About Sambisari Temple
Sambisari Temple is a hindu temple, located at Jl. Candi Sambisari, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55571, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 496019, visit their website purbakalayogya.com for more detailed information.
Winda Oetomo
" Very nice place to visit in the afternoon or early morning. Good place for taking pictures too. "
04 May 2018Budi Noryanto
" Candi yg bagus, sangat bersejarah peninggalan leluhur bangsa Indonesia, candi hindu banyak relief dewa siwa, ada bentuk lingga dan yoni. Dilihat dari lokasinya beberapa meter dibawah permukaan tanah, candi ini pernah terkubur di bawah tanah sampai ditemukan seorang petani dan dipugar oleh pemerintah. Sangat direkomendasikan bila berkunjung ke jogja "
01 May 2018Pras Santoso
" The temple is in a good shape and very beautifull. The temple is Hindu's. Found for not so long. Go in the early morning when the climate is not to hot. In the morning you can eat breakfast near the temple called soto bathok. It's good and very cheap beff soup javanese style. Great for fill your stomach. "
11 April 2018Ari Kusumawati
" This temple has a beautiful view in the morning...c'est magnifique!😘😄 "
01 April 2018Sumiyati Suseno
" Hidden temple, in Sambisari, Kalasan. Most people eager to know the existance. Simple but nice to visit. "
23 March 2018Primastuti Satrianto
" Candi Sambisari is a good place for studying. It's spacious, leafy, green and ticket only 5.000 IDR. Parking is facilited unwell. Sambisari Temple is located near Soto Bathok. "
07 March 2018Abee Sukarna
" Been here once. When I came here I only pay for IDR 2K to enter the temple. Morning is the perfect time to come to the temple. It's perfect combination between the Morning Sun and Temple. Magical. "
19 February 2018Toto Prayogo
" Sambisari temple is a buried temple. Immersed because of the sand from the mountains of Merapi in the past.
18 February 2018The temple is crowded by people around every morning. There are gymnastics, joggers, morning breaks, or just a walk.
I went here never paid the entrance fee, because it came early in the morning. "
Noviadi Suryo
" One of remaining temple from ancient mataram kingdom. Came here about 5 pm and there were no charge at all. nice spot, not to crowded and clean. The temple small though and there were no guides when i look for one to tell the history of the temple. "
24 October 2017Suzie Is Enough
" As we went there yesterday, this place has been covered by green grass and made it looked awesome.. Unfortunately i brought my lil daughter, 2 y 8m,and it was a bit difficult to reach the temple, as there were no hand grab on the stairs.. Having acrophobia?? You should avoid those stairs as i did.. "
16 October 2017Azam Saifullah
" Kind of okay... The temple is not that big, but a okay lookin, has walking paths, but if you're using wheelchair may be difficult to go to the temple...
08 October 2017The entrance ticket also cheap, arround Rp 5000 for locals and Rp 10000 for international tourist... You may not pay the ticket if you're going there in early morning. "
Rishon Astungkara
" Beautiful temple. Sambisari is a unique temple, because it seems like an underground temple. It's well preserved and clean, but sometimes are very crowded, especially in the evening.
06 October 2017As a Shivaite temple, you can found lingga & yoni inside, and also the relief of Ganesha, Durga Mahisasuramardini, and Agastya. The main temple has some stone bases once used to support for wooden pillar. The temple complex are surrounded by stone walls. "
Helmi Nurfuadi
" I see it more as a park than a historical site. Since it's closer to the city than any other Candi as well. There's a small museum located near the ticket box. "
14 August 2017Anton Laksmana
" Hindu temple was built in the 8th century, its one of the evidence that Nusantara, previous name before Indonesia, had already have irrigation system.
26 July 2017Its recommended to visit those who atudy asian history. "
Nur Yuliani
" Underground Shiva's temple. So happy it's discovered in 1966
29 June 2017Giant Shiva's lingga on the main temple soround by 8 smaller linggam on every corners. There are 8 of them. Obviously build to praise Lord Shiva "
Jian Hao
" Beautiful small temple.. but the street is too narrow for two car "
28 June 2017Steve DMG G
" Nice little temple, really popular among students and young lovers. Cheap and nice "
15 June 2017Ayu Purnama Sari
" Love to be here. The environment is clean enough "
04 April 2017Piniel Hasibuan
" A hindu temple which has good views but lack of parking space or visitor information signs "
16 March 2017Vladislav Pokorný
" Beautiful small temple. We were the only people there so it was very quiet and peaceful. Found only recently (1966) during construction work, it is restored to beauty. Definitely worth of visiting. "
11 January 2017Eko Radityo
" Beautiful temple below the ground,beautiful view especially in sunny day,closed to city surrounded by villagers "
22 December 2016Ajeng Kusumadewi
" I can breathe the fresh air here. The environment is so clean and comfortable.. "
30 September 2016Yudhistira Brilianatama
" Sambisari is a unique candi. because its bellow the land around "
20 September 2016Richard K
" One of the best temple with lovely low garden "
06 September 2016Mario Kampes
" teduh kalo pagi... "
20 August 2016Aruna Bali
" Candi Sambisari, located within 12 km east of Yogyakarta (40 minutes) or 4 km before the temple of Prambanan (10 minutes). This temple is very unique because of its location is approximately 6.5 meters below ground level. This temple complex consists of the main temple and 3 accompanying temple surrounded by a stone wall. Green grass that grows regularly in the courtyard of the temple like a beautiful green carpet. For entry into this Hindu temple area, you do not need to pay an expensive tickets. Around the temple there is a building as a place of photos and documentation about the temple "
12 August 2016Cornelius Hanin
" Another beautiful Hindu temple in Jogja area. You must visit "
13 July 2016Tabuty Coffee
" keren abis "
29 May 2016Nurhayati Ana Saputri
" Exciting historical place in Jogja "
17 May 2016Hannif Andy Al Anshori
" Candi dengan taman yang menarik. Di dekat Candi Sambisari, wajib mencicipi kuliner Soto Bathok "
14 April 2016Evita Primiari
" Nice little temple, quite well preserved. Not much information available about what you are looking at. "
04 December 2015Bayu Hernanto
" Candi ini bagus dan lumayan terawat, ditemukan oleh seorang petani ketika menggarap sawahnya (ketika mencangkul atau membajak) dan mengenai pucuk candi ini. Setelah digali, didapatlah candi indah ini. Konon kabarnya tertutup tanah ketika erupsi merapi.
19 October 2015Kalo hari minggu atau hari libur lumayan rame. "