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About Alif's Bakery & Cookies

Alif's Bakery & Cookies is a bakery, located at Jalan Rajawali Babadan Baru No. 99, Banguntapan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55198, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 274 2841031, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 66

Erna Martiana

" Good taste, good price "

13 October 2020

Faradilla Astriani Lestari

" Cake & cookies yummy ???????????????? "

15 September 2020

Isnain Evilina Dewi

" The chiffon cake is so tasty. It is softand the cheese is everywhere!! ;) "

03 September 2020

Gabriella Nova Tatya

" Sometimes not all ready to be served, it is better of you give a phone call before go there. ???? "

26 July 2020

Nanda Ab

" Chiffon double kejunya ???????? "

26 April 2020

Kame Kuro

" recommended cheese shifon cake in Jogja "

26 April 2020

Latifah Nurhayati

" Sifon cake nya lembut "

20 March 2020

Adi Dbgad

" Close to my home and adequate parking space "

06 March 2020

Tiara Nurwita

" The best siffon cake in town "

21 January 2020

Asppehorti NKRI

" Good service, delicious bread "

31 December 2019

Cahyo Kartika

" Delicious and I love the cheese one! "

26 December 2019

Sukro Suntoro

" Nice chiffon cake. But please keep the good quality of it..once time i bought the taste bit different "

21 December 2019

Iqbal Khoiri

" tidak suka roti,tapi nama alif nya gw suka "

24 November 2019

Acenk Mahendra

" Banyak variant rasa Harga juga terjangkau. Pelayanya juga ramah. "

13 November 2019


" Good Quality with good price "

29 September 2019


" Ahhh chiffon cake nya paling juarak. Jgn lupa yg triple keju biar makin enyakk "

16 September 2019

Rosana Yuditia

" The most delicious chiffon cake with cheap price in Yogyakarta. "

22 August 2019

Kharisma Khairunnisa

" with cheap price can get delicious cake. 💯 "

14 August 2019

Sri Ani Puji Setiawati

" Sponge cake nya just a kejunya "

03 August 2019

Madya Nur Adi

" nice place and cake was good too, for disable can visit too "

26 July 2019

Agusta Ariyoshi

" Enak dan murah.. terutama chiffon cake nya.. "

21 July 2019

Ryos Yunanto

" Ramai, cuma ga sempat ketemu the owner,.she my old high school friend "

17 June 2019

Ryos Yunanto

" Ramai, cuma ga sempat ketemu the owner,.she my old high school friend "

17 June 2019

Rizky Widiatmoko

" nyaman..pilihan roti lengkap "

26 April 2019

Ima Fatimah

" Best cheese chiffon in jogja I think "

16 March 2019

Fajar Muharom

" Best shifon cake in town with afordable price :) "

10 February 2019

Indische Muzaphire Ramdhani

" Most delicious cake is sponge cake. You have to try it. ☺️ "

02 February 2019

Gudar Tini

" The place serve variety of cake and bread. There are some snacks as well. The price indeed relatively cheap. Probably because the price but many of them taste funny to my liking. Their chiffon cake was pretty good tho. For such a cheap price.
There was about 3 staff who just there and being unhelpful. even ignoring customers. I was there because my uncle told me to take 200 orders of chiffon cake while I also buy some other stuff in curiosity. They actually provide delivery service but they ask for ridiculous amount of additional charge (i mean their bread and cake are cheap so...?).
Anyway the place are quite big with spacious parking area. They also have seater for waiting and they have small coffee shop beside the bakery. It has nice ambience.

For the bakery itself, if you interested to make a big order, you probably prefer to take it yourself since they'll give bonus and there will be no additional charge. I won't recommend the fried snacks, but you might like it if you prefer kinda oily texture with bit of plain savour. Since it was affordable, you might want to try bought some stuff if you're interested "

04 January 2019

Gudar Tini

" The place serve variety of cake and bread. There are some snacks as well. The price indeed relatively cheap. Probably because the price but many of them taste funny to my liking. Their chiffon cake was pretty good tho. For such a cheap price.
There was about 3 staff who just there and being unhelpful. even ignoring customers. I was there because my uncle told me to take 200 orders of chiffon cake while I also buy some other stuff in curiosity. They actually provide delivery service but they ask for ridiculous amount of additional charge (i mean their bread and cake are cheap so...?).
Anyway the place are quite big with spacious parking area. They also have seater for waiting and they have small coffee shop beside the bakery. It has nice ambience.

For the bakery itself, if you interested to make a big order, you probably prefer to take it yourself since they'll give bonus and there will be no additional charge. I won't recommend the fried snacks, but you might like it if you prefer kinda oily texture with bit of plain savour. Since it was affordable, you might want to try bought some stuff if you're interested "

04 January 2019

Fbryna Av

" Sy sering sekali beli roti bwt oleh2 pas pulkam disini. Rotinya enak & teksturnya lembut serta harganya bersahabat. Tp sy agak kurang srekk sama pramuniaganya yg kurang fokus dlm plynan dan kurang teliti. Mohon dievaluasi "

01 December 2018

Ghetto Girl

" Very delicious delicate chiffon cake with affordable price! Makes me overlook the bad service from employees who mostly jst chatting around being unhelpful and took forever to count my total shopping amount for no reason "

27 November 2018

Ona Mahvin

" Rotinya enak... "

18 November 2018

Ark Ark

" I like their products, but, PLEASE TRAIN YOUR STAFF! I've come to this place more than 5 times and their staff still unprofessional. "

11 September 2018

Nurul Ashfihani

" Chiffon kejunyaa, juaaarraaaaakk !!! "

17 August 2018

Hidayah Sulistya Ningsih

" Joss cake nya😗 "

26 July 2018

Epy Goweser

" enak dan murmer "

09 June 2018

Miftakhul Jannah

" Ini kue favorit keluarga kami..
Disini enak banget rasanya..semua sih hampir semua ..kemarin habis beli yang shiffon cake triple cheese..cuma 32k ..itu potongan keju sudah dimana mana..hampir tiap gigitan selalu kena potongan kejunya..
Harga murah menuurut saya dengan roti seeank itu..lokasi juga strategis boss..nyaman juga di dalam..pelayanan nya juga bagus...
Keren bgt pokoknya..ini ada beberapa foto varian kuenya dan rotinya..oya ada beberapa roti kalau sore promo 50% "

05 May 2018

Ayudhia Rakasiwi

" Saya suka chiffon cake dari toko ini, karena lembut dan kejunya kerasa banget "

29 April 2018

Seagate Thanmust


Delicious and good taste. But, not good at serving, very bad, exactly!

There is a cashier machine but they use a calculator ... What a hell.

The Cafe is just the same. Again and again I got bad experience about the serving...

The different price at the menu and the bill speaks loudly... "

13 April 2018

Irham Nisa

" Very delicious cheese cake. Good for celebrating your moments "

29 March 2018

Stephanie Purwanti

" Affordable bakery with speciality in cheese ciffon cake. "

17 March 2018

Seagate Thanmust

" Delicious and good taste. But, not good at serving.

There is a cashier machine but they use a calculator ... What a .... "

02 March 2018

Andy Budiono

" Cheap cake but nothing special. The staff are not professional especially the cashier. 2 times I had bad experience buying chiffon cake from this bakery with the cashier.
If you only looking for the cheap price, this is the place. However, if you are looking for quality, better you buy somewhere else.
Definitely not the best chiffon cake in town. "

22 December 2017

Etrin Rina Merita

" the taste is good, the price is good but the service IS VERY BAD.they made a mistake in slicing the cake to be 16 slices that suppose to be 24 slices, i ask the cashier to change with the new one but he told me it couldn't because it's sliced already without apologizes. how come?? it was their mistake. "

11 November 2017

Arnindhita Lei

" Chiffon Tripple Keju nya enak! Soft dan nggak bikin enek, ada potongan kejunya di dalam adonan. Harganya juga nggak mahal. "

08 November 2017

Riyadi Budi

" Chiffon nya enak banget dan pastinya harga murah bersahabat dg dompet... "

06 November 2017

Antonius Tri K

" Tasty "

05 September 2017

Hilman Akbar AlHayat

" Best bakery shop ever I know "

16 August 2017

Hafi Ayu

" Chiffon cake is the best and cheap price also "

01 July 2017

Lusia Widita

" I love it. Their chiffon has a good taste, smooth and yummy🤗 "

27 June 2017

Yesi Anggrahini

" The chiffon cake is very cheap but tasty. I like it so much. "

20 June 2017

Anugrah Nusantara

" good "

04 June 2017

Achmad Fanani Muharromi

" Delicious bakery and cookies with good price 👍 "

26 April 2017

Deny Widyanto Vos

" Tidak recomended. Mau pesan dalam jumlah banyak hanya diberi brosur dan harga. Tidak ada sample cake bahkan minta lihat contoh ukuran kardus atau loyang untuk perkiraan dibilang gak ada. Pelayan menjawab pertanyaan dangan sinis. Mengecewakan. "

08 April 2017


" Yang angkat telfon hari selasa 4 april 2017 jam 8 pagi kok jawaban nya tidak mengenak kan yaa , nggak seenak roti nya "

04 April 2017

Christ Props

" I love the chiffon cake.
Cheap and delicious.
Fresh bread. Baked everyday "

21 March 2017

Lintang Tranggana

" good taste bread for cheap price.. good quality also "

19 March 2017

Bachtiar Pudya

" Mantap ...
Trimakasih dah diantat pesanannya "

12 February 2017

Ferry We

" Great taste of cheese chiffon cake.. Very cheap also "

28 January 2017

Mufida Kamila

" Enak...kejunya banyak..keju asli lho, bukan abal2 :-D "

02 January 2017

Nova Heru Susanto

" Kue nya lezat bro "

09 December 2016

Nia Primastiti

" chiffon cake double kejunya juara!! salut sama alif bakery pegawai dan ownernya jujur banget dompet saya tertinggal lebih dari seminggu tetap mereka simpan dan tidak berkurang sepeserpun. :) "

20 October 2016


" Cookies & Bakery "

14 October 2016

Yoga Mediaweb

" Hongkong Puff nya enak banget. rasanya top abiss "

10 October 2016

Aris Wibowo

" Luar biasa alif's bakery sukses terus, terus sukses "

22 June 2016

Somi Restuandri

" Chifon keju bakar..murah dan enak. "

15 May 2016

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  • Monday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM
  • Sunday 8:00 AM – 9:00 PM