Sultan Agung Stadium
About Sultan Agung Stadium
Sultan Agung Stadium is a stadium, located at Pacar, Sewon, Trimulyo, Jetis, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55185, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.
Antonius Cahyo Wibowo
" Nice stadium, easy to get parking space. "
20 May 2018Andi Yuni Wiranto
" Selain stadion sebagai bangunan utama, ada tempat olahraga lain seperti tempat pacuan kuda, lapangan tenis, lapangan basket.
29 April 2018Untuk perawatan masih kurang apalagi sehabis pertandingan sepakbola, biasanya kotor, banyak sampah. "
Syaifa Tania
" A quite spacious stadium. There are famous satay restaurant nearby. "
29 April 2018Dean Maher
" Great atmosphere when there is a local football game on "
06 April 2018Rizki Pranatya
" Home stadium for persiba bantul, a football club in 3rd division of indonesian leaugue "
27 March 2018Galang Mahendra
" Just learn driving car here,it has s lot of trees outside.which makes the environment are great. "
22 March 2018Yudi Wahyudi
" Best place to take a pict in yogyakarta "
29 January 2018Alfad Nur Ikhsan
" The best place to do many activities.. Riding course, Jogging, playing, etc.. 👍 there is a sunday morning market which conduct weekly "
06 January 2018Lantip Nugroho
" Terus berkembang dan semakin nyaman.. "
12 November 2017Jupiter Mundung
" Ok "
06 November 2017Khrisna Bhakti
" Sudah nyaman,jalanan menuju stadion selalu macet,perlu diperlebar "
04 September 2017Endar Siswanto
" So white open space...and clean, this area is a save play can play bycycle, motorbike, roller blade, or u can paractice to riding a car here u can also see horses ride, every sunday morning theres a lot of food and u can gym whit friend all over jogja...lets hangs out here. "
18 July 2017Dwi Setiyoko
" The main function of the stadium as a place of football matches. And is the headquarters of PERSIBA Bantul. To the west of the stadium there is a racetrack circuit that is often used in the equestrian arena. "
30 June 2017Fransiska Cecilia Arumnita
" A nice track for morning jogging "
27 June 2017Cathur Naryanto
" Roadrace rx king "
02 May 2017Dedith Alfi
" Good stadiums "
24 April 2017Risardi Faiz
" To rent this stadium is really affordable and easy to process, the caretaker also really friendly 😃 "
08 April 2017Purwo Widodo
" Need more bigger parking area "
05 April 2017Lingga Nur Sidik Haiffani
" Not bad "
16 March 2017Mardoto Sleman
" Good "
13 February 2017Saga Rayada
" jos "
12 September 2016Nugroho Jogja55
" Sultan agung is the best "
25 August 2016Fadjari Wibowo
" Ramai karena jadi tempat warga Bantul kumpul "
16 August 2016Abu Hanifah Alim
" Sip.. "
14 August 2016Didin Jamaludin
" jogja is not only malioboro or other tourist traps. explore sunday morning to stadion sultan agung, bantul. explore the taste of locals "
10 July 2016Danang Cahyo
" Latian pesawatt "
20 June 2016Putri Diah
" Mancap "
04 June 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
22 April 2016Raveizal Ari Sayoga
" Paserbumi oaoe "
23 February 2016Luthfan Prima
" Stadion bola, arena pacuan kuda, tempat belajar setir mobil, dll "
17 January 2016Gombloh Arjit
" Manteep "
07 September 2014