About The Cabin Hotel Sutomo
The Cabin Hotel Sutomo is a lodging, located at Jl. Doktor Sutomo No.2, Baciro, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55211, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 588295, visit their website www.thecabinhoteljogja.com for more detailed information.
Elius Salmon
" A cheap and affordable place for weary travellers, with an hourly rate that allow you to book each rooms for as short as 8 hours. With somewhat nice room service, for the money youre spending its worth it "
13 February 2018Astarlighty -
" The staffs are friendly,the rooms are comfortable but if you want privacy,this is not a good choice because you can hear people at the outside talking. "
21 November 2017KJ Hartono
" The hotel is quite attractive as well as convenient for travelers with fairly clean room facilities "
20 August 2017Nunung Afu'ah
" The location is in the corner of road. You can pay only a half day when you are not staying for 24hours. "
18 July 2017Agustina Arum
" This Family budget hotel is comfort and have clean rooms,hospitality and room facility almost like a 3star hotels. The Cabin have long period check in and check out time. "
15 July 2017Endro Walmujendro
" cheap price with good place & good services.. "
17 June 2017Elok Mumtaaza
" Untuk para traveler yang ingin mendapatkan harga penginapan murah dan bersih Cabin hotel cocok untuk anda. Saya bersama tiga rekan jadi total empat orang memilih family room dengan harga sekitar 300 an, dengan fasilitas ruangan AC, ada 4 single bed + 4 selimut, 4 handuk, bath tools, dan sandal udah free breakfast lagi. Ada free jajanan juga untuk tamu saat pertama kali datang. Tapi untuk traveler yang membutuhkan suasana yang sunyi dan nyaman tempat ini kurang cocok, karena letak hotel ini ada di pinggir jalan dekat denga traffic light. "
18 May 2017Rahmat Rome
" Gak ada tempat parkir nya kalau kesini mobil kehijanan sama kepanasan,tapi kalau di dalam nya keren kayak bintang 3 "
17 April 2017Saffi Na
" Cocok banget buat backpacker. Harga murah, fasilitas cukup memuaskan. Bisa pilih kamar private (bathroom di dalam) atau kamar sharing (bathroom di luar). Free coffe, tea, chocolate di ruang bersama.
20 January 2017Sistem pesan kamar check in dan check out bebas, bisa disesuaikan per jam (minimal 8 jam). Jadi bisa lebih hemat biayanya.
Minus nya, tempat parkir yang terlalu dekat dengan jalan raya, tidak ada pembatas parkir, jadi sedikit mengkhawatirkan bila kendaraan tidak di kunci doble (ada cctv). "
Bernardinus Norowisnu
" If sleeping is the only thing u need "
24 December 2016Bobby Vic31
" Stay for 2 days, it's quite enjoyable. Nice front desk... Sesuaillah dgn yg anda bayar, sarapan diantarkan ke room. Dekat dgn laundry kiloan(gang smping toko kita), minimarket, apotek, dan kuliner murah, ke malioboro cukup naik gojek pakai go pay cukup 2rb rupiah. Untuk menelpon ke front desk pake no.hp yg tertera pd tata tertib yg di laminating plastik dlm kmr hotel...free wifi "
13 November 2016K V Raghavan
" It's a nice place. I went with my wife and two kids. I had booked the family room (two cots, and two extra beds). The room was large, clean, and in reasonably good condition. This room has a shared bathroom and toilet with another room. Bathroom lacked fittings, but was clean. Sharing was not a problem. Other rooms had individual baths. A little far from the main tourist attraction - Malioboro St. Very friendly, helpful, and accommodative staff. Overall good. Great value for money. I would go there again. "
30 October 2016Noki Ariwibisono
" Hotelnya bagus, buat yang mau mengejar jadwal kereta lempuyangan pagi hari bisa menginap disini. minusnya tempat parkir yang terletak dipinggir jalan "
24 August 2016Iqbal Aqaba
" Kurang ramah "
05 August 2016Andika Gusmantoro
" Nyaman, murah, homie "
14 June 2016Arthanda Ilmi
" Fasilitasnya istimewa bagi backpacker, apalagi bisa sewa sesuai waktu kebutuhan. Tidak harus sehari penuh "
13 June 2016Arief Hidayat
" kalau mau cari hotel yang murah bisa sesuai bajet dan waktumu... "
08 June 2016Unggul Setiadi
" Small, simply but clean. Flexible check in & check out. Preferable for motor bike since small park area. Recommend. "
28 February 2016Novi Azhariah
" The best hotelnya bersih dan ramah, jarang ada hotel yang check in jam kita masuk check out jam masuk, lebih jelasnya tlp aja hotelnya.. "
21 July 2015