Gereja HKI Sosunggulon, Hutabarat Sosunggulon - Tarutung
About Gereja HKI Sosunggulon, Hutabarat Sosunggulon - Tarutung
Gereja HKI Sosunggulon, Hutabarat Sosunggulon - Tarutung is a church, located at Hutatoruan VII, Tarutung, North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra 22411, Indonesia
Jeremy Gultom
" Biasa saja "
18 March 2018Donald Brown
" One of the original Protestant Churches in the district 👍
11 January 2018Tauratung one of the small pockets of Protestant faith in a mostly Muslim dominated country .
This Church is currently undergoing a restoration program being supervised by the current pastor 👍
Visit and take a look... he will proudly show you what's been achieved so far "
Behind Scene
" Baru dibangun "
26 September 2017Baginda Hutabarat
" Soly Deo Gloria, Hanya Tuhan yang Layak Dipuji dan Dimuliakan. "
30 October 2016Dani Hasibuan
" Mantap nai "
07 October 2016Mangontang Hutabarat
" Mantap "
06 October 2016