About SMA N 2 Bantul
SMA N 2 Bantul is a school, located at Jl. Ra. Kartini, Trirenggo, Kec. Bantul, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55714, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 367309, visit their website sman2bantul.sch.id for more detailed information.
De Ma Syahirah
" My school "
03 March 2018Joko Prihastomo
" this school is awesome.. the facilities are really complete.. there is recepcionist, meeting room, library, audio visual room, toilet, hall room, sport facilities, security, the parking lot is very wide . this school has many awards. sma n 2 bantul JAYA!!!!! "
16 September 2017Lina Melani
" One of the best senior high school in Bantul Regency. "
07 September 2017Vianvz Madnur
" tempatnya adem...tapi nunggu lama waktu legalisir.. "
07 August 2017Dwi Setiyoko
" State high school located in the middle of the city compared to two other state high schools in Bantul. Each educational institution has a responsibility in forming the character of its students. And this is not a competition of value or other academic achievement, because the goal of education is humanizing human beings. "
29 June 2017Mas Dinnu
" Nilainya siswanya selalu bersaing dengan SMA 1 Bantul.. "
08 June 2017Wahyu Kuncoro
" Sekolah berkualitas "
06 April 2017Muhammad Fawwaz Adiasya
" Sekolah yang asri dan nyaman dengan fasilitas pendukung yang memadai. Banyak menghasilkan prestasi yang mengharumkan nama Bantul di tingkat kabupaten hingga nasional "
05 April 2017Sigit Hariyadi
" Fasilitas lengkap, peraih juara 2 sekolah sehat tingkat nasional "
25 January 2017Ayunita Sari
" Sekolah yang melahirkan banyak legenda dan orang hebat 😘 "
19 January 2017Maria Vita Oktavia
" The best school ever "
15 January 2017Marthia Rullyana
" Salah satu sekolah yang menghasilkan alumni yang berkualitas. Sekolah memiliki fasilitas belajar yang cukup lengkap, guru yang berkompeten, lingkungan belajar yang asri. "
14 December 2016Sabjan Badio
" Salah satu sekolah favorit di Kabupaten Bantul. Tempat parkir motor dan mobil luas. "
20 August 2016Yeri Arintoko Aji
" sekolah hijau "
20 July 2016Rais Ilham
" Sekolah ku "
02 July 2016Putri Diah
" Makin asri aja "
04 June 2016HANAN YUSUF
" Ok "
22 April 2016Helmi Andriadi
" Karna ini sekolah saya, dan jarak dengan rumah hanya 1 km "
13 March 2016Arro Elang
" salam untuk teman-teman mia 3 :-) "
31 October 2015