About Hotel Danau Toba International
Hotel Danau Toba International is a lodging, located at Jalan Imam Bonjol No.17, Hamdan, Medan Maimun, Hamdan, Medan Maimun, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20112, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 61 4157000, visit their website hoteldanautoba.com for more detailed information.
Sultan Tadama
" Pemandangannya indah sih..... Cuma ada min aja :/ "
" So bad! We booked 2 deluxe room + 2 extrabed on behalf of our valued guests mr. Babu from KL. All the reservation already confirmed 2 weeks before the arrival. Even, we have already received its invoice from the hotel marketing through email confirmation. BAMMMM, without any further to say, our guest arrived and went to the receptionist. SHOCKEDDDD!! THEY TOLD THAT ALL TYPES OF ROOMS FULLY BOOKED.and our guest stranded and slept at the car. The so much i need to say exactly, i represent all the disappointments by saying SUCKS!!!. Thanks for that kinda super bad services. "
13 May 2018Anooos
" Nice place .. good service..the price is normal and have everythings you need it..I like it so much "
03 May 2018Wilson Purba
" The place is good, it easy to access plaza and mall. In this area we need to pay for car park, better if it out of charge.... "
20 April 2018Arsyad Babyshop
" Kamar kurang baik, tv mati, kran air bermasalah, jd mandi pake gayung.hihi "
19 April 2018Samudra Sam
" The real one stop entertaint place @medan city.. Really love it "
08 April 2018Joshua Andika
" Unlimited parking. Pay once and you can put your vehicle as long as you like "
02 April 2018Wilson Zhao
" Hotel tua yang sangat butuh renovasi besar-besaran karena layout dan interior sangat tua, ketinggalan jaman dan kurang terawat. Kamar bergaya old, menu sarapan kurang menarik, pelayanan agak lambat, aula utama terkesan tua dan suram. Satu-satunya daya tarik dan nilai tambah hanya pemandangan Danau Toba yang tepat di belakang hotel ini. Not recommended kecuali bila tidak ada opsi hotel lain yang lebih baik di area sekitar Danau Toba. "
19 March 2018Afifah Devi
" Sangat baik "
10 March 2018Harri Adrian
" Desktop background windows Xp di sumatra utara. "
07 March 2018Hadie Pranoto Soteto
" I come and after 5 minit I left the hotel because of bad services among the staff. No international power, bad TV reception, slow wifi. Doesn't deserve the 5 stars as advertise in their lobby. "
03 March 2018Suwarno Suwarno
" Very good "
24 February 2018Ezmodes Apip
" old hotel, clean, spacious. including ok for a cheap price "
23 February 2018Shan N
" Large rooms, furnitures needed to be upgraded, wonderful breakfast with variety of vegetarian meals. Very busy location at center of city. Nearby Indian street and temples. Average cleanliness. Friendly staffs, multiracial occupant environment. "
20 February 2018Arifin M.
" Hotel lama, kurang terawat lokasi strategis dipinggir danau toba "
07 February 2018Ikbal Aja
" Kamar mandi kurang lengkap "
14 December 2017Fadri Sinaga
" Bagus tempatnya "
09 December 2017Abdul Majid
" Danau toba "
05 December 2017Marihot Simanjuntak
" Very interesting hotel with place at the downtown of medan, sumatra utara indonesia "
06 November 2017Rizky Hermawan
" One of the quaint hotel in Medan. I love their swimming pool area, it feels like a stranded delicate island in a hectic city. But of course, I guess they need to improve some parts of the hotel such as more lighting around the swimming pool area (I feel like in a thriller movie) and more spacious musholla, maybe? "
16 September 2017Martua Lumban Batu
" For batak culture and many relief at the wall, good swimming poll for people and child seperatr "
07 September 2017Fazlur Rahman
" guests want a more spacious room, cleanliness should also be more attention. "
04 September 2017MariaGoretti VideulisMUS
" Kerennn "
01 September 2017Christman Chayadi Zai Dohare
" Nice hotel, the swimming pool and restaurant service should be improved. "
24 August 2017Jacob Bower-Bir
" On the bright (albeit menacing) side, the rooms make you feel like you've entered a David Lynch film. On the less bright side, the staff are unpleasant, the hallways smell overpoweringly of cigarettes, the bathrooms are dirty, the WiFi is iffy, and everything is very expensive. This is both the costliest and grossest place I've stayed after several months in Indonesia (and I've stayed in some gross places in Indonesia, but they were acceptably gross given their cost). Hysterically and infuriatingly, this hotel bills itself as "Five Stars". "
23 August 2017Gloria Sia
" It should be nice hotel but I found some ants on working desk n insect inside the wardrobe also its difficult to operate tv. Others is ok. "
20 August 2017Boy Debataraja
" Kamar bersih,pemandangan ke danau itu sudah cukup. "
25 June 2017Jolly Andriani
" An old hotel where the old luxury still exist. The staff is polite and very welcome "
14 June 2017Reny Watan
" Nice hotel with the swimming pool accessible to public. I like the libby area..feel very welcomed there. "
03 June 2017Keow Wee Loong
" This is so far the worse hotel I ever stayed, this so call 5 star hotel does not have wifi connection amd the room is so shady like a brothel "
10 May 2017Christian Gaetaki
" The hotel got a classy style,a swimming pool,and conference hall, it also has large parking lot and the location is in the center of the city, but due to its age it feels kind of dirty and the lights is a little too dim "
23 March 2017Jerry Roger
" Breakfast at restaurant, the room was no separation beetween smokers and non smokers area..so the room was full of cigarete smoke
22 March 2017The room were old and not handle properly eventhough have great facilities "
Lucky Ferian
" this is historical hotel ...one of the oldest hotel in the city...affordable and if they have music lounge, but the food is not recommended :) "
04 March 2017Wirma Claudia R D
" Hotelnya bagus. Cuma perlu sedikit renovasi lagi. Tapi buat yang suka gaya gaya oldies, cocok sih tempatnya "
23 February 2017Arief Simamora
" Pemandangan yang sangat bagus, dari tempat tidur bisa langsung lihat Danau Toba. "
21 February 2017Thamrin Aritonang
" One of the older hotel in medan but still exists until now. This hotel has so much parking are, nice and wide swimming pool. "
19 February 2017Lasalina Siahaan
" Kamar bersih, nyaman, air panasnya jalan, view ke danaunya dapat... "
08 February 2017Taufan Akbar
" View ny oke buat pencinta foto foto... "
07 February 2017Marthin Ambarita
" Kamar tidur nyaman. kamar mandi nya bersih. Dapat view danau toba yang bagus. "
03 January 2017Vanilka Loldi
" One the of best 3 star hotels around Medan City. Full marks for cleanliness and facilities. Breakfast have less varieties. Located at middle of the city. Wajir Seafood Restaurant is just few meters from the hotel. Cheaper yet classy. "
13 December 2016Arief Simamora
" Pemandangan yang sangat bagus, dari tempar bisa langsung lihat Danau Toba. "
03 December 2016Eriel Siagian
" In the past, this is the best landmark in Medan but now, it's somehow like mostly regular hotels but I'm glad the quality is still approved, at least... "
12 November 2016Putra Regar Regar
" Familyar servis,and 'horas it 's greating..beautiful and relax plece swimming pool.. "
09 October 2016Changsu Siris Woo
" Stayed one night in a family room with 3 beds. The view from my hotel room was great. But that was the only good side of my stay here. There are croaches everywhere, bathroom is almost the same as some lodges you can find when you are trekking Himalayans.
09 September 2016You should find better hotels nearby unless you are not too much into views from your room. "
Fauzan Karim
" Still need improvment for services "
06 September 2016Sigit Setiawan
" Langganan saya "
15 July 2016Pudio Fachri Gunawan
" Nyaman "
12 May 2016Wilsa Wil
" Sorry sedikit masukan lorong lorong kamar pengap bau rokok. Sandal ga d sediakan. Harus mnta dlu. Remote tv d kmr tg saya ga ada. Harus d mnta 3x bri d antar.. Kolam renang sebagian kotor sebagian bersih. Air nya hijo. Klo ktemu staf staf nya ga ada salam kyk kyk hotel d jkt. Front office kurang eye catching "
25 February 2016Hadi Kausar
" kamarnya luaaaaas.. mantep "
10 January 2016Remlis Medan
" Good hotel,service familyar..,swimming pool it's nice..welcome drink and traditional cake ombus'ombus for wellcome guest cek-in !! And I like because legend hotel... "
04 July 2015Mohammed Nasser
" very valueable..nice "
11 April 2015