Jumbo Ballroom and Restaurant
About Jumbo Ballroom and Restaurant
Jumbo Ballroom and Restaurant is a restaurant, located at North Wenang, Wenang, Manado City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Visit their website www.jumborestaurant.com for more detailed information.
Juwita L Paendong
" Komplit..😊👍👍 "
30 May 2018Fernando Edward
" What is this place about:
28 April 2018as you can see this is a very fancy ballroom and restaurant
What is good here:
the food are delicious here the service was excellent and the decorations was fantastic.
Any criticism:
I don't have any, cuz this place is perfect :thumbs_up:
Closing part:
i give this place 10/10. this place was perfect so, yeah they deserve that "
Chelsi Stelin
" Harga barng"nya trmasuk murah, dn lengkap "
18 April 2018Rizka Sasiwa
" Baik dan bgus👍👍 "
30 March 2018Steven Pandey
" Restoran yang sangat bagus untuk acara pernikahan. Bagus, murah, makanan lumayan enak. Pelayan bersahabat. Bisa nego harga dan menyesuaikan dengan kebutuhan kita. Akses ke tempat ini sangat mudah. Bisa dijangkau dengan mobil, motor ataupun berjalan kaki. Sangat direkomendasikan bagi orang2 yg mau menyelenggarakan acara pernikahan, ulang tahun, ataupun acara yg lainnya. Tempatnya juga bisa diakses dengan kendaraan umum. "
06 February 2018Pingkan Pangemanan
" Tampa beking pesta "
23 January 2018Daniel Nelwan
" Kebutuhan anda biadanya ada di sini serba lengkap "
10 January 2018Melisa Rende
" love this place....delicious food, good decoration, excellent service "
13 September 2017