" Very beautifull place to finish all of your holiday with special person. "
25 May 2018
Acie Acie
" many beach so far and need good leader to make a good plan to be attractes toutris to come "
20 May 2018
Ravi Kumar
" Awesome place to chill with u r friends "
02 May 2018
Arsya Amirul Mukmin
" Pulau Jawa atau Java Island, adalah pulau terpadat di Indonesia, dan menjadi pulau dimana Ibu Kota Indonesia berada, di Jawa ada beberapa provinsi, seperti Banten, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta, di Pulau Jawa sendiri seperti pusatnya Indonesia, dikarenakan tadi terdapat Ibu Kota Indonesia, walaupun pulau kecil tapi padat sekali, banyak yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa pergi ke Pulau yang lain, karena kecilnya lapangan pekerjaan, dan sedikitnya upah yang dibayar. "
07 April 2018
" This island is very lively and has a large population. It has so many cities! "
13 March 2018
Miftha Karima
" Born in Java, East Java exactly. Has so many wonderful places. If you need tour n travel service, you can ask me for more information. "
08 March 2018
RagiL Anggara
" Java island is the most populated land in Indonesia with more than 150 million people from all around Indonesia. Mainly speak Javanese Language.
It is the center of Economy, Politic, Education and many more aspect. "
02 February 2018
Rieski Prihastuti
" I was born in Java so I would say that Java is great place, consist of 5 province. Good people and many culture can find here. "
17 January 2018
Eka Dharma
" Just love exploring this place "
27 October 2017
Fajrin Subchan
" One of the wonderful things of Indonesia.. "
05 October 2017
Arie Laksono
" Born and raised here. Many cultures and races living peacefully. "
28 September 2017
Santosh Kumar
" Nice place for holidays. "
25 September 2017
Adi Sumaryanto
" Tanah jawa "
12 September 2017
Rifqi Marwan
" Best island of Indonesia "
10 September 2017
Abbas Ganjushakkar
" Beautiful place "
08 September 2017
Ferdy Kristianto
" Beautifull place, go when low seasons will be better "
04 September 2017
Lukas Satria
" Good for geographic knowledge when me and my friends talk about history..
Just suggestion,would you mine make a ancient maps of the world? "
16 August 2017
Ruth Shanta
" No telpon dan bbm ga ada yg aktif. Dan ga jelas. Email juga ga pernah di balas "
11 August 2017
Savina Aradhani
" salah no tlf itu, udah bukan cv java lagi tapi klinik tadi saya tlf "
Ardiana Putri
" Very beautifull place to finish all of your holiday with special person. "
25 May 2018Acie Acie
" many beach so far and need good leader to make a good plan to be attractes toutris to come "
20 May 2018Ravi Kumar
" Awesome place to chill with u r friends "
02 May 2018Arsya Amirul Mukmin
" Pulau Jawa atau Java Island, adalah pulau terpadat di Indonesia, dan menjadi pulau dimana Ibu Kota Indonesia berada, di Jawa ada beberapa provinsi, seperti Banten, Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Yogyakarta, di Pulau Jawa sendiri seperti pusatnya Indonesia, dikarenakan tadi terdapat Ibu Kota Indonesia, walaupun pulau kecil tapi padat sekali, banyak yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa pergi ke Pulau yang lain, karena kecilnya lapangan pekerjaan, dan sedikitnya upah yang dibayar. "
07 April 2018李小
" This island is very lively and has a large population. It has so many cities! "
13 March 2018Miftha Karima
" Born in Java, East Java exactly. Has so many wonderful places. If you need tour n travel service, you can ask me for more information. "
08 March 2018RagiL Anggara
" Java island is the most populated land in Indonesia with more than 150 million people from all around Indonesia. Mainly speak Javanese Language.
02 February 2018It is the center of Economy, Politic, Education and many more aspect. "
Rieski Prihastuti
" I was born in Java so I would say that Java is great place, consist of 5 province. Good people and many culture can find here. "
17 January 2018Eka Dharma
" Just love exploring this place "
27 October 2017Fajrin Subchan
" One of the wonderful things of Indonesia.. "
05 October 2017Arie Laksono
" Born and raised here. Many cultures and races living peacefully. "
28 September 2017Santosh Kumar
" Nice place for holidays. "
25 September 2017Adi Sumaryanto
" Tanah jawa "
12 September 2017Rifqi Marwan
" Best island of Indonesia "
10 September 2017Abbas Ganjushakkar
" Beautiful place "
08 September 2017Ferdy Kristianto
" Beautifull place, go when low seasons will be better "
04 September 2017Lukas Satria
" Good for geographic knowledge when me and my friends talk about history..
16 August 2017Just suggestion,would you mine make a ancient maps of the world? "
Ruth Shanta
" No telpon dan bbm ga ada yg aktif. Dan ga jelas. Email juga ga pernah di balas "
11 August 2017Savina Aradhani
" salah no tlf itu, udah bukan cv java lagi tapi klinik tadi saya tlf "
08 February 2017