Danau Toba International Cottage Parapat
About Danau Toba International Cottage Parapat
Danau Toba International Cottage Parapat is a lodging, located at Jl. Nelson Purba No.4, Parapat, Girsang Sipangan Bolon, Tiga Raja, Girsang Sipangan Bolon, Medan, Sumatera Utara 21174, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 625 41172, visit their website cottageparapat.business.site for more detailed information.
VIvianti Tobing
" Tv still old fashioned one, and most of the button didnt work. no hotel sandals, hot water only avaiable for two hours each morning and afternoon. too much money spent on a standard hotel room and its not worth it. "
11 May 2018Daniel Legowo
" The rate is expensive, probably with the rate like that you could spent your nite in 4 stars hotel, but the view from its restaurant is awesome, and one note for its employees... Please be more kindly and hospitality "
11 May 2018Wirana Leman
" Such a landmark hotel, but poorly maintain. It's a pity. "
25 April 2018Edo Tandean
" Kind of old hotel. Room are quiet big but dark with a old furniture and toilet so dirty.
06 April 2018Breakfast menu not that big choice and uneatable "
Benito Rac
" Beautiful lake scenery, quaint and peaceful. However, not much to do apart from admiring the scenery. Hotel is quite old, need renovation. "
22 March 2018Harimukti Rosita R
" best view, good location, good breakfast area, fair food, bad cottage facilities, no drinking water heater, no room sandals, no AC, limited morning bath water heater, no toilette sprayer "
06 March 2018Salmiazwa Salim
" Very beautiful view. A must for nature lovers "
23 February 2018David Kartono
" Not really a recommended palce to stay with family. Very old hotel however the it has stunning scenery of Lake Toba. "
14 December 2017Amira Hasmili
" All you have to do is to take all the mattress out from the rooms, and then dry them under the sun heat because they're pretty damp! This place however has a good view by the restaurant and they serve very good ginger tea called Bandrek Tea. "
14 September 2017Goenawan Ronij
" the hot water didn't working well, the breakfast wasn't good too... and surely this place need some maintenance...
06 September 2017ps: don't bring too much luggage if you intend to stay here, the cottage a bit far from the receptionist and you have to carry it alone because there wasn't any bellboy here... "
Stefanie Alyono
" This is indeed an old hotel which needs a lot refurbishment and maintenance. I can understand if there're lots ants as it is in tropical area, but i can't accept for the cockroach. If you want to have breakfast here, better come before 9 am, otherwise you just can eat the main course. They will not refill any other fries, breads or lite bite. I can tell the only positive point from this hotel is just the location where you may see the lake view plus it is close to the ferry terminal to Samosir Island. "
04 September 2017Yulianto Qin
" Dirty room and toilet, uneven floor, no warm water in the shower after 8 pm, can't call room service because the phone in the room is'nt working, no wifi, leaking bathup. The plus star is just the view to the lake from the pool. "
01 September 2017EL RAHMA BENGKULU
" Nice Lake "
28 August 2017Ni Made Noviana Dwipasari
" Beautiful view of Lake To a from our room... Old yet quite well maintained hotel... Hot water in the bathroom is only available at certain times... "
18 August 2017Martin Hnilo
" The accomodation is realy poor. Old, not clean, needs reconstruction. Cockroaches in the room. "
15 July 2017Frank
" Ziemlich herunter gekommene Anlage, die ihre beste Zeit längst erlebt hat. Preis völlig überteuert, für das, was geboten wird. Kein Warmwasser, Bad sanierungsbedürftigt.
15 July 2017Bekommt man anderswo zum halben Preis besseres Zimmer. Keine Empfehlung. "
Nicholas Ronald
" The hotel is too old but has a beautiful view "
04 July 2017Aurora Iameresa
" Lake side. Great view of the lake even from the room. You can swim into the lake from hotel area. Breakfast is standard "
03 July 2017AVIASI Magazine
" Nice view and clean "
11 May 2017Reizky Idil Fitri
" Pelayan biasa biasa saja, kamar yang saya tempati merupakan bangunan tua dengan desain rumah adat namun terkesan suram, spring bednya sudah reyot/sangat tua bikin badan pegal dan susah tidur kelebihannya bangunan resto yg baru, tersedia swimming pool lokasi dgn view ke toba lake dan dekat dermaga "
08 May 2017P0zylbert
" Cold place without airconditional, nice lake view "
03 May 2017Telly Zheng
" Tidak sesuai dengan harga, harga hotel bintang 3 padahal kualitas tidak sesuai
22 March 2017Pintu kunci manual, tidak ada penanganan bising... Bisa dengar org lewat ato bicara di luar... pintu toilet hanya diselot saja... Lampu seadanya, hanya diberi tambahan lampu remang pada bagian kasur...
Alat plumbing trlihat sudah lama, kaca toilet kotor dan ada retaknya, shower juga sudah tidak bagus, bagian kloset tidak ada untuk bilas... Lantai keramik toilet tidak sesuai sehingga licin...
Tidak ada pendingin... Padahal udaranya panas meski banyak angin... Tv pada kamar juga tipe lama.Seprei kotor ada dan ada bekas noda hitam... Air panas dibatasi waktunya... Kurang pegawai sehingga bawa koper sendiri ke kamar dan harus melewati tangga yg cukup curam "
Mukit Hendrayatno
" Untuk harga 600ribu/mlm memang terlalu mahal , Karen fasilitas tidak ada WiFi, air panas seadanya dan makan juga bias...
05 March 2017Management harus lebih kreatif lagi karena tempat ini memiliki kelebihan langsung menghadap danau... "
Pendi Sidjabat
" View Mountain "
12 January 2017Julian Pramudia
" Good "
10 January 2017Nur Fitriah
" Pilihan yg sangat salah menginap dihotel ini. Kualitasnya tidak sesuai namanya.
26 November 20161. Fasilitas sangat tidak lengkap dan tidak standar (air panas tak ada, bathup bocor, ada tikus di atap, lampu turun daya, air keran kecil, kasur sudah tua dan tenggelam saat dipakai tidur).
2. Pelayanan dan manajemen sangat buruk (mendahulukan kepentingan satu pelanggan (dg karaokean sampai tengah malam) yang mengganggu ketenangan pelanggan2 yg lain)(rombongan kami) yang lebih dahulu menginap. Sangat tidak professional.
3. Sangat tidak bisa diandalkan untuk menangani komplain yg kami sampaikan. Line telpon sengaja dimatiin supaya kami tidak bisa komplain. Sangat kurang ajar.
4. Makanannya tidak recommended.
Sangat tidak recommended. "
Fatimah Azzahro
" Kalo bisa ngasi bintang minus, akan saya kasih minus. Fasilitas tidak standar. Tidak ada air panas, tidak ada wifi, tidak ada kulkas, sprei kotor, tv tua, remote nggak berfungsi karena sudah hampir rusak dan dikasih selotip, setiap malam selalu terdengar suara tikus mencicit di langit2 kamar. Saat weekend jangan menginap di hotel ini, karena hotel ini menyediakan karaoke di area bebas, kamar pun tidak kedap suara, sehingga sangat mengganggu penyewa hotel yg ingin beristirahat. Jika kita protes, tidak akan didengar dan malah disuruh menunggu acaranya selesai sampai jam 12 malam. Intinya hotel ini sangat jauh dari kata international!! "
26 November 2016Abang Irwansyah
" Tmp yg menajubkan, namun sarana blm lengkap "
25 November 2016Wan Fahmi
" Pemandangan bagus, namun fasilitas hotel biasa saja. "
18 November 2016Eic Nyarh
" jangan membayangkan kelas international juga sesuai namanya, hotel sdh cukup tua tanpa ada peremajaan, furniture nya apalagi, tidak ada air panas, hanya cukup bagi yg kemalaman di jalan dan cari tempat menginap "
01 September 2016Andri Agassi
" Big rooms with nice view, very nice and helpful stuff. They need some renovations though, and the hot shower only works in certain time throughout the day, which is problematic sometimes. "
19 August 2016Mhd Try Sutrisno
" Danau yg sangat luas....dan panorama indah "
26 March 2016Ahsan Naim
" Kita dimanjakan dengan pemandangan Danau Toba "
21 October 2015Mula Limbong
" need renovation "
05 January 2013