HokBen Plaza Festival (Permanently Closed)
About HokBen Plaza Festival (Permanently Closed)
HokBen Plaza Festival (Permanently Closed) is a restaurant, located at Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav.C -22/GF A 04-05, Caturtunggal, Jakarta Selatan, Kabupaten Sleman, DKI Jakarta 12940, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 1 500 505, visit their website www.hokben.co.id for more detailed information.
Muhammad Fikri Maulidin
" Makanannya sama seperti outlet lain.. hanya saja tempat yang di pojok kurang promosi, jadi banyak customer yang terlewat tempatnya... "
05 June 2018Pris Fajar
" Kaka yang cantik,,tamat terus puasanya
27 May 2018Pengen makan hokben "
Ari Widianto
" Clean, affordable and nice food "
26 May 2018Wandi Hidayat
" Tempat makanan yang cukup nyaman untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga, rekan, dan teman. Menu makanan Japanese Food. Tersedia makan di tempat dengan fasilitas tempat yang cukup luas, juga terseda pesanan khusus bawa pulang. "
26 May 2018No Vi
" Tempatnya cozy karena berkaca sehingga dapat lihat pemandangan jalan raya. Menu terjangkau dan enak saladnya "
23 May 2018Enjang Ipit
" Good "
23 May 2018Atika Maharani Moro
" Enaak bangeeett "
23 May 2018Heru Dianto
" Tempat duduk tersedia bayak, selalu ramai. Personelnya ramah. "
22 May 2018Ryan Sudaryana
" The first and the only one Hoka hoka Bento in town 😆 "
22 May 2018Umar Sanhaji
" Nyaman "
20 May 2018Jengkol 057
" Nice "
19 May 2018Rizal Arifin
" Oishi (delicious) Japanese food. One of my favorite fast food restaurant. "
18 May 2018Elly Yuliati
" #LetsGuide. Outlet ini berada di lantai 5 mall ciputra. Pelayanan nya ramah. Ada jual es krim disini. Harganya murah. Bisa juga utk merayakan ulang tahun. "
17 May 2018Allan Pramudyanto
" Usual "
16 May 2018Eko Cahyo Wiranto
" Good "
14 May 2018Flo Renshi
" A fast food chain that specialized to serve Japanese style meal box / rice bowl. "
13 May 2018Ratih Puspa
" Ok "
13 May 2018Bayu Akbar
" actually this is the most place I visit for eat while I go to CBD Ciledug mall. Nice place and food. "
10 May 2018Hary Adi
" Over all good except Wall glass not really clean "
09 May 2018Siti Mu'alimah
" Lumayan, tapi nggak puas. Lebih suka hokben di Kediri Mall dulu, cuma udah tutup karena bangkrut. Enakan pas di Kediri. "
09 May 2018Sri Pamungkas
" Fastfood with japanese taste. "
08 May 2018Adhitya Santoso
" Hokben harapan indah is a quite good place that have a magnificent children playground area "
07 May 2018Luthfi Naufal
" Service express. Kebersihan kurang karena lokasi outdoor. Panas. Tidak terlalu mengantri. Cocok jika mau take away. Harga terjangkau. Lokasi di pojokan sudut. Mudah untuk menemukannya. "
02 May 2018Khalid Montazi
" Ok 👍 "
02 May 2018Akuma Shinda
" Jam 5 pagi udah terima order, sesuai sama jadwal bukanya di gmaps. "
01 May 2018Dendi Komarudin
" Sedang dalam renopasi jd menu gk lengkap "
29 April 2018Marsinta Simbolon
" Oke "
29 April 2018Steven Rumate
" kasihan pegawainya terlihat capek. ruangan besarnya panas "
29 April 2018Muhamad Abdu Algifari
" Hokeben Botani Squre merupakan restoran yang menyediakan makanan khas jepang. Letaknya di dalam Botani square. Makanannya enak dan mengenyangkan. Tempat ini selalu ramai. Harga yang ditawarkan lumayan, sesuai dengan harganya. Banyak paket makanan yang menarik. Selamat mengunjungi dan semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih "
28 April 2018Galih Prakoso
" mantap "
27 April 2018Opang Abdulgofar
" Mantep "
27 April 2018Gerry Pujiwa
" Good place "
27 April 2018Abbott Hsu
" Not really Japanese style. "
27 April 2018Bang Dul - Channel
" Helpful place "
21 April 2018Yuda Pratama
" nice "
21 April 2018Joe Franc
" My fave food here is Chicken Katsu. "
19 April 2018Budhi Nugroho
" Nice place to bring y'r kids "
19 April 2018Gareth Steed
" Woefully understaffed with big queues and long waits. Tables are full of people in the queues so nobody with food can sit and eat. Hire more staff! "
18 April 2018Ramaz SouL
" saya suka dengan cita rasanya, mohon di tingkatkan karena antriannya panjang pada saat sibuk "
18 April 2018Atikah Rahmah
" yuuummmyyyyy "
17 April 2018Jauhariyanto Yuwono
" Only use 2 of those 3 floor, but mainly 1st floor doesn't have good air conditioning "
16 April 2018Aditia B Pangestu
" Saya penggemar berat hokben...kebetulan saya ditasikmalaya pasti saya makan di hokben tasikmalaya, pelayanannya parah...segalanya tdk siap utk dihidangkan, fav set kurang soup, buat pket D blom siap, bahkan minuman tdk ada....pelayanan mengecewakan sekali... "
16 April 2018Prima Hotlan Kristianto
" Tempatnya luas.
15 April 2018Standar pelayanan, rasa makanan, dll sama dgn HokBen di tempat lain. "
Budi Darwanto
" Terletak dilantai 2 tepat diatas superindo. Jarang antri. Tempat nyaman. Beefteriyaki sama chicken teriyaki recommend "
15 April 2018Nur Haliqa
" cukup mengenyangkan "
14 April 2018Heribertus Widi Kustanto
" Enak "
14 April 2018Doli Barkah
" Cozy "
13 April 2018Yudhi Aryakusuma
" Lovely fast food. Simply lovely. "
13 April 2018Sugi Prasetya
" HokBen Kiosk , Sekarang buka d LG ( samping pempek ny KAMTO ) "
09 April 2018Lay Pau Sen
" Strategic location , good taste & healthy meal "
09 April 2018Fema Solekhah
" Can be your choice to eat when you dont have much time. Just try the ice cream, not bad.. "
08 April 2018Andreas Santoso
" Less hygienic, a few small roaches seen on the floor. Also, the service to a foreigner is less satisfying due to lack of English proficiency. The dispensers are also cluttered (see picture). The employees here must provide better services either in foreign languages like English, and better be proactive when there are trashes left by customers BEFORE a new customer comes in. "
07 April 2018Sammy Chandra
" Hokben utk take away dan delivery "
06 April 2018Nurcholis Kurniawan
" Good place for family or bussines "
05 April 2018Gojek Driver
" GOOD "
05 April 2018Young Bestari
" Very nice place and great to bring kids "
04 April 2018Yona Ramadhana
" Yaaa menurut aku sih ini tempat yang perfect. Hokbennya sama seperti outlet-outlet hokben yang lainnya. Di sini selalu antriii dan cenderung crowded (siap-siap ga dapet tempat duduk heuheu). Tapi yang bikin mengecewakan ya lantainya kadang suka ga dibersihin padahal hokben di sini rame loooh "
04 April 2018Agustina Asri
" Comfortable place to eat with family "
04 April 2018Iwan Haddie
" Bla bla bla "
04 April 2018Basuki Driver
" Ok. "
03 April 2018Candra Dinata
" Good "
03 April 2018Anita Noviani
" The place is clean,accomodate many chair n table. No worries how many people come in. "
31 March 2018Schattenjager19
" The place is small but still ok "
31 March 2018Silvano Hajid #JURNASIL
" SOS if you don't have any foot at home. because it's 24 hours delivery service "
30 March 2018My D
" Menunya sedikit dan tempatnya dipujasera jadi kadang susah dapat tempat duduk "
29 March 2018Ali Dumble
" Hokben (singkatan dari hoka2 bento)adalah jaringan restoran waralaba makanan cepat saji yang menyajikan makanan jepang yang berbasis dijakarta. Indonesia. Pelayanan ramah, tempat lumayah bersih dan rapih, karena terletak diluar ruangan jadi agak sedikit panas. "
28 March 2018Dapur Purigardenia
" Japan food, tempat strategis "
22 March 2018Mochammad Diego
" Not prepare all of foods before they out of stock. The room is hot cause ac was broken. Take time too long to deliver foods that have been cooked when you wait for them. "
21 March 2018Denny Lukita
" Like it, very much "
20 March 2018Nurul Berlian
" The food's good.. But the place.. Hmm.. 1st I can't even feel the AC.. 2nd there are some flies inside the eating area.. "
18 March 2018Hadid Alamsyah
" They have kids playground for under 8 years old. "
18 March 2018Basuki Driver
" Ok "
18 March 2018Buday Purna
" Best japanese fastfood restauran "
14 March 2018Evi Gustami
" Sekarang dengan tampilan lebih fresh & lebih luas.
13 March 20181. Area tempat makannya luas banget
2. Para pelayannya kebanyakan lelaki, tapi nggak pada jutek 👍
3. Ada security HokBen nya juga 👍. Jadi tenang aja kalau ada bapak. Ahaide..
4. Sudah bisa pake T-Cash
5. Bersih. Dibersihinnya cepet. Bahkan security juga sigap ngerapihin 👍👏👏👏
6. Recommended lah pokoknya kalau mau makan enak dan bersih di TangCity "
SiKincung T
" Tasty food, moderate price, fast and friendly service. "
12 March 2018Okky Hartono
" Narrow place for eat the meals and also for takeaway meals "
11 March 2018Kojiro Emmy OzoRARAfaell
" Ini di CL kan yaa lantai 5 "
10 March 2018Hokianto Candra
" Love it cause it's one of 24 hours restaurant in lokasari "
10 March 2018Toni Note
" HokBen Lokasari, i like it because it is one of the 24H opened food store where i can go anytime and it is very easy to reach and clean. It is quite quiet when at midnight to almost morning. "
08 March 2018Rosa Sasmita
" Hot chicken steaknya favorite "
07 March 2018Dito Hartanto
" Japanese express foos "
06 March 2018Luthfi Naufal
" Fast service Hokben. "
26 February 2018Happy Hapsari
" Please fix your queue system! Been queuing for 30 minutes only to get some meal. Gosh. Terrible! Not many staff here. Even the security was helping clean the table. "
24 February 2018Deddy Taufik Hidayat
" Another outlet of Hokben, serve Japanese style food. Price medium to high, seating area for around 80 seats. So many menu. "
24 February 2018Vaibhav Bhave
" Reasonable prices. Reasonable variety meals tend to be quite filling "
21 February 2018Yudi Siswanto
" Nice food. Parking venue too small "
20 February 2018Marianie Ekadewi
" Excellent service for take aways, definitely not recommended for Dine in. No parking areas available for Cars. "
18 February 2018Renaldi Indiarto
" better taste and big portion than on a city mall "
17 February 2018Nanang Suhadi
" Tempat enak,tapi untuk take awaynya lama banget,padahal ngantri duluan tapi gak dibikinkan menunya malah duluan yang dine in,walaupun ngantri jauh dibelakang saya. "
17 February 2018Ivan Kristofer
" Quick service but the place is small and bo smoking area "
17 February 2018Christina Tanor
" The closing date on Google is not the same with the store. They already did closing on 9.30PM. Please change the open/close time. Thanks. "
14 February 2018Indrawan Saputra
" Restoran olahan masakan Jepang Hokben hadir di Mall Pondok Gede Plaza.
14 February 2018lokasinya di lantai 1, dekat tangga naik ke Hypermart dan bersebelahan dengan Es Teler 77 "
Anastasia Anisa
" Used to be the best place to eat.. But not so much anymore. The food quality has actually decreased, i feel. "
13 February 2018Adittiya Rahman
" Sangat Cepat harus lebih cepatt lagi "
06 February 2018Sugi Prasetya
" Sekarang buka lg di LG . Tepatnya di samping pempek ny KAMTO . "
06 February 2018Ami Raini Putriraya
" Please be informed beforehand that this review is especially for the service aspect of this restaurant in this specific branch.
26 January 2018I came for lunch at around 11.30 on January 26th 2018. For a chain restaurant that has been awarded "Brand of The Year 2017-2018" for a "quick service restaurant," their service is slow! I stood in front of the cash register to pay for several minutes before someone came. It turns out that the person in charge for the cash register was preparing an made-to-order for a previous customer. If Hokben is not ready to offer made-to-order menus (like takoyaki and the likes), they should stick to a prepared meal instead! Not only that, the staffs seem busy but no one actually serve customers standing in line to order their food. I expect better from a chain that accepted an award from World Branding Awards. "
Fitrahmadhany Triasyah
" always in love with all the japanese food there. huaaaaa chicken teriyaki always be my favorite even the price more expensive than outlet in downtown "
25 January 2018Amy Randy
" Hokben aku suka "
24 January 2018Hasan Ashari
" nice "
22 January 2018Adi Prasetyo
" Fast respon for ojek online order now "
21 January 2018Yulia Widarti
" Nice place inside a mall and the place is pretty dirty and you can celebrate your birthday there and a place where you can wat outside and foods are served with waiting on line and you can bring kids desserts ate served there its very good a halal foodplace "
20 January 2018Angga Rahmadi Wijaya
" Nice place but lack of toilet "
19 January 2018Syukria Mardhatilla
" Fast food "
19 January 2018Nang Hernant
" A perfect place to eat when you are at point square "
18 January 2018Milanisti Sejati
" Too crowded, far away from comfortable! "
16 January 2018Guswendri
" After renovated, this place seem to be nice than ever. I sometimes took lunch at this place. Cozy too.. "
15 January 2018Ayu Rahma Citrawati
" Tempat makan lgi pgn bento "
12 January 2018Theodora Ethyn
" Recomm place, cozy, clean, delicioys food! "
11 January 2018Hairul Nasution
" Makanan nya enak, bento special porsi nya pas bgt... ditambah minuman ocha yg segar...rame pengunjung nih, pelayanan cepat pula... thanks "
07 January 2018Mega
" Gak pernah antri, tempatnya luas..paling suka sama paket Value set "
05 January 2018Linda Hikmayanti
" Kesukaanx anak2 buat ngumpul... "
05 January 2018Benny Indrajaya
" Nice resto, delicious food "
05 January 2018Sonny Susanto
" 24 hour restaurant available for Meruya people "
03 January 2018Mirza Ramadhan
" About the food i just ordered tokyo bowl gyudon and ogura(red bean) ice, the first one has quite tasty but i still can't describe about what is it, and the ogura ice was good for people who like simple dessert this thing was recommended
31 December 2017The minus of this place was the time to wait the main course to be served, they need more than 30minutes to be ready, i think that was too long for waiting if you choose to dine in, even i know the reason because this hokben was open 24/7 and they are who provide hokben delivery, that's why it take so long "
Eka Setiawan
" Always love the Hoka Hoka Bento for lunch or dinner "
30 December 2017Ifuk Permana
" Good place... standard hokben menu "
30 December 2017Mariyadi
" Pelayanan yang Buruk, antriannya panjang dan panas. "
30 December 2017Pras Dedy
" Saya sih blom tau tempatnya...apakah masih ada ? "
28 December 2017Putri Amalia
" Baru kali ini makan disini dan masih ada makanan yg blm sempet ke makan, saya minta take away. Daaann sama pelayan disuruh bungkus sendiri, dksh plastik n tempatnya yg ala kadarnya. Pelayanannya sangat tdk memuaskan..!! "
27 December 2017Niken Trihapsari
" Ok "
24 December 2017Maximum Project
" Hokben ini ada di graha cijantung Mall. Ada di lantai atas Mall graha cijantung. Tempatnya lumayan luas. Untuk menu sama dengan hokben hokben lainnya. Disini Bis juga di booking untuk acara acara private seperti ulang tahun dan acara lainnya. Karyawan disini ramah ramah memberikan pelayanan. Beberapa kali makan disini selalu merasa nyaman dan puas. Recomended buat kalian yg lagi laper yang ada diseputaran Mall graha cijantung. "
21 December 2017Anggita Permatasari
" just good, but kind of pricey "
21 December 2017Aris Setiyawan
" Mantab non ac n nyaman "
20 December 2017Ardian Guci
" Ok "
19 December 2017Rahadian Sukma
" Quickly serving but limited seat available. "
19 December 2017MARISA PRASETYA
" Standar. Menunya tdk bnyak. "
16 December 2017Daniel La
" 24 hours... pretty good place, complete menu "
16 December 2017NeeKhern C.
" Reasonable prices and okay food for the choices at the airport. May be price but it's airport pricing which is understandable. The Chicken teriyaki is however too salty but the beef is okay. The service is good and the staffs are friendly. If you are not a picky eater, this is alright. Not much to complain. "
15 December 2017Abu Naufa
" When you stay in Kartika Chandra Hotel, its the best alternative place to get some foods "
06 December 2017Safitri Ani
" Pemesanan cepat respon baik. N makanannya enak "
03 December 2017Gandhi Ferdinand
" Intended for delivery purpose; not really intended for people to dine in... that's why there are only limited seats here... There is no restroom either here. Not all menu are ready to serve. If it is not ready, then you have to wait between 15 to 20 minutes before it is served... "
01 December 2017Erwin Louis
" Was retaurant now bcome street food.. Food taste awful "
27 November 2017Dimas Pribadi
" nice one "
22 November 2017Panji Ismail Akbar
" Makanan selalu hangat, tapi ruangannya yg di dalam kotor. Ada aroma kencing tikus dan beberapa kotoran di mejanya. 😨🤢 "
22 November 2017Aldi Gozali
" It's ok. The dishes are good. But the location isn't. It's hard to notice even by riding a motorcycle. "
22 November 2017Andhika Marni
" Pelayanan kurang memuaskan, masa saya pesan di lewatkan antriannya, dah gtu pelayan nya cuma 1 sehingga harus antri panjang "
21 November 2017Engapx Driver
" Top "
14 November 2017Philip Tan
" Childhood fave food "
12 November 2017Didiet Nursaktiadhi
" Delivery is so slow. Take more than 1 hour to deliver to building next the road "
09 November 2017Fajar Eka Hariyadi
" Take away services "
08 November 2017Sita Evita
" Pelayanan ramah. Mudah diakses tanpa melalui gate utama mall. Sayangnya saat ke sana menunya belum komplit. "
31 October 2017Apriyadi Akbar
" Pelayanan yg baik dan ramah, juga menu yg di sajikan cuku variatif dan enak "
29 October 2017Karina D
" A standard Japanese fast food resto, almost always crowded. "
27 October 2017Dwi Pawestri
" Good food, good service, comfort place. "
26 October 2017Gandhi Ferdinand
" Hmm it's just like any other Hokben outlets (taste and price)... The air is not so cool here, the lighting is not so bright, rather crowded/hectic at lunch time (people come and go including those who just pass by here). "
21 October 2017Rudy Utomo
" Long queue ... very slow service ... most of he tables are empty ! They need to hire more staff ! "
20 October 2017Meilisa Putri
" Not much space for parking lot, especially for cars "
20 October 2017AutoViral TV
" Waktu kesini jam makan siang agak sepi karena letaknya dilantai 2 dan yg buka cuma hokben doang. Dateng ga pake antri langsung pesen makanan. Rasanya enak kayak di outlet hokben lainnya "
14 October 2017Rachma Effendy
" Mood buster xoxoxoxo... love the foods and soup 😘😘 "
13 October 2017Ferry Christian
" Nice Japanese food especially for kids "
11 October 2017Martin
" Tempatnya sih enak, strategis cuma ada sdikit bau2 yg gmanaa gitu "
07 October 2017Lala Hasibuan
" Aaahh this is one of my favorite food place, i could get alooooot of things for purchasing 100k. "
05 October 2017Frank Richard
" Not clean compared another hoka-homa bento, but this one server ice cream and located near the toilet "
03 October 2017Shiroi Kumo
" Bakso with many choice "
28 September 2017Gojek Jkt Driver
" Ok "
28 September 2017Nita Ayu
" Tempat nyaman, santai, cocok utk kumpul teman dan keluarga, anak2 pasti suka di ajak ke sini. "
27 September 2017Yanto Yanto
" Same with another hokBen in indonesia "
26 September 2017Andrew Andree
" Great taste as usual "
25 September 2017Rizki Riza Muttaqin
" A standalone Hokben outlet at BSD Square. Easy to access with spacious parking lot. "
24 September 2017Philbertha Edgina
" food in here is so good, but the price is a bit expensive "
19 September 2017Bobby Mizutani
" Price here is way much more expensive than in downtown "
19 September 2017Budi Cahyono
" Ok "
18 September 2017Bobby Mizutani
" Nice and good food, this restaurant is design for take away or delivery only "
18 September 2017Ernie Artha
" Nice place for kids, love the foods and desserts with affordable price "
14 September 2017Andre Azali
" Food not bad, interior a bit dark, not too cozy "
07 September 2017Jenny -
" Dah lama gak makan HokBen akhirnya coba di PV.. order sekitar jam 8an malam ( menu dah pada abis ) tapi salut banget tetap di buatin fresh loh. Karna saya diminta menunggu 10menit, pas sampai di meja uwow... semua keadaan panas haha ( ebi furai dan chicken yakiniku nya ) so happy.. "
07 September 2017Oktaviani Rahayu
" The new concept is great. Has kids menu and also various menu for family. The place itself is clean and usually full even during weekdays. "
06 September 2017Annisa Rachman
" Good "
03 September 2017Ratri Kartika
" Salad at its best with egg roll! "
28 August 2017Kodja Franco
" Okay. Quite empty. Quick service. "
26 August 2017Zia Silver
" Good price to lunch. Crowded at afternoon everyday. "
26 August 2017Kurniawan Ku Cung Wei
" The space is very small, n they don't have food showcase storage like another branch store "
23 August 2017Arie Purnama
" Enak lezat nikmat "
23 August 2017Lia Yulianti
" A 24 hour restaurant "
23 August 2017Basuki Driver
" ok "
19 August 2017SiKincung T
" Good food, friendly service, clean tables, cozy atmosphere. "
16 August 2017Lingga Perwira Choky
" Why the price not same at the different store of hokben? Tax very expensive in here??? "
14 August 2017Andri Wijaya
" Cuma kecil tempat nya. Menu tidak lengkap. "
13 August 2017Fendy Endiarta
" Tempatnya bersih, pelayanan ramah. "
12 August 2017Widi Arba
" semoga makin sukses "
09 August 2017Edwin Setiawan
" Pas mantap "
07 August 2017Suharmin.Inbox Gmail
" Nice & delicious "
06 August 2017Agung Putra
" 24 hours food place, crowded and have not so big table to dine in. "
06 August 2017Surya Haris Senoaji
" Nice places. "
05 August 2017Jon Kopi Jon
" Came here at night, at dinner time. Somehow it's too quiet for one of the top fast-food franchise in Indonesia. The service are great, the food are ok. "
04 August 2017Franky Soit
" Good "
31 July 2017Syahril Arsyad
" Delicious "
30 July 2017Raymond Zebua
" I've been here so many times. The food amazing as usual. But I always dissapointed for the service here. They are so slow, and they oftenly not kind to the customer (its so obvious from their face). "
29 July 2017Arie Prabowo
" Quite clean and small place, sometimes you have to eat fast to let the other have your seat to eat their meals "
27 July 2017Jeff O.S
" Very delicious fried foods "
25 July 2017Resi Asmoro Putra
" Kabar gembira. Cuma disini kita bisa makan fast food sambil sauna..haha
24 July 2017Kagak ada AC coy. Btw titik dibikin ngaco nih "
Cakra Bayu
" top "
22 July 2017Syaulan Achmad
" Good place for hang around with yourself "
21 July 2017Marsha Haryanto
" Pesen shrimp ball. Take away. Kuahnya asem, basi kah? "
19 July 2017Dennis Jayeck
" Hokben express "
18 July 2017Zaccaria Antok
" HotBen TOP "
16 July 2017Eluk Lucky
" Okay, its a place to eat bento, the taste is very indonesia food, its sweet.
14 July 2017They have a small place, its ten or twelve tables there... "
Izzatur Arrasya
" Not as big as hokben alam sutra but still great "
10 July 2017Kartika Sitepu
" Good food, affordable price, always crowded "
10 July 2017Juwita D. Tyas
" Food is as expected. There's a playground for the kids. Plenty parking space "
06 July 2017Yudhi Hardian
" Good "
03 July 2017Willy Alexander
" good place for meeting. not too crowded "
03 July 2017Muhammad Irfan
" Bad interior design "
30 June 2017Dessy Cempaka
" 24 jam buka "
30 June 2017Natalisa Krisvina
" Good food for kids and family with good service. "
29 June 2017Candra Noviandri
" Sayangnya ga ada area bebas asap rokok "
28 June 2017Sidik Purnomo SE
" Makanan Favoritku😘😘😘 "
28 June 2017Foo Fighter
" Simple "
27 June 2017Andy Barker
" ok "
27 June 2017Ceria Yulianto
26 June 2017Rei Cen
" So many customer. But the employee isnt enaugh "
25 June 2017Kace Undetected
" ntaps jiwa "
22 June 2017Nilam Ismail
" Usual HokBen parlor. A bit too crowded though "
20 June 2017Abdul Rohman
" top... "
20 June 2017Rog Stars
" Service lama "
19 June 2017Lina Lis
" The Food Are So Good Taste,Nice Quality, Yummy And Delicious.I Love The Salad With The Rice. "
17 June 2017Masyhud Zayadi
" Tempat bagus, namun harga kurang murah, jadi kalah sama makanan sejenis yg menawarkan harga lebih murah kualitas hampir sama "
17 June 2017Gojek Jkta2409
" good service "
16 June 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Very small store. You just order here if you want to take away. Not really comfortable. "
16 June 2017Muhamad Nuryadi
" Ok banget "
16 June 2017Toko SUKSES TERUS
" Very crowded and very dirty, very dissapointed "
15 June 2017Ronny Wijaya
" Good food but a little expensive. If you go to itc shoping centre you should try traditional food at food court not junk food like this. "
15 June 2017Joy Driv
" taste very mediocre. price up size down "
15 June 2017Fifien Andriaty
" Lunch "
14 June 2017N1rwana
" 8/10 hokben aleays decent for me price and taste. This place quite nice for dinning. "
11 June 2017Yanto Jiwanata
" Restoran cepat saji "
11 June 2017Wahyu Hidayat
" Top... "
09 June 2017Erwin Santosa
" Top... "
06 June 2017Ricky Pramudya
" Seperti Hoka-hoka Bento yang lain, hanya saja disini ada pojok kopi yang sangat enak dan duduk diluar yang bebas merokok. "
05 June 2017Tommy Nugroho
" Closed at 23.30 😀 "
03 June 2017Irma Ramadan
" no money + wanna eat japanese food = hokben "
29 May 2017Leon K
" Food is nice but expensive for small portions. "
28 May 2017Boma Septiago
" moderate price and could be a choice of Japanese food "
28 May 2017Resi Asmoro Putra
" Kabar gembira. Cuma disini kita bisa makan fast food sambil sauna..haha
25 May 2017Kagak ada AC coy. Btw titik dibikin ngaco nih "
Gandhi Ferdinand
" (Edit: This place is still open. People who suggested that it is permanently closed are wrong!)
24 May 2017This is one of my favorite restaurants in Pamulang. It is just like any other Hokben outlet. :) "
Arranda N Azzalea
" Nice place.. Good food.. Cozy place for kids there is play area.. 👪😄 "
20 May 2017Basuki Driver
" ok "
15 May 2017Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Makanan jepang paling enak nih! Gojek harapan jaya "
14 May 2017Gandhi Ferdinand
" This place is bigger than the usual size of any other Hokben restaurant "
10 May 2017Johannes Wongkar
" Hungry? Get some japanese fast food in ITC cempaka mas here "
09 May 2017Lalu Reza Alvian
" parkiran mobilnya banyak, pelayanannya bagus "
04 May 2017Ari Raharjo
" Good food... "
01 May 2017Ficky Julyansyah
" Good services, tasty foods, clean area. "
01 May 2017Anta Karize
" Enakk "
30 April 2017Jaky Windutama
" Value set with mineral watter 2 set 70.ooo idr 😊 "
26 April 2017Joshua Giovanni
" Place is spacious, it located near the office, crowded on lunch time. Food was nice. "
25 April 2017Fakhriy Dinansyah
" Great food as always, but the place can't deliver the crowd "
23 April 2017Aris Setiyawan
" Tempat enak lega nyaman.ac alami.soal d teras berlian 3 blok M square.lantai UG "
22 April 2017Devy Marantha
" Wooww amazing i love u hokben.ggooodd !!! "
19 April 2017Maulana Yusuf
" Tempatnya enak... "
18 April 2017Jeffrie Trika
" It is what it is .... it has grown into more than 100 stores since the 80's.
17 April 2017Non-authentic Indonesian influenced Japanese food, far from being authentic but nonetheless can be enjoyable.
Standard service. "
Ribka Karunia Tahir
" Hokben food can never disappoint you!
16 April 2017Shrimp roll is the best👍🏻 "
" Nice "
16 April 2017Mas Aji Adi P
" Tidak ada yang kurang. Perfect. "
16 April 2017Silvi R Kartika
" We're not satisfied "
14 April 2017Irvan Baritone
" Nice food "
13 April 2017Winda Maharani
" Service need to be improved, at peak time (lunch and dinner) the queue usually long "
12 April 2017Bramadita Satya
" Nice and comfy. Cheap price for fastfood "
08 April 2017Winda Maharani
" Standar Hokben. The tables and seats are limited. "
06 April 2017Denspoer 360
" Another place for dining prior go to Bandung by Xtrans, standard food n services "
04 April 2017Agus Abdul Azis
" Dalam komplek plaza asia, bersih, suasana tenang dan santai..
04 April 2017Langganan anak "
Sunny Ineza
" The toilet is only one for each gender. And it is not so clean and make long time for queuing. But the food and place is standard as usual as HokBen. "
03 April 2017Sony Irawan
" Paling gak tahan sama beef yakiniku dan salad nya "
01 April 2017Duwi A. Ahmat Yunianto
" makananya enak.tapi pelayananya kurang,stafnya gak ramah sama sekali jutexxx banget. "
26 March 2017Manuadi 123
" Good n healthy foods "
22 March 2017Fajar Muchlis
" Makan siang "
21 March 2017Prima Abadi
" Dari dulu sampe ke anak2 juga seneng mkn disini. Sayangnya sekarang sudah tutup "
18 March 2017Andi Kevin
" Ok "
17 March 2017Rendra Hertiadhi
" Good for a quick bite while shopping around the mall "
16 March 2017Imam Muharram
" Hokben bro. The indonesian style japanese food "
16 March 2017Hablina Arifianti
" Good "
16 March 2017Nicolaus Rolusta
" Udah pindah sekarang ya? "
13 March 2017Reza Saputra
" Toiletnya susah "
11 March 2017Rama Admiral Muhammad
" delicious, clean, fast "
10 March 2017Jimmy Andra
" Sip "
04 March 2017Arief Arrachman
" Moderate japanese fast food restaurant "
04 March 2017Agung Widodo
" Mantap rasa nya "
03 March 2017Uber Yamaha
" Nyaman dan strategis "
01 March 2017Radar Sakha
" Good service "
26 February 2017Fauzi Fembriawan
" Pindah kemana nih sekarang kok di lantai 3 amplaz dah gak ada? "
22 February 2017Faizal Taufan
" Cuma hokben yg style jepang. "
21 February 2017Vicco Alfarine
" Just OK, to find quick bite during your shopping session at ITC Cempaka Mas "
20 February 2017Rama Aprianto
" It's a japanese(?) chain-brand eaterie, for foreigners that used to eat a somewhat big portion of meals please avoid this place coz they serve their portion equivalent of a japanese bento (boxed food/lunch)... "
18 February 2017Fajar Hidayatullah
" sama seperti hokben yang lainnya. pelayanannya cukup baik, mohon ditingkatkan kembali karena pelayannya sering lupa "
17 February 2017TROY BETAN
" Located on the 3rd floor with good view along the Pondok Indah high way. "
07 February 2017Jean Mario
" Cukup luas, pemandangan jalan raya pamulang "
05 February 2017Trie Jayanthi Rahayu
" Selain deket dr rumah, anak bisa main di play ground setelah makan. Makanan jepang dengan rasa indonesia... "
04 February 2017Wayan Murni
" Makanannya enak "
02 February 2017Wahyu Saputra
" Mantap abis........ "
31 January 2017Atma Putra
" Nice place to eat fast meal in Junction "
31 January 2017Mulia Yusuf
" Selalu ramai dan kesulitan cari tempat duduk. Ruangan duduk indoor tapi terasa outdoor karena AC mall nya tidak dingin. "
24 January 2017Agus Susianto
" nice "
21 January 2017Djulio Laurenzo
" Nice lunch as usual "
19 January 2017Utari Ambarwati
" nice serve "
16 January 2017Tyas Restu
" Cozy place, good food, but little expensive for student. "
16 January 2017Andri Hendrian
" Buka 24 jam on delivery "
16 January 2017Steffia Winata
" Okay place but lately the size of the food is somehow decreasing. It used to be bigger in portion then nowdays but taste still the same which is good. "
15 January 2017Arif Ongko
" cekbo.2023 "
12 January 2017Rand
" save my hunger at the place where you can see is all phone :) . "
10 January 2017Gamal Sena
" Overall a good choice for Japanese restaurant. Also plenty of seating place which is nice "
09 January 2017Purnomo Putranto
" Good food "
09 January 2017Adi Gustiar
" Seperti biasa jika makan di daerah harapan indah parkir dikenakan 2x yang pertama dari pihak resmi yang kedua dari pihak liar. "
08 January 2017Alung Ng
" Just like any other hokben in town "
06 January 2017Markus Yuwono Herbayu
" Can delivery too "
06 January 2017Mei Meri
" Delicious for food. "
04 January 2017Green Dino
" Foods are delicious but they need to add more air conditioners to make the room cooler "
03 January 2017Ika Suhartanti Darmo
" Good place to wait for the groceries' shoppers with bento. "
01 January 2017Agus Abdul Azis
" Termasuk komplek asia mall
01 January 2017Langganan anak gue hadeuh "
Dimas Prasetyo
" Pelayanannya tidak lebih baik dibanding di mall. Ada baiknya hanya di buat delivery saja "
29 December 2016Rodi Amsal
" its a good restaurant with a great taste for hungry people.... "
29 December 2016Beni Moniung
" Menu wajib jika flight di terminal 2 "
11 December 2016Gustina Malinda Simanjuntak
" This place is confortable to have lunch while we're shopping or hangouts with family or friends because the place is in itc cempaka mas that is a central shop of cloths, shoes and others. "
09 December 2016Muhammad NAUFALAFIF
" It's lit, obviously. If not, consider the axiom of replacement "
01 December 2016Yan Hendri
" Japanese fast food "
30 November 2016Amiruddin -
" Hokben never failed "
29 November 2016Tonny Notosetyanto
" Good quality fast food, but room must be maintained in reasonable clean "
29 November 2016Ricky Pramudya
" Standar Hoka Hoka Bento di Indonesia. Kelebihannya, ada sudut kopi yang lengkap. "
22 November 2016Endy Budiman
" Seperti standard hokben yg lain....lokasi strategis dan luas "
19 November 2016Wahidin Teguh Sasongko
" Praktis kalau lupa ga makan di lantai atas pamulang square, walau kecil banyak pilihan ... pelayanannyapun bagus dan ramah "
15 November 2016Agus Barkah
" Good lunch "
11 November 2016Stefanus HL
" Decently located, sometimes have hygiene problem. "
10 November 2016Wulan Sukmawati
" Quiet nice to have a dine here if you can deal with the hectic coz it's right in front of Carrefour "
08 November 2016Margo Jiweng
" Karena udangnya enak "
05 November 2016Wayan Murni
" Dagingnya enak "
04 November 2016David E.S
" Drive thru japanese bento lol "
01 November 2016Dewi Meriah
" yummi "
27 October 2016Laura Desilina
" tempat singgah favo "
26 October 2016Hrm Comm
" Easy to find "
05 October 2016Valid System
" Children playground nya bagus, tp parkirannya kurang rapih "
02 October 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
21 September 2016Melky Irawan
" good "
19 September 2016Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Enak makanannya. Nagih "
18 September 2016Tantri Sangkanparan
" Good foid "
15 September 2016Hadi Fahmi Fauzi
" Like it "
13 September 2016Johanna A
" This place wasn't so full when we arrived but was full house as soon as we were about to leave. We wanted to sit inside but for some reason was ushered outside. I enjoyed the food but wished that I received a warmer acceptance. "
11 September 2016Yesti Anna
" The food is delicious and the price is quite low. "
10 September 2016Cowo Hebat
" Pas Sama Budget mahasiswa wkwkwk "
10 September 2016Ano Sajid
" Japanese food "
09 September 2016Adit Pasha
" Ternyata Sudah tutup,kecewa "
08 September 2016Mas Ir Graha
" Tempatnya cukup luas, varian menunya belum ada yang baru. "
08 September 2016Tigor P. Tambunan
" Tempat dan rasanya enak "
06 September 2016Yandi AF
" Bagus... "
05 September 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" It's only a small kiosk. Usually only one employee serving here, you've to wait if he's out for a while. Menu's limited as well, due to its size. The only point I can give is, they waived the 5% service charge fee (I guess there's nothing to serve anyway). "
03 September 2016VR Kris
" Fav sering kesini "
02 September 2016Grace Septina
" kok ga buka2 lg. pdhl lumayan sering mkn disini "
28 August 2016M. Febrianto Sangaji
" Not a long wait "
21 August 2016Denny Prasetyo
" Tempatnya kurang strategis, standar hokben lah. Lebih enak emang dibawa pulang daripada makan ditempat "
21 August 2016Alvian Chris Pradana
" Kecewa dgn pelayanan dan kebersihan. Crew super lambat dlm membersihkan tray bekas makan. Dan jarang dibersihkan semua diam aja di kasier. Padahal ga terlalu banyak pembeli. Bikin makan jadi ga nikmat.
15 August 2016Sisanya terlalu sempit utk mobil. Dan parkir motor terbatas. "
Aliea Tjahjani
" Gerah "
11 August 2016Benrizal Efendi
" 🍔 "
09 August 2016Iqbal Fazlurrahman
" Reasonably priced fast food "
07 August 2016Gilang Mentari Hamidy
" Sudah bangkrut "
25 July 2016By Nikholas
" Always select the packets, cheaper. "
24 July 2016Yosi Trianggono
" Tempatnya ramai. Beberapa paket tidak disediakan "
21 July 2016Yuzzie Maharto
" Ok "
14 July 2016Gábor Varga
" A busy japanese resto. Recently renovated, now looks nicer. "
14 July 2016Handry Carlos
" Just a local Japanese fast food "
13 July 2016Mario Kurniawan
" Just love this food "
12 July 2016Alva Kristianto
" one of the best Hokben resto in Bekasi "
10 July 2016Tubagus Rahmatulloh
" Good food "
06 July 2016Way W
" Take out super cepat "
05 July 2016Delulih Fauziah Yulli
" makan enak "
04 July 2016Pipuh Mimuh
" standar hokben. sayang posisi kurang strategis "
26 June 2016Kahfi Alfarisi Firdaus
" Makan hokben dulu "
25 June 2016Ditya Jayadi
" enak untuk istirahat "
23 June 2016Ady Harja
" Standar lah "
20 June 2016Dwi Wibowo
" Suka makanannya...enak. antriny yg kdang lama "
19 June 2016Aveline Agrippina Tando
" Bulan puasa selalu menjadi waktu yang tepat untuk mencari restoran cepat saji karena tidak semua buka dan saya yang mengidap maag akut ini perlu makan. Ini dia salah satu restoran penyelamat saya ketika saya tidak menemukan satu tempat makan pun. Menu memang tidak selengkap Hokben pada umumnya karena tempatnya yang kecil dan apalagi hanya sebatas ruko. Tempat parkir juga sangat minim. Namun, pelayanan cepat dan pramusaji sangat ramah. Bahkan, saya diperbolehkan untuk menambah sambal semau saya! Haha! Meskipun demikian, tempatnya memang tidak cocok untuk makan di tempat karena kecil dan sempit. "
12 June 2016Umi Kokom
" Ohh tank you so much Google
08 June 2016So location "
Michael Kho
" Salah satu resto siap saji ala Jepang "
06 June 2016Tabuty Coffee
" Luumayan "
29 May 2016Adee Sulaeman
" Great business place. "
18 May 2016Clarence Rusli S
" Cocoknya buat beli bawa pulang ajahh,, tempatnya ga nyaman "
17 May 2016Joe Joey
" Not a good place to dine in.. Small place with no air conditioning. You better make a call to deliver their food "
13 May 2016Ahmad Ubaydillah
" Kurang jos "
11 May 2016Rhevi Vieman
" Berlokasi di komplek mall asia plaza, makanan ala jepang dengan pilihan menu beraneka ragam.. Cocok untuk keluarga "
17 April 2016Bambang Siswanto
" Salahsatu Restoran favorit keluargaku di Harapan Indah. "
16 April 2016Eka Susanti
" Seger dey nyobain konyaku strawberry nya. Enak 😜✨ "
15 April 2016Agus Sugianto
" Suka linglung kalo nyari tempat ini. Selebihnya bagus lah "
15 April 2016Vari The Traveling Cow
" This is not hokben cibubur junction. This pin is PONDOK INDAH MALL. It's very far from Cibubur Junction "
11 April 2016Aas Adiana
" Tempatnya enaaak banget "
06 April 2016Bambang Sudiyono
" Makanan cepat saji. Praktis dengan harga banyak pilihan "
18 March 2016Husnirokhim Alim
" Tempatnya ok, tapi panas. AC gak berasa. Tempat main anak lagi dipakai ulang tahun. "
09 March 2016Angga Awang
" Quick bite on toll road "
05 March 2016Stefan Syukrillah
" Delicious but expensive "
15 February 2016Dwiyan Pratiyo
" Pelayanannya cepat. "
08 February 2016James Adhitthana
" The que is always long, but the new renovation has improved the restaurant by a lot! "
08 February 2016胡志鋒
" 不錯吃的地方 "
06 February 2016Santi Fresti
" hokben nya gak strategis, diantara booth baju gitu. tapi enak luar biasa. "
03 February 2016Andreas Santoso
" Well kalau mau ke tempat yang affordable, namun dengan fitur terbatas (yeah, I'm looking at you, Wi-Fi), bolehlah tempat ini cocok :) "
02 February 2016Mei Dewi
" Emangnya ada hoka bento di balekota?? "
31 January 2016JEJEN. M. ZEIN
" Dinner with my Family.. "
12 January 2016Niskala Wastu
" Loved it "
05 January 2016Sandria Agung Saputra
" yahh lumayan lah kaya hokben lainnya, murah dan kenyang wkwk "
23 December 2015Gandi Suparlan
" Suasana nya ga seperti hokben pada umumnya, methode penyajian dan pelayanan seperti fast food pada umumnya. Harga middle rate "
20 December 2015Stefanus Indra
" Your favourite Japanese fast food restaurant "
19 December 2015Hendri Dunan KN
" ok "
11 December 2015Urza Rumpoko
" Hampir sama dengan gerai2 hokben yang lain. Letaknya di bagian barat Lt. 3 "
05 December 2015Rudy Suharto
" Reasonably cheap & delicious halal bento. "
28 November 2015Dharma Marhen
" It's different size,more than small from other hokben "
22 November 2015Andi Falih
" My favorite food while go back to this city, yummy "
28 October 2015Wahyudi Yudi
" Karyawan hokben "
17 September 2015Rheza Allan
" Lapey "
23 July 2015Geri Virgian
" Cool "
16 April 2015Drajat Agung
" Sedap "
14 December 2014Eful.pustek@gmail.com Eful.pustek
" Monggo mampir mas and gans.. :) saya akan layani dangan pelayanan yg terbaik "
29 October 2014Arif Fatoni
" Jadilah untuk weekend "
20 October 2014Dahri Reza
" Ll "
13 September 2014Iyan Kurniawan
" #Hunting "
07 August 2014Arul Chan
" Libra bags corp. "
07 August 2014Hariza Yasidi
" Mantap nih.. "
12 May 2014Agus Setiawan
" Enak,tempatnya nyaman dan weters nya ayu ayu rek. "
06 May 2014R. Adhi Noegroho
" Children's favorite meals "
16 April 2014Chavlin Val
" Nyamiiiiiii.. "
16 March 2014Haris Riswandi
" Pernah Nyasar Nyari Nyari Alamat Di depan sini.tepatnya di Pusat kota teramai Ciledug ini "
15 March 2014Dede Fathiah
" Nyam nyam deh pokonya "
13 March 2014Maria Ulfah
" Mkn enak "
17 December 2013Bayu Aji
" Ini sangat enak "
16 December 2013Wiznu Andika
" Lekker "
13 December 2013Harisuthan Iverkala
" I ever saw a shopping mall like this. Whatever you want, you will get that here.. thousands of small small shops, comparably cheap and we can bargain the price. Each floor is specified with cloths, food, electronic, mobile and computers, many more. Some day we can enjoy Indian dance (Indonesians are performing dance like Indian cinematic style with Indian Hindi songs) in front of carrefour in lower ground floor. We can get all parts of mobile phone there in shops. Many mobile service centres.. many cloth and shoe shops... it is like a market placed in a big shopping building. So crowded. No movie theatres there. Not good for food. We can see some Indian textile shops also there. "
06 December 2013Ilham Ramadhan
" Yummy "
26 October 2013Prasetyo Adi
" Bukber nya tanggung.. "
20 July 2013Heru Kurniawan
" enk "
12 July 2013Endra Cahyadi
" Met makan siang.... "
" ok banget "
21 May 2013Henny Mulyani
" Good.... "
17 March 2013Yoga Aditya Priyantono
" decent japanese fast food chain "
23 December 2012Amir Abdullah
" Kekenyangan hufft "
27 September 2012Joe Pasaribu
" Term 2 now "
19 August 2012Hasan Basri
" Buset, rame bener ya. Mana macet banget lagi luarnya. "
18 August 2012