You can find cheaper tours elsewhere, though) The staff is very friendly and incredibly helpful. I would not recommend staying for a longer period but for one night it's ok. "

02 November 2016

Myrepublic Go

" Everithings good here.. "

25 October 2016

Gunadi Cahyadi

" Cocok buwat penunggu pasien rawat inap di RSPAW Salatiga dari luar kota. Harga terjangkau....(murah). "

16 October 2016

Muhammad Hidayat

" Renovated hotel. Near to botanical garden and botany square. Nice path walk to botany square. Small pool was good for kids. "

22 September 2016

Arif Gunawan

" makan Pagi "

19 September 2016

Maria Friedl

" Best place for Mount Ijen & Island hopping to bali. Cheap but clean. Ask in hotel for a driver/guide for the Ijen tour. "

19 September 2016

Peter Sidarta

" Nice place for family to stay over when you are in the middle trip to yogya or to jakarta... "

18 September 2016

Wahyudi Sampit

" Disini ada hotspot wifi kotim go online nya "

16 September 2016

Yurnalis Simorangkir

" Cozzy, unique and friendly hotel staffs. this hotel also available for small wedding party. Want to explore Bogor City???this Hotel recommended "

13 September 2016

Vita Novita Hadi

" Quite,clean,locate in centre of bogor city,cheap rate,nice pool "

10 September 2016

Jecky Setiawan

" Disini mempunyai pelayanan dan kualitas hotel yg bersaing dengan hotel berbintang lainnya "

07 September 2016

Jehra Hassan

" Budget hotel. But they offer the best tour to Ijen. 175k plus 100k entrance fee for foreigner. Nice staff and amazingly cheap restaurant. "

28 August 2016

Filippo Lopes

" People who work there are extremely nice and helpful! Highly recommended! "

26 August 2016

Rio Doloksaribu

" Luas untuk parkir mobil "

19 August 2016

Alexander Motta

" Nice room, very funny staff ahah (the manage is a hero), the only problem is that some rooms (the ones in front of the reception) are a little noisy. Also the restaurant close to the hotel is very convenient and cheap. Thanks for the hospitality! "

03 August 2016

Mochamad Nugroho

" Hotelnya lumayan bersih "

28 July 2016

Robbe Vangheluwe

" Very friendly owner! He picked us up from the train station, dropped us off at the ferry port and gave us a lot of info. Perfect location to visit Ijen! The Ijen tour from the hotel is worth it. Rooms are clean and cheap, would recommend this place to anyone who stays in Banyuwangi to visit Ijen. "

23 July 2016

Surya Pujoyono

" Lokasi strategis "

22 July 2016

Loulou Herman

" Clean rooms, friendly people and cheap. The wifi and breakfast are not the best ever but at least you have it. Good place to start your trip to Ijen from. "

21 July 2016

Hery Setiawan Purnawali

" Murmer, dekat pusat kota dan jajanan "

13 July 2016

Harris Harmokho

" rapi, bersih,servis sangat ok "

11 July 2016

Hs Hs

" Hotelnya nyaman,,mudah dicari via google maps... "

09 July 2016

Redeye Guide

" the pin location is wrong "

03 July 2016

Mohamad Gaddafi

" Suasana kekeluargaan, bernuansa syariah. "

26 June 2016

San Toso

" Jl pasar baru nomaer 11 "

22 June 2016

Timm Mannke

" The staff and the Owner are very friendly and they always help you! The tours are also very impressive :)
My personal favourite was the tour to Ijen "

21 June 2016

Eka Prasojo

" Salah satu penginapan yang ada di Kabupaten Merangin Provinsi Jambi. Penginapan ini terletak tidak terlalu jauh dari jalan lintas sumatera yang menghubungkan Kab. Merangin dengan Kab. Bungo. Pilihan sarapan terbatas. Hotel ini sdh terhitung tua walaupun begitu di waktu tertentu, ada kemungkinan kamar selalu penuh. "

18 June 2016

Arif Ramadhan Siregar

" Nyaman "

28 May 2016

Mutiah Abdat

" One of the oldest hotels in Bogor. They have a big room with a special view and also near from Bogor Botanical Garden and Botani Square. The price are affordable too, no doubt. Recommended "

11 May 2016

Riza Putranto

" Quote cozy hotel in front of Bogor Botanical Garden. "

10 May 2016

Frans Enero

" not recommended, this hotel only for short time / sex hotel. The room was dirty, smell bad. Hated it! "

22 April 2016

Sewa Mobil Yogyakarta 7EFA3DE1, 082145250866

" Tour yogyakarta makasar. "

09 January 2016

Dzieko Saputra

" saya juga prnah brkerja di hotel laura.. pngalaman saya di sana cukup baik.. "

29 October 2015

Rianisa F

" Narrow parking lot, broken door, wifi at the lobby only, and a little bit scary for me. "

24 October 2015

Randy Koan

" fenny "

13 May 2015

Fahriza Fahriz

" have a wide room than others,near from botani square and the price is reasonable...I wish can come here next time "

18 April 2015

Erwinsyah Dwi Nugraha

" Dekat dengan taman sampit, dekat dengan PPM dll "

17 June 2014

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