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About Marko Milk and Coffee

Marko Milk and Coffee is a cafe, located at Jl. Kapas No.16, Semaki, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55166, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-268-600, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 72

Wuri Woori

" Cozy place. Nice for hangout "

07 July 2019

Perpustakaan Umum Dusun Jlegongan

" Nice moment there. Thanks! "

04 July 2019

Siti Nurhasanah

" the milk is just fresh!! cheap, relaxing price, and delicious snacks. love it. "

01 July 2019

Susan Susanti

" Average...not so many things could find,just only milk in different favour .not recomended for dinner only if you just wanna to spend time with friend and fam "

11 June 2019


" Casual, cheap, fast and free wifi and lots of power outlets. Wide choices of milk flavours and a few choices of quick bites available. Drinks are available in medium sizes and large sizes.

Downsides are the music is too loud on the front part of the seats, no air conditioners and it could get really crowded in evenings so it's better for group discussion/work rather than doing works alone on your laptop/computer. "

13 December 2018

Fahmi Nurulbaiti

" Enak buat nugas dan nongkrong. Free wifi juga. Secara cafe, masih nyaman di kantong mahasiswa kok harga makan minum nya. Favorit drink: susu pisang. Sangat tidak merekomendasikan susu green tea. Eh iya, kalau siang di bagian depan panas ke yang bagian belakang aja lebih nyaman dan sejuk. Waktu paling ramennya tetep malem lah seperti cafe pada umumnya. Ada tempat parkirannya yang luas. Tapi agak berisik soalnya emang pinggir jalan banget. "

04 June 2018

Ari Eko Prasethio

" nice place to hangout
✅ cheap milk and banana cheese
✅ easy to find
✅ not so crowded
✅ easy to parking
✅😆☺️ clean toilet and musholla "

03 June 2018

Ibnu Putra Darmawan

" Nice place to talk with peers and have a snack time "

25 May 2018

Nando Pamandes

" Wifi not good 👎 "

08 May 2018

Auliya Rahman

" A big place and really suits your needs when you go with a large number of people. Mainly focused on milk-based beverages, which has a good taste, but there's nothing special about the food. "

28 April 2018

Indah Arfina

" Wifi nya kenceng 👍👍👍 "

19 April 2018

Muhammad Muthahhari

" Not bad "

15 April 2018

Farrell Magis

" Really good place to chill, just hope that it is not raining and it will be a good time. The beverage is great and the food is okay.. solid 4/5 would go there again "

08 March 2018

Nofihantiwi Yuphita

" Nice place to hang out with reasonable price. "

08 March 2018

Nekher An

" Good place for meet friends or just hang out with cheaper baverage "

08 February 2018

Chahya Kusuma

" Milk lovers best place in jogja. The price ia good! "

04 February 2018

Galih Mukti

" A good place to find a cozy place with affordable price of milk drinks and light food.
The capacity of the tables are more than enough. "

21 January 2018

Devina Renata

" Yummy! Cozy! "

22 December 2017

Tio Sb

" Good place "

16 December 2017

Dewi Masita

" Good enough to relax. :) not so expensive and you can stay little longer. "

10 December 2017

Imam Masrufi

" good beverages and food served here, affordable price and good wifi connectivity speed "

17 October 2017

Iyut Syfa

" Nice place with a decent menu and kekinian snacks... "

08 October 2017

SanSan Sanjay

" have a good coffee "

06 October 2017

Rahmad Ramdhani

" nice place, average price "

02 October 2017

Mega Febia

" The price is just right. The taste is great, I bought the caramel milk and it taste so yummy! But the queue in the weekend is too long... "

27 September 2017

Rohandi Aziz

" Good place for Milkyman "

13 September 2017

Decky Setiawan Putra

" delicious meal and milk for reasonable price. 😊 "

03 September 2017

Abi Dzikri Alghifari

" Nice place for hangout with friends. Relatively affordable price. "

30 August 2017

Gunawan Puji Saptadi

" Great place.. fast serve.. amazing parking court.. and the best of all of this place is super great original pure milk (in indonesia we call it "susu murni") "

21 August 2017

Dwiki Wahyu Chandrakusuma

" Nice place to drink milk "

18 August 2017

Rainhard Pbni

" Nice place! Good job "

11 August 2017

Haryati IstiQomah

" Good place to hangout, but the milk taste like water. so bad "

12 July 2017

Stefena Gressanti Tanesib

" Nice place "

11 July 2017

Kidung Harkinal Setia

" Love it "

04 July 2017

Haryati IstiQomah

" Good place to hangout, but the milk like water. so bad "

02 July 2017

Alvin Wicaksono

" Free wifi "

26 June 2017

Yudhi Kristanto

" Delicous meal and drink, for lower price.. more teenage customer... "

05 June 2017

Park Rochi

" Sucks! Pelayanan sangat lambat, karyawannya tidak ramah sama sekali, saat datang tidak diberi menu dan harus mengambil sendiri, kasirnya juga jutek. Wifi connectionnya limited, which is SANGAT FATAL untuk tempat sekelas Marko Milk and Coffee. Sangat berbeda jauh dengan Marko di tempat lain. Tolong ditinjau cabang yang ini. Terima kasih. "

21 May 2017

Maidatul Husna

" I love to drink hot chocolate. Or you may order milk with many variants "

10 May 2017

Panji Akbarul

" good service "

05 May 2017

Nida Zakia

" Good place for hanging out with your friends and the price is afordable. "

28 April 2017

Epsi Euriga

" Delicious menu ; many types of milk, banana cheese and chocholate, french fries, spagety, affordable especially for student, clean...and free wifi "

20 April 2017

Hafizh Izzuddin

" Nice kok "

15 April 2017

Agung Laksono

" Cheap, cozy place, free wifi, and access easy. "

12 April 2017

Wulan Andriyani

" Interiornya bagus, banyak pilihan rasa susu, saya pesan susu rasa pisang rasanya agak amis, tapi untuk yang rasa choco choco gitu enak sih.. kentangnya terbaik zaman spaghettinya keliatannya biasa ternyata enak, pisang bakarnya ga matang dan pisangnya keras.... Overall cuma bisa 3 bintang aja.. untuk suasana sih nyaman dan enak buat hangout sama temen serta ada wifi nya pula "

27 March 2017

Qois Muhammad

" Cocok untuk bersama "

26 March 2017

Agil Winedhar

" Pesan susu coklat hangat, yang datang malah susu coklat dingin, padahal kami butuh minuman hangat karena baru saja kehujanan. Ketika dikomplain malah menyalahkan customer. Dan juga jam 11 malam tepat, customer yg masih di tempat sudah diusir karena sudah jam tutup. Padahal di luar hujan lebat, kenapa tidak ada dispensasi untuk menunggu hujan reda dulu baru customer diminta untuk meninggalkan tempat. Benar-benar mengecewakan!! "

25 March 2017

Daniel Yowei

" Good place,you can choose your favourite milk "

25 March 2017

Puput Riani

" Good destination for college crowded and your group rest meeting "

24 March 2017

Jogjapaperbag Kreasindo

" Lumayannnn... cuma Sayang Km kcl nya Kotor "

19 March 2017

Aulia Azizah

" Tempat yg cocok buat ngerjain tugas karena free wifi dg ditemenin segelas susu sesuai selera dan tempatnya yg cozy "

14 February 2017

Desta Habil Dwi Prasetyo

" *Tempat Bersih.
*Toilet Oke.
*Mushola ada.
*Ramah Pelayan.
*WiFi Stabil.
*Luas Tempatnya.
*Parkir Luas. "

07 February 2017

Mayang Yusuf

" that milk. hmmm. and inexpensive at all "

07 February 2017

Hamida Lutfie Widayanti

" Harga pelajar lah. Ada wifi gratisnya juga loh.. 😅 "

10 January 2017

Anas Gunarto

" Hmm... susunya kyk encer gitu ya.. aku baru kali pertama sih. "

03 January 2017

Gery Anelka

" Well dug "

26 December 2016

Indovision Jogja

" nice place lah "

25 December 2016

Susanto Freddy

" Parkir luas "

23 December 2016

Alfina Irfa'i Khuriyah

" Asik buat rapat "

11 December 2016

Muhammad Gifali Z

" Bagus untuk santai sambil berdiskusi, terdapat wifi gratis dan berbagai macam menu yang lumayan cepat dihidangkan . "

07 December 2016

Riyadi Sentono

" I love the hazelnut milk "

17 October 2016

Bainher Hamrolie

" Wifinya wus wus "

10 September 2016

Rio Rinaldo

" Obviously, this so called milk and coffee joint is the it place to hang out for Yogya's teenagers. For 7K a glass, no wonder it's crowded. Milk is fresh but not rich nor creamy. My caramel milk tastes weird. I also sampled the cookies and souraoup flavor, which are better despite their weak flavor. And oh, if you want to use the wifi, seat only at the front section. "

29 August 2016

Willy Saputro

" Easy cozy place for relax n date :D "

24 August 2016

Yogi Nugradi

" this my favourite place for cofee, milk n tea. good taste, hi speed wifi, kind services will enjoyed you "

22 August 2016

Muhammad Nur Taufik

" Susu mantap "

05 July 2016

Asti Febrilia

" Good place for study in grup with comfort environment "

31 May 2016

Agra Zulfanuddin

" place to perform tasks

Cafe milk "

24 May 2016

Engka Anais

" Tempat hangoutnya mahasiswa "

22 May 2016

Fatneza Risnanda

" I love their milk so much. "

10 April 2016

Rietma Pramesti

" Wifinya susah buat connect ke laptop. So far, suka bgt sama susunya "

03 April 2016

Ahmad Muhsin

" tempat asik buat nongkrong dan ngobrol "

03 December 2015

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 11:00 PM