About Hotel Debang Resort
Hotel Debang Resort is a lodging, located at Jl. Silahi Sabungan, Silalahi 3, Sabungan, Paropo, Silahi Sabungan, Kabupaten Dairi, Sumatera Utara 22281, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-6067-661, visit their website debangresort.blogspot.com for more detailed information.
Ade De Jure
" Nice place "
14 November 2020Alex Iwan Sinaga
" ???? "
02 September 2020Alex Iwan Sinaga
" ???? "
02 September 2020Cristianto Chandra
" Stunning view of lake toba, very peaceful and calming, you can see people fishing here, didn't stay at the hotel, but the atmosphere is nice. "
02 August 2020Fatma Hayati
" Puassssss "
17 July 2020Muhammad Badzlan Darari
" Beatiful view "
14 February 2020Rudi Tresna
" ???? "
11 February 2020Jack Nathan
" Very good location. Meals not to bad
23 December 2019Average cleaning.. "
Masruha Zin
" The pool at the back facing Lake Toba "
07 November 2019ARTHALINA SINAGA
" It has a beautiful landscapes of Tao silalahi. "
03 September 2019Kuro Yuki
" Nice view, great sunrise scene. "
23 August 2019Ricky Sanowara
" Best in the area "
26 May 2019Jenny Hii
" Nice view, hotel clean too... 1st time in my life catch out sunrise???
21 April 2019Foods too spicy n drink too sweet...
Hotel got WIFI but unfortunately cant connect at 3rd floor.
Overall still can accept. Will visit again in future. "
Jenny Hii
" Nice view, hotel clean too... 1st time in my life catch out sunrise✌✌✌
21 April 2019Foods too spicy n drink too sweet...
Hotel got WIFI but unfortunately cant connect at 3rd floor.
Overall still can accept. Will visit again in future. "
" A beautiful place, very amazing, it would be better if infrastructure has been developed, especially access to get there. "
07 February 2019Kelvin Liong
" Overpriced, lack of cleaning service, pathetic bathroom, a lot of bed bugs/fleas (KUTU RANJANG),
02 January 2019Not Recommended :( "
Luke 2punk
" Bad service...not recomended for service. But view is good "
03 September 2018Diana Dahlan
" Good view. Less and less quality of food and service. "
04 August 2018Hank Van Apeldoorn
" Cheap fittings, poor quality bathrooms, pathetic breakfasts and over priced accommodation in a stunning location in Silalahi, with fantastic views. "
01 August 2018Febri Nugroho
" If you go to Silalahi and want to stay in a star hotel that is modern and well managed and has swimming pool, yes this hotel is the answer. because the star hotels in silalahi just this hotel. suitable for people who are looking for tranquility and solitude, because the atmosphere of the hotel and the surrounding quiet. we can directly enjoy the view of Lake Toba, because the hotel is located right on the edge of Lake Toba. "
12 May 2018Wendy Teoh
" Gud place to escape from regular activity "
17 April 2018Kurniawan Chen
" Beautiful view of lake toba "
14 April 2018Toni Chow
" Nice view...quite place...less accomodation "
06 March 2018Rinto Exandi Sinaga
" Facility below the expectation compare to the price. The swiming pool can get hurt your eyes. Too much chemical. Better jump to the lake. "
01 March 2018Anna Barus
" Nyaman dan bersih "
02 October 2017Ronald Zendrato
" Menikmati danau toba, dengan view yang menarik.
30 August 2017Berada di radius 500 Meter dari Tugu Makam Raja Silahisabungan. "
Reza Yudhistira
" Keren abis jika dikembangkan..sayang jalan menuju wisata ini dan sekitaranya banyak jalan sempit dan longsor..perlu perhatian pemda setempat..agar lebih lebar akses jalannya dan diberikan penguatan sisi jurang dan danau agar tidak rawan longsor..pastinya panorama disini asli keren abis "
09 July 2017Stephen Zheng
" A brand new hotel in silalahi area. The hotel offers such a great view of lake toba. The swimming pool makes the hotel facilities complete! But there's no wifi available here,so its quite difficult for you to access the internet while staying here. "
28 June 2017Johana Franceline
" Saya menginap disini awal Mei lalu
15 June 2017Hotel paling bagus menurut saya di daerah danau toba Silalahi
Harganya terjangkau dengan berbagai fasilitas yg ada
Gak nyesel nginep disini
View dari hotel ke arah danau toba keren banget
Apalagi ada kolam renang yg mengarah langsung ke danau toba
Hotelnya tenang banget
Menu nasi goreng nya lumayan tapi kebanyakan kecap
Jaringan internet susah terjangkau disini
Cocok yg mau refreshing dan menjauh dr keramaian kota
Andreas G
" Tenang bgt. "
18 April 2017Elias Hardy
" Ada spot mendaki gunung..tempat tenang..cuman jaringan masih susah..no wifi..internet telkom belum sampe ke area "
26 March 2017Friandi Saragi
" Memberikan nuansa alam yang indah dimana view dari hotel debang resort langsung ke bukit2 dan hamparan danau yang luas "
17 February 2017Sri Rezeki
" Tempatnya tenang,bersih dan nyaman,kamar best,pelayanan ok nggak nyesal klu datang nginap lgi "
09 February 2017Eliza Afriani
" Sangat enak untuk liburan keluarga "
22 January 2017Ediirawan Tanjung
" Tempatnya tenang rapi bersih dan pelayanannya bagus "
18 January 2017