Langenastran Kidul, Alun-alun Kidul Keraton Yogyakarta
About Langenastran Kidul, Alun-alun Kidul Keraton Yogyakarta
Langenastran Kidul, Alun-alun Kidul Keraton Yogyakarta is located at Langenastran Kidul, Yogyakarta
Latihan Jemparingan, Paseduluran Langenastro
Henda Rasena
" Good palce to hang out at noon-night, various street food with low prices.. but first, prepare your immune system at fit condition π "
20 May 2018A S Lahwan
" public facilities. night market. there is a buffalo cage belonging to Surakarta Kasunanan palace "
19 May 2018Gilang Kanigara
" The place is very lively at night. There are some interesting attractions and food vendors. However, due to its packed nature, sometimes it's hard to find a parking place or even drive around it. "
07 May 2018Prayogi Mariesta Putra
" Ada bakso bakar "
05 May 2018Victor Deka
" Enjoy the place for hang out with family and friends. Here, we enjoy street food, street coffee, play traditional game "Egrang" and more. No entrance ticket. "
30 April 2018Piniel Hasibuan
" Always becoming a tourist magnate with its historic values and the eye catching colourful and bright cabs. You can also find local food at an affordable price here. Prepare small change as there are many beggars. "
26 April 2018Irishbutik
" Nice for a short sightseeing, like 1 hour. Enjoy the crowd while sitting on the grass. And ride the cartoon wheel car around the square. Get cheap street food if you're a bit hungry. "
20 April 2018Dephy Handoko
11 April 2018Alex Alfand
" First time ke alun-alun kidul Solo. "
08 April 2018Hardian Tri Hartanto
" A beautiful place, i usually go to this place a twice for a month, with my nephew and drive lamp pedicap(becak lampu :v)
06 April 2018And also be my fav place to take my time with my guest... Can be a place to introduce this City to them... And you can also find sate ular kobra(snake satay) on this place.. it has a delicious food.. and of course you can find other food like bakso bakar(grill baso) tahu bakar(known burn :v no no, i mean grill tofu), mini omelette, shell, etc... "
Tommy Irawan
" Salah 1 tempat favorite di jogja, baik utk warga lokal dan turis. Disini kita bermain sepeda gowes yang berbentuk replika mobil. Ada juga jajanan khas kota jogja di pinggir alun alun kidul. Dan dua pohon beringin yang menyimpan tanya. Karena banyak orang mencoba melewati dua pohon beringin tersebut dengan ditutup matanya, ada yang berhasil ada juga yang tidak.. akam menjadi sensasi tersendiri untuk anda dan teman liburan anda "
04 April 2018Sekar Fitriadzini Istiqomah
" The good place to get the true feeling of Yogyakarta. You can enjoy the night view of Alun Alun Kidul riding "Colourful Light Bicycle". And, when you visit in the daylight, don't forget to visit nearest tourist attraction π "
20 March 2018Imam Rosyidi
" This place for tourist destination like old town solo "
19 March 2018Rieski Prihastuti
" Place: it is public place, known with two big trees in the center of the field. If you go here you should try to walk from the line of the field with closed eyes to the middle between the trees. You better go here when it is dawn, because you can see crowd here with colorful lamp bicycle that can be ride for 3-6 person. There are rest room in the north, and mosque in the west of the field. "
10 March 2018Jakes D
" There are many stall here where you buy your (oleh-oleh) - gifts. There are many shirts and other trinkets to choose from.
27 February 2018The open field is a great place to sit and relax.
There are a fair amount of stalls selling various foods including VERY fresh fish, calamari (squid) and other items.
The pricing is very reasonable and there is a lot of food that you get.
The people are very friendly and always willing to help. "
Acha Haritz
" One of the square that is alive during the night. You can find many street foods and some street attractions in this place. There is also a famous challenge here in which you have to go through between two big trees that are located at the center of the park. Once you made it, it is believed that you will be lucky enough to get what you've been wishing for. You also can ride unique bicycle that are full pf lights and they have various shapes that will attract your attention. "
08 January 2018Melvin Lim
" Great place to wind down after a long day. Street bites such as Cilok & various Tempura (fish balls etc.) can be enjoyed while chilling on the mats on the ground in between the stalls.
14 November 2017Iconic LED lit bikes available for rent as well at around RP 40,000 for 1 circle around Jalan Alun Square. "
Azmi Hidayat
" Used to be place where people of the kingdom gather, but now its really dirty and not representing any of local culture. Government should take over this place and turn it into clean public space which is win win solution "
12 November 2017Fazlina Geya
" nah klu ke jogya maen2 ke alun2 kidul pd mlm hari krn kalian bs nikmati sepeda hias..
10 November 2017tips bwt tmn2 sebaik maen sepeda hias jgn pas rame selain macet hrga sewa nya pun mahal jg.. sebaik nya di tawar kemarin sy dpt hrga 45rb untuk mobil vw 1x muter "
Bagus Painting
" The historical square of Yogyakarta palace in the southern part, it's absolutely artistic area to visit and offered some amazing tourism attractions, such ritual passing through between the bahan tree and riding pedals cars toys with beautiful lamps decorations..and the most traditional culinary of local cuisine..πππ―π₯ππππππ "
31 October 2017Ben Monckton
" It's really just an undeveloped town square inside the Kraton. It seems popular with local high school kids. I think there's a secondhand market here on Sunday mornings. "
28 October 2017Fachri Reza
" You can try the "pure heart" game and walk into between of the two banyan trees, use your own eyelids or rent for just 5000 rupiahs. Or, you can in the night rent a quadcycle that fascinates your sight with light plays. "
28 October 2017Haidar Arif Atmaja
" I loves how this place has a very friendly environment.
12 October 2017At night, especially weekends there are so many people hanging out here.
Be prepared with coins to face the "street musician" coming to your place (if you wants to give them, it's ok if you didn't).
I don't recommend going to this place at day because it is clearly very hot.
The grass didn't quite covers the soil completely, so it'll be wise if you bring something and put it under your butt (this will keep your pants clean).
The most to try thing here is walking through the two trees with your eyes closed. "
Antonius Tri K
" Awesome design - opposite off alun-alun lor "
14 September 2017Ivan Affandi
" No other place like this one in Jogjakarta or even Java. A " magical place" known for the two big trees between which one can walk through with eyes closed and found him/herself off-track instead of maintaining a straight path. It is an old square close to Keraton where people just spend time sitting on a tatami and have simple food/drinks or rent a "bicycle-car" or ride on horse or just waiting for sunset. "
30 August 2017Gilang Romadhon Aprianto
" Famous for sparkling bycycle cars. Nice chilled open space park to have fun with your buddies. "
21 August 2017Meng Li Leong
" Nice chilled place where the locals go for late night socialising. Can get busier in the weekends if you want more lively hood. Local shops/drink/good start closing early hours. "
09 August 2017AG
" This place is awesome and beautiful. You can visit here at the afternoon to enjoy the city of Jogjakarta. This place is strategic and really well known because of two magical banyan trees in the middle of alun-alun. Many people believe that if someone can through the space between two banyan trees with closed eyes, your dream will be come true. "
08 August 2017Vero Nica
" Historic venue of Karaton Surakarta since they barely productive, the place has minimum maintenance. Its a pity. "
03 August 2017Rosita Noerwardati
" It's famous for its sparkling bicycle cars, decorated with colorful lights with various themes. It also offers various food with simple dining tables. A nice place to hangout with friends and family. "
16 July 2017Sonny Farlin
" When the night is come, this should be one of your listed places to visit in Yogyakarta. You can experience how to walk between two ' historical ' trees. Make sure you close your eyes, and try to pass it. There is a belief " once you could pass the way between the trees, your dream will come true. It sounds easy right? So why don't you come here, and try it. Lots of fun you will find here. "
" One of iconic place in Surakarta. Cheap entering ticket. Many food stall make little messy. Need to well coordinate with them. "
02 July 2017Nancy Chandra
" Best place to hang out with family..better go at night, we can play with neon lit beautiful "
28 June 2017Bernadetta Aryanti
" Good place for spending the evening here. Make sure to choose healthy food here among variety food we don't know its quality and hygiene. "
25 June 2017Danu Nurwinarno
" There's cycling cab with lighting party, 7' screen & full Electronic Dance Music hahaha... "
21 June 2017Kezia Febicalista
" Please add the need for common spaces like toilets. But its a great place to see the colonial building, the people are nice, its a cool place to get pics and learn about part of the architecture moreover part of the history of Indonesia. Come visit this place! "
05 June 2017Nur Arief
" It's a pretty nice place. Peaceful and quiet at day. Festive and crowded at night. "
31 May 2017Eneas
" Pretty good plaza square of the palace. There are various food stall around. We can find sacred buffalo at northern part of this square. Not bad to hang out or try some street foods. "
29 May 2017Clara Azelia
" Public space β
11 May 2017Historical place β
Food stall β "
Febri Nugroho
" A field located behind the royal palace of Yogya. In the middle of the field there are 2 giant banyan trees. Tradition here, if you can walk right through these two banyan trees with your eyes closed, you're a clean-hearted person and your way of life will be smooth. You can believe it or not. In this place you will not be charged, only you can rent a blindfold of 10,000 rupiah. "
27 April 2017Aulia Avis
" Refreshing. A garden middle town. Cozy. Come at night. You can play a quadcycle "
23 April 2017Hanna Agustina
" Open space for quick family gateway. They've got various meals with affordable price. And also various attraction. Unfortunately the traffic quite absurd. "
22 April 2017Klaudia Xary
" Nice open place, actually at night. There's many kind of modified bicycle and well decorated with LED light. You can ride it with your friends. "
08 April 2017Syahri Fadhli
" The Legend of 2 big trees at the midle of the alun alun, and get ride in to odong-odong (Rp50k 2field round, you must bargain to get it 3round). Very famous site of Yogyakarta, you must visit. "
08 April 2017Kety Sumbayak
" Must visit not only for making a wish between the banyan trees but come here by night time... You can enjoy the cool lights from funny pedal Volkswagen xd "
06 April 2017Ahmad Saifurrasyid
" Nice open space. People love to do their running activities here. Peace and quiet (if you come in the right time) "
06 March 2017Vina Sectiana
" It's one of the heart of Jogjakarta. A lot of youngster here is spending their time with their friends. Trying to walk between the trees, just sitting and eating corn BBQ. Definitely a must try activities in Jogja
23 February 2017Best time to go: night time.
Warning: Avoid going here by car. It'll be hard to move. "
David Joe
" Good u santaii "
22 February 2017Nuravita Maharani
" This place is suitable to spend weekend with your family, nice here to try "masangin" (walk in between two tree in the center of townsquare) "
20 February 2017Bobby Mizutani
" Great place to hangout at evening. Try some odong-odong with so many colorful light and music. "
16 February 2017Jagbinder Singh
" So comfy at night. The feel of real Jogja that you can feel all over the corner of the place "
11 February 2017Wiranti Sitoresmi
" Great place to hangout. You can try cycling around the alun-alun with your friends. But limited option of food though. Better to visit at night. "
03 February 2017Koxis Verserken
" Saturday night or holidays? You might want to visit this place, a must visit place in Jogja. Not by gigantic buildings, vice versa, its humble appearance with a lot of local food seller for your tummy recreation and unique common people entertainments. Seeing is believing :) "
29 January 2017Ela Garini
" A very crowded tourist place, particulatly during holiday. You can find a lot of street vendor food seller and rent a fully light vehicle here. This has famous known with Masangin tradition among visitor, whereby people trying to straight walking between 2 trees with blindfolded eyes to reach out the center. Local story telling belief that anyone could walk straight to between those 2 trees will be able to reach out the dream "
01 January 2017Selondjor Vibes
" Too much crowded at 4 - 10 pm.
29 December 2016If you want to more enjoying time here, better come before that crowded time. In addition of center this place, you can walk straight to the south for a minute, and find the building whete you can see from a bit higher. Take a photo shoot ! "
Andre Triadiputra
" One of the best hangout place for locals :-) "
20 November 2016Putri Fachriati
" Very usefull... π "
11 October 2016Nabilla Khudori
" Tempat nongkrong. Banyak yang jual bakso bakar "
11 October 2016Thya Malinda Basmar
" Popular place to jog or workout in the morning and every Sunday. Very crowded at weekend, holidays, and peak season. Many attraction such as toy cars or tandem bike. Many food stalls selling snack, food, beverage. Little bit hard to park for cars when it's started to get crowded at night. Fun thing, you can try 'Masangin' too here. There's myth that if you pray for something and can pass through the twin Beringin trees in the middle of alun-alun with eyes closed your wish will come true. "
13 September 2016Yurnalis Simorangkir
" Explore the unique of Jogjakarta Castle, rent a Becak Motor only 10.000 rupiah and they will bring you to 4 places that is not so good to visit (from the price we know already) but its ok for first time visitor "
13 September 2016Barkah W
" It is one city square in Indonesia which its function still run: as a public meeting place. The square still open for public, no fence installed. You can try the mith of two big trees in the center, or you can jog arround it in the morning, or eat the street food, or at night you can paddle the decorated car-bike in fancy neon light. The cars are suitable for young children or new couple wanting to strengthen the bond.
09 September 2016The grass need some trimming. Be careful when stepping into the field, some ground is muddy when wet. "
" banyak pengamen nggon lesean, nggone rodo kumuh tor pesing ambunya π‘ "
05 September 2016Keyko Handayanu
" Good job alun alun solo "
25 August 2016Alam Kojay
" Rame bener klo malem.... "
24 August 2016Rendra Budi Hutama
" So-so, common Palace alun-alun with it's two threes in the middle. The unique thing is you could find white buffalo at northern part of this square. However, The cleanliness need to be improved. "
23 August 2016Barkah W
" It is one city square in Indonesia which its function still run: as a public meeting place. The square still open for public, no fence installed. You can try the mith of two big trees in the center, or you can jog arround it in the morning, or eat the street food, or at night you can paddle the decorated car-bike in fancy neon light. The cars are suitable for young children or new couple wanting to strengthen the bond.
22 August 2016The grass need some trimming. Be careful when stepping into the field, some ground is muddy when wet. "
Thya Malinda Basmar
" Popular place to jog or workout in the morning and every Sunday. Very crowded at weekend, holidays, and peak season. Many attraction such as toy cars or tandem bike. Many food stalls selling snack, food, beverage. Little bit hard to park for cars when it's started to get crowded at night. Fun thing, you can try 'Masangin' too here. There's myth that if you pray for something and can pass through the twin Beringin trees in the middle of alun-alun with eyes closed your wish will come true. "
19 August 2016Andreas Kurniawan
" More popular place in Jogja with blink-blink vehicle, you can ride it arround the alun-alun, also you can walk in the alun" with close eye, people's belived if they can walk between big trees, they will get lucky. "
19 August 2016Alam Kojay
" Rame bener klo malem.... Buat sekedar jalan, angkringan, ato naek sepeda mobil. The challange is, can u walk straight ahead between two banyan tree and pass them with closed eye? Well, godluck.. "
17 August 2016Kombate Bienmali
" Its a nice place for relaxing some time when i get bored in my room or to test tradisional food "
24 July 2016Shalom Sandrina
" D'crepes nya murah lumayan enak. Jgn lupa naik sepur kelinci mas doel degan ,ππ "
16 June 2016Foo Joon Sunn
" Fun game to play. Walk across the space between the two fenced trees from a distance, blindfolded. Impossible! "
30 May 2016Candra Aji Setiawan
" This is an iconic square that really describe the keraton atmosphere. Unfortunately, this place is dirty. "
29 May 2016Wahyudi Untung
" Karena selalu ramai "
26 May 2016Asyam Mulayyan Dary
" Nothing special, just a huge park with a gigantous tree at the middle. Its crowded at night, especially during the weekend. You can rent a pedicab to go around the park, or just have a dinner beside the road. "
17 May 2016Tiyo Kasogih
" Good place to hangout in Jogjakarta. You can eat, play, and sing with your friend. This place open at night. You must try to drive a car, but you must ride like bicycle. "
05 May 2016Reza Arlianda
" Nothing special actually, just a large park with a bunch of rented odong-odong (pedicab) that jam the steet. But if you are looking for a antrhopology study about yogyakarta citizen behavior in their slumber, this place is a recommended one. "
04 April 2016Alex Iwan
" Okay "
21 March 2016Stephen Schur
" I really enjoyed a chicken noodle dish here on those low tables they set out at twilight. It's fun to watch (or drive) the pedal cars with the neon lights. By day, its worth while checking out the craftsmen working the semi-precious stones. You might find something you really like. Very handy to the Trans Jogja stop. "
11 November 2015