" Drini Beach became one of the special tourist beach in Jogja because of the existence of a small island in the middle. Not just any island, because this island divides the beach into two parts with different characters.
Like a dual personality with one side quiet and soft, while the other side is hard and fierce. On the west side a row of curled boats is resting waiting time back to the sea. When fatigue, hay-roofed huts ready to shake our hot heads. "
15 May 2018
Brahma Sila
" Very nice, bisa nyantai2 melihat pemandangan indah sambil menikmati makanan disini, bermain pasir putih, bermain dengan ombak2 yang kecil, aman buat anak2 "
27 April 2018
Sabda Ratu
" My favourite of Gunung Kidul beaches, especially after having a child. In my opinion, the safest beach in Gunung Kidul for children to play at, thanks to Drini Island that breaks incoming waves. "
25 April 2018
Olivia Lengkei
" One of the great beach in kidul mount. "
07 April 2018
Dita Aisyiyah Larasati
" Just good. Indeed better view all the way to beach. Sunset when i go back to yogya, and good sunlight between mounts. "
02 April 2018
Korean Updates
" It's always a good therapy "
02 April 2018
Rianthie Hanazk
" I love this beach. Blue, clean, and the wave is not as big as in Parangtritis. They have white sand. I enjoyed this beach alot. "
24 March 2018
Yanuar Rachman
" beautiful beach, great view, so enjoyable "
18 February 2018
Khala Kirana
" I like this place cuz not many people inthere but the bad thing r waves very high .. Over all good. I didn't the local people selling the cottage .. It must free i know they need some money but u know i and my friend just sit for awhile in the cottage they come to to us and said to pay 30k rupiah ..really bad.. "
24 January 2018
Untung Prasetyo
" Awesome view'. Clean water. :3 "
20 October 2017
Andri Anto
" Nice place to hang out with your children without worried of big wave of "Pantai Selatan". Play with the sand, cano, swim ...and drink fresh coconuts.. "
29 July 2017
Rootless Wanderer
" Great view..safe wave for kids, can play kayak, it has two small hills and we can track to and enjoy the view from the top "
04 May 2017
Totok Suswadi
" Place for eat seafood "
08 April 2017
Марта Стефанчук
" Amazing view, very peaceful place and clean water "
07 March 2017
Shaula Balqis Zuhriyah
" I came here first 5 years ago and the view was better than now. Maybe it's because there are more tourists now. When the tide is low, you should come up to the little island and see the amazing view from up above. "
Ikhsan Martadi
" Drini Beach became one of the special tourist beach in Jogja because of the existence of a small island in the middle. Not just any island, because this island divides the beach into two parts with different characters.
15 May 2018Like a dual personality with one side quiet and soft, while the other side is hard and fierce. On the west side a row of curled boats is resting waiting time back to the sea. When fatigue, hay-roofed huts ready to shake our hot heads. "
Brahma Sila
" Very nice, bisa nyantai2 melihat pemandangan indah sambil menikmati makanan disini, bermain pasir putih, bermain dengan ombak2 yang kecil, aman buat anak2 "
27 April 2018Sabda Ratu
" My favourite of Gunung Kidul beaches, especially after having a child. In my opinion, the safest beach in Gunung Kidul for children to play at, thanks to Drini Island that breaks incoming waves. "
25 April 2018Olivia Lengkei
" One of the great beach in kidul mount. "
07 April 2018Dita Aisyiyah Larasati
" Just good. Indeed better view all the way to beach. Sunset when i go back to yogya, and good sunlight between mounts. "
02 April 2018Korean Updates
" It's always a good therapy "
02 April 2018Rianthie Hanazk
" I love this beach. Blue, clean, and the wave is not as big as in Parangtritis. They have white sand. I enjoyed this beach alot. "
24 March 2018Yanuar Rachman
" beautiful beach, great view, so enjoyable "
18 February 2018Khala Kirana
" I like this place cuz not many people inthere but the bad thing r waves very high .. Over all good. I didn't the local people selling the cottage .. It must free i know they need some money but u know i and my friend just sit for awhile in the cottage they come to to us and said to pay 30k rupiah ..really bad.. "
24 January 2018Untung Prasetyo
" Awesome view'. Clean water. :3 "
20 October 2017Andri Anto
" Nice place to hang out with your children without worried of big wave of "Pantai Selatan". Play with the sand, cano, swim ...and drink fresh coconuts.. "
29 July 2017Rootless Wanderer
" Great view..safe wave for kids, can play kayak, it has two small hills and we can track to and enjoy the view from the top "
04 May 2017Totok Suswadi
" Place for eat seafood "
08 April 2017Марта Стефанчук
" Amazing view, very peaceful place and clean water "
07 March 2017Shaula Balqis Zuhriyah
" I came here first 5 years ago and the view was better than now. Maybe it's because there are more tourists now. When the tide is low, you should come up to the little island and see the amazing view from up above. "
28 February 2017