" Durians traditional market with multi local variant, multi taste.. choose carefully and the seller will serve you on the spot 👍 "
04 February 2018
Deep Fried
" It is famous in town for durian market. You want to enjoy Durian to the fullest, just come here, but choose Durian carefully because sometimes you won't get the tasty Durian you want here. Because this place is a traditional market, don't expect to be a neat and clean place. It is so messy and dirty here sometimes you must watch yourself for pickpocket and it doesn't have a spacious parking area. "
02 February 2018
Hendra Teh
" In december 2017 and january 2018 is it durian season, pasar kuto is likes the night market for durian lovers. Durian lovers in Palembang must visit Pasar Kuto in wanted to hunt tmthe durian. "
19 January 2018
Musa Rojai
" Traditional market, if you like durian then this place is one of the destination that you have to visit "
07 January 2018
Arinafril Naalim
" Lacking of drainage system in and around the market. This should be improved and then maintained. "
01 January 2018
Anggy Priyandi
" I usually buy durian, the durian was delicious "
18 November 2017
M. Nizar Al Rasyid
" Good tradisional market.. now more safety and minus criminal "
05 October 2017
Rasmo Samiun
" Best place to try many variation of local food "
23 August 2017
Tiara Andarini
" Avoid passing this market on busy time. The street is too narrow and crowded "
05 July 2017
Muhammad Anhar
" Durian center.. also provide others traditional palembang foods.. "
29 June 2017
Ken Liu
" If you're looking for durian or the king of fruits, this is the best place to get it in Palembang, just make sure you name the price ahead before you start eating "
14 June 2017
Rizky Novrianto
" My mom usually visit this market in order to get fresh fishes as the material in making Pempek, Palembang traditional dishes.
If you're interested in making Meatballs, this market also have more than one meat-mincer place. "
02 May 2017
Han Akhdayana
" traditional markets all existing "
18 April 2017
Novita Karin
" Its a traditional market, dirty, crowded, and so noisy "
19 February 2017
Ketut Arya
" Love the durian! "
13 February 2017
Erwin Ardiansyah
" Ok "
30 January 2017
Adipratama R
" At night, the price of durian is really cheap and good taste of durian.. "
22 December 2016
" Pasar yang terletak di jalan slamet riadi ini adalah pasar tradisional yang cukup lengkap terutama kebutuhan sandang dan pangan. pasar ini menjadi pasar favorit di daerah sekitar. dan disinilah kita bisa melihat berbagai etnis yang berjualan dan membeli mulai dari etnis keturunan arab, china, dan masyarakat pribumi lainnya. pasar inilah menjadi tempat favorit saya berbelanja. "
22 August 2016
Atika Sari
" nakal "
01 July 2016
Steven Martono
" It's a wet market in the morning, but in the evening it change to durian market. The Durian here is very cheap. But have to pick the choose the good durian, i got 1durian which already rotten. "
26 February 2016
Ishak Juarsa
" Belanja ikan untuk bahan racikan pempek sangat tepat disini, ikannya terjamin dari segi kualitas. Sarapan khas Palembang juga banyak terdapat di sini "
Rajab Satrianto
" Baik cs nya,makasih "
09 April 2018Ardhyan Seto
" Nice place to buy durian in palembang "
25 February 2018Fauzy Harmoko
" Durians traditional market with multi local variant, multi taste.. choose carefully and the seller will serve you on the spot 👍 "
04 February 2018Deep Fried
" It is famous in town for durian market. You want to enjoy Durian to the fullest, just come here, but choose Durian carefully because sometimes you won't get the tasty Durian you want here. Because this place is a traditional market, don't expect to be a neat and clean place. It is so messy and dirty here sometimes you must watch yourself for pickpocket and it doesn't have a spacious parking area. "
02 February 2018Hendra Teh
" In december 2017 and january 2018 is it durian season, pasar kuto is likes the night market for durian lovers. Durian lovers in Palembang must visit Pasar Kuto in wanted to hunt tmthe durian. "
19 January 2018Musa Rojai
" Traditional market, if you like durian then this place is one of the destination that you have to visit "
07 January 2018Arinafril Naalim
" Lacking of drainage system in and around the market. This should be improved and then maintained. "
01 January 2018Anggy Priyandi
" I usually buy durian, the durian was delicious "
18 November 2017M. Nizar Al Rasyid
" Good tradisional market.. now more safety and minus criminal "
05 October 2017Rasmo Samiun
" Best place to try many variation of local food "
23 August 2017Tiara Andarini
" Avoid passing this market on busy time. The street is too narrow and crowded "
05 July 2017Muhammad Anhar
" Durian center.. also provide others traditional palembang foods.. "
29 June 2017Ken Liu
" If you're looking for durian or the king of fruits, this is the best place to get it in Palembang, just make sure you name the price ahead before you start eating "
14 June 2017Rizky Novrianto
" My mom usually visit this market in order to get fresh fishes as the material in making Pempek, Palembang traditional dishes.
02 May 2017If you're interested in making Meatballs, this market also have more than one meat-mincer place. "
Han Akhdayana
" traditional markets all existing "
18 April 2017Novita Karin
" Its a traditional market, dirty, crowded, and so noisy "
19 February 2017Ketut Arya
" Love the durian! "
13 February 2017Erwin Ardiansyah
" Ok "
30 January 2017Adipratama R
" At night, the price of durian is really cheap and good taste of durian.. "
22 December 2016I.amharis
" Pasar yang terletak di jalan slamet riadi ini adalah pasar tradisional yang cukup lengkap terutama kebutuhan sandang dan pangan. pasar ini menjadi pasar favorit di daerah sekitar. dan disinilah kita bisa melihat berbagai etnis yang berjualan dan membeli mulai dari etnis keturunan arab, china, dan masyarakat pribumi lainnya. pasar inilah menjadi tempat favorit saya berbelanja. "
22 August 2016Atika Sari
" nakal "
01 July 2016Steven Martono
" It's a wet market in the morning, but in the evening it change to durian market. The Durian here is very cheap. But have to pick the choose the good durian, i got 1durian which already rotten. "
26 February 2016Ishak Juarsa
" Belanja ikan untuk bahan racikan pempek sangat tepat disini, ikannya terjamin dari segi kualitas. Sarapan khas Palembang juga banyak terdapat di sini "
03 January 2016Agues Yakuzalink
" saya lagi makan durian sama teman "
21 December 2015Muhammad Amin
" Pasar dekat rumah "
13 October 2015