" Great place, less known, that's why it is still great. Car are not recommended, because its hard to access. Use motorbike instead, ride until the "Sampala" sign, then continue with 10-15 minutes hike. "
22 October 2017
Dani Indachi
" Beautiful place in Sakita Village, Morowali Regency "
29 March 2017
Wayer Haris Sauntiri
" Tempat Wisata yang Cantik, Asik, Indah dan sangat terjangkau "
Nur Hamim
" Air terjun yang asri dan masih natural "
27 May 2018Adjenk Januzaj
" Mantaaap jiwa "
15 May 2018Iswan Bachdad
" Wow "
30 March 2018Muzikho Muthazilah
" Alami "
20 November 2017Indra Bagdjarahardja
" Great place, less known, that's why it is still great. Car are not recommended, because its hard to access. Use motorbike instead, ride until the "Sampala" sign, then continue with 10-15 minutes hike. "
22 October 2017Dani Indachi
" Beautiful place in Sakita Village, Morowali Regency "
29 March 2017Wayer Haris Sauntiri
" Tempat Wisata yang Cantik, Asik, Indah dan sangat terjangkau "
29 March 2017