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About Basko Grand Mall Padang

Basko Grand Mall Padang is a shopping mall, located at Jalan Profesor Doktor Hamka, Air Tawar Timur, Padang Utara, Kota Padang, Sumatera Barat 25173, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 28

Arief Rahman

" Seru2an di fun station basko "

20 May 2018

Uta Utami

" At first I wanted to give only 1 star but they have TBS PH J.Co and BTalk so they deserve more stars "

10 May 2018

Agravain Skywalker

" Used to be really good, now it just a shadow of its past
Its much smaller than how you expect it to be "

07 May 2018

Amos Sim

" Small shopping mall with KFC and CFC competing with each other on the 2nd floor. Ground floor has the Pizza Hut outlet just opposite the J.CO Cafe. And there is supermarket too. "

26 March 2018

Ronald Hermit

" This is a wonderful place,and this is a good place to bring youre family to play eat something,there is many things you can buy, "

11 March 2018

Anton Hilman

" fun dan kidz station nya the best "

03 March 2018

Indah Etika

" Hotel n mall are pretty good but it seems like they Need more parking area since lots of people come to this place all day n night even more on weekends... "

18 February 2018

Erfan Rifai

" a good hotel completed with a supermarket. Situated near a campus (Padang State University/UNP). not far from beach. "

12 January 2018

Dwi Murti Andora

" Nice room and view. Quite clean. But a little problem with elevator "

21 October 2017

Ruri Anggraeni

" Its called a grand mall but its just a very so-so mall. Even ITC was better than this "

18 September 2017

Annisa Echa

" Its bit hard to find parking lot for car here if you bring your own car. Because they domt have lot of space. And the parking charges are expensive "

08 September 2017

Rizky Hermawan

" I think "Grand" wouldn't​ fit for this place. The mall is part of the hotel and it's kinda small. Last time I visited there was kinda annoying because whenever you wanna go to toilet you have to go to the second floor releasing your pee-bag. The stuff they sell here enough for daily necessities but that's all. The price was moderate to expensive and not to mention lack of parking lots. "

05 September 2017

Muhammad Hanafi

" Grand mall tapi isi dikit "

26 August 2017

Rizka Adhiati

" Shoping, kidszone and culinary, everything is here "

07 August 2017

Dio Samantha

" The mall is fascinating, its design is good but it's not the best place to look for the cheapest one. "

26 June 2017

Dina Septina

" Idk what I have to say about this mall. It's really below my expectation. At first I arrived in Padang, I thought Padang is a modern city just like Pontianak and Pekanbaru. Because I'm a woman career, I expect something modern. But, when I came to this mall it's dissappointing me. F&B is really standard. No starbucks, no coffee bean, no sushi, only and KFC and ofc no parking lot! "

18 May 2017

Oktora Tarigan

" Located at the side of Basko Premier Hotel, people who stays in Basko Hotel can go this mall by walk. It was not to big. But it is a convenience place to find your needa here. "

03 May 2017

Iqbal Prayuda Aditya

" Location is bad. It's on the most crowded road in Padang City. "

22 April 2017

Robi Kurnia

" There is foodmart in Basko grand Mall, also Pizza Hut, JCO, Breadtalk, Matahari, Sport Station. "

13 February 2017

Dewi Chornelis

" The mall is on the second floor, the first floor is a foodmart and some foodcourts. No cinema theater and the parking area is not very big so it is often full. Overall clean and nice. "

14 January 2017

Ani Al Aini Effendi

" T4nya agak jorok "

18 November 2016

Amirullah Ibnu Madi

" Well, this mall causes traffic congestion as it provides limited parking space. So the queues to enter the premise are usually long.
Poor building maintenance. About a month ago the AC system at the 2nd floor was turned off! Yet, the mall was still open.
The only reason people go to this place is that they have no other alternatives! "

23 September 2016

Yuda Pramana

" One of the luxury mall in Padang city. Provide various products and entertainment for daily life ranged from food to outfit and better quality time with family in the game zones.. "

22 September 2016

Suci Byt

" bad parking area. not anough "

22 August 2016

Indra Rozi

" Berbelanja nyaman "

20 August 2016

Muhammad Fauzi

" Parkirannya sempit "

05 August 2016

Bambang Eko Nugroho

" Fully restored and transformed to a much better condition. One of the most complete place that offers its customers with lots of products supported by many facilities "

05 July 2016

Hery Melayu

" Good place for shoping "

26 June 2016

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  • Monday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM