Warung Ijo (Bike Rest Area)
About Warung Ijo (Bike Rest Area)
Warung Ijo (Bike Rest Area) is a parking, located at Jl. Pakem - Turi No.23, Pakembinangun, Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55582, Indonesia
Dennis Yapsir
" Best place to hangout and meet fellow cyclists.. "
19 April 2018Budi Setiawan
" Pisang godoge enak "
05 April 2018Sofyan Hadisuwarno
" Best place to meet friend while biking "
28 March 2018Andry Indrawan
" A place you have to visit if you're a cyclist. This has become a meeting point for any cyclist who come from yogyakarta and the surrounding areas. Have pretty good facilites as rest area. Here we can enjoy hot tea and many kind local food after felt tired of cycling. Eating their bakwan is a must do. They offer cheap price for all foods as well. "
23 February 2018Bayu Adi Dwi Nugroho Gregorius
" Bike pitstop for take rest , eat , drink & meet some friends "
09 September 2017Rizqie Maulana
" If you like biking alone or with group. This is nice place for get rest and recharge your energy "
04 September 2017H. Mudjiono
" The place where the cyclists take a rest... "
11 August 2017Rheza Gandi Bawono
" Most recommended place for biker to take a break before continuing their activity. This place is usually crowded in the morning, you can find a lot of biker hanging out here and they are very welcome. This place offer various food from snack until heavy meals. "
07 August 2017Fatchurrahman Firdausi
" Goweser pitstop "
30 July 2017Arif Sutanto
" Nice place for cyclist "
24 May 2017Lolik Nganchux.2
" Nice "
16 April 2017Dompies CH. Bugisan
" One beat of thousand bikes "
10 February 2017Fyan Barker
" Tempat istirahat bersepeda paling utama dr bawah ke dataran tinggi jl kaliurang pakem, tmpt berkumpulnya pesepeda dr berbagai tmpt di jgja "
24 January 2017Nananx Winarso
" makanan enak,
17 January 2017parkiran cukup banyak, harga murah..
melepas penat untuk mengisi tenaga setelah bersepeda..
warung ijo ini tempat kumpul anak anak sepeda jogjakarta "
Panji Gusti Akbar
" nice place for bicycle rider. cheap local snacks, awesome people, wonderful atmosphere. Reccomended to visit after a ride to kaliurang "
17 October 2016Mar Sudi
" Cocok untuk goweser "
28 June 2016Zulfikar Fahmi
" The best stop for road biker who starts from Jogja downtown heading to Kaliurang Area "
13 January 2016Ardhitya Wiedha Irawan
" Tempat kumpul para goweser "
01 January 2016