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About Toko Swalayan Maga

Toko Swalayan Maga is a supermarket, located at Jl. Panembahan Mangkurat No.26, Panembahan, Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 449289 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 59

Guntoro Atmojo

" Minimarket located on Suryodiningratan street "

23 May 2018

Nur Muhammad Sholikhun

" Meriah berhadiah, lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok tanpa harus jauh-jauh ke jogja "

09 May 2018

Anak Endonesa

" The stuff is complete enough from your daily needs, home care, body care, foods and snacks. On the second floor you can find shoes and sandals, clothes, office stationery and other accessories. "

15 April 2018

Agung Setiawan

" Swalayan dengan barang kebutuhan sehari-hari,sekarang dengan nama baru MEIKA MART "

08 April 2018

Adi Saputro

" Good "

07 April 2018

Beni Wijanarko

" Ok "

07 April 2018

Gatot Priyanto

" I'm so dissapointed because i just bought milk from 2 days ago and today i opened, i found the milk is moldy, too bad "

20 March 2018

Freddy Kurniawan

" It's nice place for shopping "

17 March 2018

Kartika Megasari

" Sekarang sudah berganti nama menjadi meika mart, dengan barang barang jualan yang sama. Lengkap, dari makanan sampai baju, jilbab dan perkakas ada "

14 March 2018

Marul Prihastuti

" Tempat belanja apa-apa ada. "

13 March 2018

Heru Prasetia

" Lumayan lengkap, tapi kenapa parkirnya harus bayar? "

11 March 2018

Alif Firdaus

" This place is good for quick shopping "

04 March 2018

Ajeng Emma Prasetyawati

" nice "

01 March 2018

Acik Mardhiyanti

" Very disappointed, and Definetely I won't come back again to go to Maga store "

01 February 2018

Acik Mardhiyanti

" Very disappointed, and Definetely I won't come back again to go to Maga store. Why??

2 months ago I went to Yogyakarta and stayed in the our favorite hotel nearby Maga stores. At the time I came at this store to buy some stuffs. I went to Maga store because it was urgent and I didn't have much time to go to Progo or carrefour. .

I just entered this store. then suddenly their staff looked chasing me and asked for my handbag. "What? What is the hell going on?" It was small handbag!

Their staff wanted me to put off my handbag and leaving it to them. Then I could go for shopping. That's ridiculous and nonsense!! My handbag is very important, I brought very very important document inside and a lot of important document and stuffs. If I leaving my handbag to them then my document gone, I am done! Who's will take responsibility if all of my important document gone? None! So, I took all of my document and all of my important stuffs. Yes, while shopping I carried many things in both of my hand. That's nonsense! As customers, I am disappointed!!

Maga stores is not good stores. I have a good advise, To avoid theft, it would better to attach camera (CCTV) in the shop, Yes CCTV everywhere!! You have to know how to treat your customers better! Yeah, Maga store is just good enough for local.

That was really really bad shopping experience. We are often going to Yogyakarta and staying in the our favorite hotel nearby Maga store. We came often at Maga store to buy drink or just snack, or any others stuffs that urgent.

Since that day we won't come back again! Never ever! "

28 November 2017

Reza Fernandico

" Has 2 floor, first for food ingredients and kitchen tools, also cosmetics and toys. Second/above is for fashion, electronics, and back to school equipment. Cheap, but the product quality is reasonable. "

26 November 2017

Buruh Seni [ Official ]

" Lengkap "

31 October 2017

Virdy Nand

" Nice place "

17 October 2017

Martijn Boussé

" Nice mini-market with a wide selection! "

12 September 2017


" A medium size convenient store located near neighborhood. "

12 September 2017

Mamoru Chiba

" Good place to shopping.. "

22 August 2017

Novian Putri

" Kalau harganya standar tidak terlalu murah atau mahal, barangnya lumayan komplit, dan pelayanan cepat "

27 July 2017

Linda Rahman

" You can find many stuff here
Cheaper than other store arround. "

26 July 2017

Swa Setyawan Adinegoro

" I think this is the only minimarket operated inside the citadel (jeron béténg).. good selection for groceries, they even have fashion and stationary section. If you're a drinker, you won't find any beer here. Wide parking lot. "

15 July 2017

Rudy Harsya

" The supermarket is completel enough "

08 July 2017

Galih Untoro

" Lumayan... "

03 July 2017

Theresia Wuryantari

" Local not-so-mini market that offers quite a wide range of your daily needs. Good for emergency shopping like for instance when you need to change your light bulb or get sanitary pad "

01 July 2017

Shyu Lu

" ATM, kebutuhan sehari2 kecuali fresh fruit and veggie. "

21 June 2017

Alexander Susanto

" Letak kasir kurang nyaman dilihat...bagus jika posisi makanan atau minuman di sebelah selatan..pakaian di utara...juga soal pelayanan, bagus jk murah senyum "

19 June 2017

Salahuddin Husein

" Pretty expensive.. but no other choice.. "

19 June 2017

Imam Suharjo

" Luamayan lengkap dan murah
biasanya tidak terlalu ramai, parkir bisa beberapa mobil di depan Toko "

03 June 2017

Abi Kurnialdi

" Lokasi di google map sesuai dengan aslinya, harga barang di tempat ini juga sangat terjangkau "

20 May 2017

Danang Susilo

" Murah lho "

17 May 2017

Frely Pakan

" Another cheaper place for grocery shopping. Part of the maga branches "

14 May 2017

Jevy Saga

" Harga disini terhitung murah. Lengkap semua kebutuhan ada "

07 May 2017

Guntur Goent

" Lokasi ckup strategis di tengah pemukiman yg jauh dr swalayan yg lain. Penataan atau Merchandiser produk perlu ditata ulang supaya konsumen lebih mudah menemukan produk yg dicari. Perihal harga cukup bersaing dgn swalayan yg ada di Jogja. Rekomended bagi konsumen di sekitaran Kraton. "

22 April 2017

Jaka Sukathman

" Lumayan bagus konter obat jgn dipindah pindah. Dong "

21 April 2017

Peak Nose

" You can get anything here with a very low price "

19 April 2017

Yogha Wiratama

" Lengkap.. Kebutuhan Primer, sekuder dan tersier ada "

04 April 2017

Putri Nurul

" easy to find, sell almost everything you need "

21 March 2017

Mas Sudarman

" Bagus banget "

12 February 2017

Ahmad Nuryani

" Tempat favorit My Princes Najwa "

24 January 2017

Pieter Danang

" Ra patek komplit "

05 January 2017

Tom L

" A decent grocery store "

01 January 2017

Fatma Ayu

" A bit dirty and the goods are sort unneatly "

01 January 2017

Sidiq Pramono

" Tempat bersih, barang lumayan lengkap, harga... Lumayan "

09 December 2016

Caecilia Purnamasari

" It's cheap and and they have wide range of products "

09 December 2016

Lukman Hakim

" Memuaskan... "

01 December 2016

Heryx VShoot

" Lumayan lengkap... "

12 October 2016

Aji Nurul Yakin

" Not as complete as mall but it's worth for people who live around there "

07 October 2016

Joe Ramdan

" Murah Meriah "

31 August 2016

Bernardia Arumsari

" Complete enough to buy everyday needs "

20 August 2016

Siti A.

" A good place for shopping, I think 😅 "

01 August 2016

Daftar Konco

" Tukang kuncinya cepat, tepat, lengkap harga top... Tks "

17 July 2016

Aan Yulianto

" Good swalayan.. kurang parkir "

03 June 2016

Argo Dio

" Swalayannya bersaing harga2 murah.. Bs dicoba "

15 May 2016

Nur Muhammad Sholikhun

" Kalau gak salah satu-satunya swalayan yg ada di dalam kawasan kraton jogja, #njeron beteng "

22 January 2016

Stephen Schur

" I came in here for some durian ice cream and got hooked. The prices are somewhat lower than elsewhere. There's an ATM outside and they accept credit cards. "

11 November 2015

Yosefa Juwita

" Lumayan "

14 July 2015

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