" So cold here 😅 especially in evening time
From here, you can see Mt. Merapi so clearly
Suggest time to can see it clearly on 10 am to 2 pm coz if more than that time, it will be hided by thick fogs
Don't worry bout food coz in this place you can find some stands which sell foods and drinks such as meatball, chicken noodle, toast sausage, fresh milk or other drinks
You just pay parking here
Rp. 2.000,00 for motorcyle "
14 April 2018
Mona Kriesdinar
" Well its a good place for anyone who want to see merapi volcano. Its a kids friendly and best place for family gath "
07 April 2018
Diana Adi
" Fresh air, nice place for spending time with family, good place for outdoor activity "
17 March 2018
Data Putra Sembiring
" A good place to see the merapi mountain but unfortunately the weather was not good when I was there "
12 February 2018
Erna Fitri Widayati
" Tempat yg sejuk, nyaman, enak buat rekreasi Keluarga. Tapi tiket masuk nya agak Mahal sih.
This place so comfortable, cold, breatheble, good view. We can saw view Merapi Mount. This place good for refreshing, recommended for couple, family, child, and all "
28 December 2017
Fahrudi Prasetyo
" Nice place but tickets too expensive because you still need to pay inside. No special food there, i think..
They not keep this place, some lampion is broken and stay still.
The parking area is somewhere, i dont know where to parking area then they guide me to front someone house to park.
Food inside also upnormal.
Thats all from me. Positive think is there still green and fresh. Im also suggest come here at evening or night. "
28 December 2017
Milan Baroes
" Great place. You can see merapi mountain very beautyfull... "
11 December 2017
Sri Suryawati
" Nice landscape, friendly staff, clean environment.. It has clean mushala too.. Greatly surprised with the fast growing number of monkeys here. They must be feeling hommy.. "
10 September 2017
Kenia Oryziana
" It's my favorite place to visit every festival of light! ✨ Totally romantic 💞 "
07 September 2017
Yandia Ayu Risma
" I visited this place during lampion festival on july.. And found it was very nice and awesome.. Since t is located in mount merapi,, You can feel the breeze and cold weather there.. So don't forget to wear jacket if u want to visit this place.. "
16 August 2017
Chrispina Yovita Putri
" Nothing we can do in the arena except watching dancing fountain and having selfies! Need more attractive facilities here. "
06 August 2017
Ashri All
" Its so nice if there are no more people who enter the area. 😱😱
But the dancing fountain of the festival of light kaliurang nice. See in the next years. "
30 July 2017
Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis
" A tremendous place to enjoy Merapi view. There is occasional Festival of Lights in holidays. The air here is very fresh. So, it's good for jogging here. "
27 July 2017
Paulus Dimas Yunianto
" Came to this place during Festival of Lights, so far it is good taken care. Fresh air since and cold during night and morning. "
16 July 2017
Lukas Ade
" Enak buat trip bareng keluarga dan lainnya, kurang penerangan saat turun kebawah dari parkiran.
Bagus saat pertunjukan air mancurnya setiap beberapa jam. "
23 June 2017
Priyo Hs
" Nice park and recreational facility in Kaliurang, there is a tower to observe mt Merapi "
03 June 2017
Farica Farisiyah
" I love the view! At this tower you can see mountain Merapi and Merbabu.. "
27 May 2017
Fendy LoveFaith
" It's beautiful only during the light festival in the of the year "
16 February 2017
Faris Rusydi
" The lampion festival was good. "
30 January 2017
Krisna Tri Prasetyo
" Keereeeen apalagi pas festival of lightnya "
29 December 2016
Kevin Thomas
" We can see good views of landscapes from the tower. there is also an annual event of lantern festival at the end of year "
27 December 2016
Sa Na
" It's getting dark early.. Services so bad. "
10 December 2016
Albert Song
" A nice and safe place to see Merapi Mountain and sometimes if you lucky you can also found a great Java Eagle flying around "
13 August 2016
Muflih Kholidin
" Good place for family refreshing "
30 June 2016
" Stop point at Merapi mountain to see scenery of mountain valley, pity that it was rainy season in Indonesia, cloudy day and see nothing "
09 March 2016
Taufiq Herry Ramadhan
" Went there for light festival! Awesome setup for a place that almost forgotten "
24 February 2016
Bara Brahmantika
" A nice addition to Kaliurang recreation place but not as good as Taman Pelangi "
Lovely 74fet
" So cold here 😅 especially in evening time
14 April 2018From here, you can see Mt. Merapi so clearly
Suggest time to can see it clearly on 10 am to 2 pm coz if more than that time, it will be hided by thick fogs
Don't worry bout food coz in this place you can find some stands which sell foods and drinks such as meatball, chicken noodle, toast sausage, fresh milk or other drinks
You just pay parking here
Rp. 2.000,00 for motorcyle "
Mona Kriesdinar
" Well its a good place for anyone who want to see merapi volcano. Its a kids friendly and best place for family gath "
07 April 2018Diana Adi
" Fresh air, nice place for spending time with family, good place for outdoor activity "
17 March 2018Data Putra Sembiring
" A good place to see the merapi mountain but unfortunately the weather was not good when I was there "
12 February 2018Erna Fitri Widayati
" Tempat yg sejuk, nyaman, enak buat rekreasi Keluarga. Tapi tiket masuk nya agak Mahal sih.
28 December 2017This place so comfortable, cold, breatheble, good view. We can saw view Merapi Mount. This place good for refreshing, recommended for couple, family, child, and all "
Fahrudi Prasetyo
" Nice place but tickets too expensive because you still need to pay inside. No special food there, i think..
28 December 2017They not keep this place, some lampion is broken and stay still.
The parking area is somewhere, i dont know where to parking area then they guide me to front someone house to park.
Food inside also upnormal.
Thats all from me. Positive think is there still green and fresh. Im also suggest come here at evening or night. "
Milan Baroes
" Great place. You can see merapi mountain very beautyfull... "
11 December 2017Sri Suryawati
" Nice landscape, friendly staff, clean environment.. It has clean mushala too.. Greatly surprised with the fast growing number of monkeys here. They must be feeling hommy.. "
10 September 2017Kenia Oryziana
" It's my favorite place to visit every festival of light! ✨ Totally romantic 💞 "
07 September 2017Yandia Ayu Risma
" I visited this place during lampion festival on july.. And found it was very nice and awesome.. Since t is located in mount merapi,, You can feel the breeze and cold weather there.. So don't forget to wear jacket if u want to visit this place.. "
16 August 2017Chrispina Yovita Putri
" Nothing we can do in the arena except watching dancing fountain and having selfies! Need more attractive facilities here. "
06 August 2017Ashri All
" Its so nice if there are no more people who enter the area. 😱😱
30 July 2017But the dancing fountain of the festival of light kaliurang nice. See in the next years. "
Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis
" A tremendous place to enjoy Merapi view. There is occasional Festival of Lights in holidays. The air here is very fresh. So, it's good for jogging here. "
27 July 2017Paulus Dimas Yunianto
" Came to this place during Festival of Lights, so far it is good taken care. Fresh air since and cold during night and morning. "
16 July 2017Lukas Ade
" Enak buat trip bareng keluarga dan lainnya, kurang penerangan saat turun kebawah dari parkiran.
23 June 2017Bagus saat pertunjukan air mancurnya setiap beberapa jam. "
Priyo Hs
" Nice park and recreational facility in Kaliurang, there is a tower to observe mt Merapi "
03 June 2017Farica Farisiyah
" I love the view! At this tower you can see mountain Merapi and Merbabu.. "
27 May 2017Fendy LoveFaith
" It's beautiful only during the light festival in the of the year "
16 February 2017Faris Rusydi
" The lampion festival was good. "
30 January 2017Krisna Tri Prasetyo
" Keereeeen apalagi pas festival of lightnya "
29 December 2016Kevin Thomas
" We can see good views of landscapes from the tower. there is also an annual event of lantern festival at the end of year "
27 December 2016Sa Na
" It's getting dark early.. Services so bad. "
10 December 2016Albert Song
" A nice and safe place to see Merapi Mountain and sometimes if you lucky you can also found a great Java Eagle flying around "
13 August 2016Muflih Kholidin
" Good place for family refreshing "
30 June 2016Bizolution
" Stop point at Merapi mountain to see scenery of mountain valley, pity that it was rainy season in Indonesia, cloudy day and see nothing "
09 March 2016Taufiq Herry Ramadhan
" Went there for light festival! Awesome setup for a place that almost forgotten "
24 February 2016Bara Brahmantika
" A nice addition to Kaliurang recreation place but not as good as Taman Pelangi "
15 January 2016