Museum Balla Lompoa is a museum, located at Beteng Sungguminasa, JL. KH. Wahid Hasyim, Makasar, Indonesia, Limbung, Bajeng, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi 92152, Indonesia
" Actually it's a beautiful museum but they are not pay attention to the cleanliness "
19 May 2018
Samsung Ji
" Masih lengkap barang bersejarah "
04 May 2018
Agith Diora
" You can get new experiences from here "
25 April 2018
Achmadrijali Fiqri
" Good museum to balla lompoa "
06 April 2018
Farihah Naser
" A traditional museum with experienced guide who is an expert in the culture of Bugis Makassar. Lack of maintenance and preservation by the authorities may damage this wonderful structure "
06 April 2018
Indrawan Rajab
" Bersejarah "
19 March 2018
Syahar Sach
" The best destination if you want to know Gowa people and culture. "
13 March 2018
Fred Agustian
" Empty and sad. Local government should invest more on this "
04 March 2018
Vino Geronimo
" 📷📷 "
03 February 2018
Firda Amalia Haeruddin
" It's good for historical education tour because there a museum with sacred things inheritance of Gowa-Tallo empire, one of the big kingdom in western Indonesia. Actually this area is very beutiful and instagramable, unfortunately, in some area of this museum rarely maintain, so it become dirty. "
19 January 2018
Bunga Tongeng
" one of the must-visit museum. rent out traditional clothes for pictures "
03 November 2017
Woelly William
" The place is not properly maintained "
20 October 2017
Arwin Lewa
" Tempat bersejarah "
02 October 2017
Imam Yuda
" Nilai historis yang tinggi "
02 October 2017
Peter Connell
" It quite so good for foreigners as no English etc "
21 September 2017
Detti Febrina
" Chance to wear baju bodo is an awesome tourism idea "
30 August 2017
Jumardan Muhammad
" You can watch how great Makassar in the past at this place. It is a quite and knowledgeable place to visit. I love the museum! "
24 August 2017
Muhammad Fadil Denassa
" Rumah adat di Limbung "
14 August 2017
Mso3l Tim3
" Museum Balla Lompoa Bajeng, Sungguminasa, Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan "
14 August 2017 Lawa
" Good "
08 August 2017
Aziz Gaffar
" Nice "
26 July 2017
Rajab CHoro
" Good "
04 July 2017
Wahyu Pino
" Refreshing "
14 June 2017
Bill Lilipaly
" Good "
28 May 2017
Ervan Ismail
" historical place, quite informative "
30 April 2017
Rustam D'Javu
" Amazing.. "
16 March 2017
Andi Ekasari
" Beberapa koleksi kurang terawat dan hanya dapat dilihat pada waktu waktu tertentu "
04 March 2017
Murnhiech Putri Cancer96
" Bangunan yg begitu mewah, bersih n penuh sejarah....mantap☺😊👍semoga keindahan serta kebersihan lingkungan.x tetap terjaga "
31 December 2016
Ust Reza Allreuzaldy
" Waps ini sangat membantu sy dalam melakukan perjalanan jauh sehingga sy tdk sulit menemukan alamat..joss hebat "
09 October 2016
Amir Al
" Anazing "
04 October 2016
Andi Yusril
" Sangat indah, dengan halaman yang bersih "
02 October 2016
Azhar El-Marosy
" Tempat bersejarah "
28 August 2016
Asyraful Anam
" One of landmarks in gowa "
23 August 2016
Roedy Rustam
" Icon gowa "
22 May 2016
Wahyudin Mas'ud
" Icon dan simbol dari Kesultanan Gowa. "
19 May 2016
Zulu Man
" Wisata sejarah "
26 March 2016
Bernard Tan
" Museum Balla Lompoa ini rekonstruksi dari Istana Kerajaan Gowa yang didirikan oleh pemerintahan Raja Gowa ke-31 pada tahun 1936. Arsitektur bangunan ini berbentuk rumah khas orang Bugis, yaitu rumah-rumah panggung yang terbuat dari kayu ulin atau kayu besi yang dibangun di atas lahan seluas satu hektar yang dibatasi oleh pagar tembok yang tinggi. "
03 February 2016
Suprabto Baskoro
" keereen "
22 August 2015
Stanis Heatubun
" Museum yang sangat bagus, tapi sayang, karena Mrs.Brigitta Weiss , siang tadi jam 12.00 pada hari ini 13,juli,2015 hendak mengunjungi namun tak ada pemegang kunci, walaupun jendela-jendela Museum terbuka, jadi agak kecewa sebab tak sempat dibukakan pintu Museum, semoga Pimpinan Museum kedepan dapat selalu mengontrol kesiapan layanan buat pengunjug, apalagi wisatawan mancanegara ini sangat kagum akan kejayaan masa lalu krajaan Makassar. "
Vitria Annika Sari
" Actually it's a beautiful museum but they are not pay attention to the cleanliness "
19 May 2018Samsung Ji
" Masih lengkap barang bersejarah "
04 May 2018Agith Diora
" You can get new experiences from here "
25 April 2018Achmadrijali Fiqri
" Good museum to balla lompoa "
06 April 2018Farihah Naser
" A traditional museum with experienced guide who is an expert in the culture of Bugis Makassar. Lack of maintenance and preservation by the authorities may damage this wonderful structure "
06 April 2018Indrawan Rajab
" Bersejarah "
19 March 2018Syahar Sach
" The best destination if you want to know Gowa people and culture. "
13 March 2018Fred Agustian
" Empty and sad. Local government should invest more on this "
04 March 2018Vino Geronimo
" 📷📷 "
03 February 2018Firda Amalia Haeruddin
" It's good for historical education tour because there a museum with sacred things inheritance of Gowa-Tallo empire, one of the big kingdom in western Indonesia. Actually this area is very beutiful and instagramable, unfortunately, in some area of this museum rarely maintain, so it become dirty. "
19 January 2018Bunga Tongeng
" one of the must-visit museum. rent out traditional clothes for pictures "
03 November 2017Woelly William
" The place is not properly maintained "
20 October 2017Arwin Lewa
" Tempat bersejarah "
02 October 2017Imam Yuda
" Nilai historis yang tinggi "
02 October 2017Peter Connell
" It quite so good for foreigners as no English etc "
21 September 2017Detti Febrina
" Chance to wear baju bodo is an awesome tourism idea "
30 August 2017Jumardan Muhammad
" You can watch how great Makassar in the past at this place. It is a quite and knowledgeable place to visit. I love the museum! "
24 August 2017Muhammad Fadil Denassa
" Rumah adat di Limbung "
14 August 2017Mso3l Tim3
" Museum Balla Lompoa Bajeng, Sungguminasa, Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan "
14 August Lawa
" Good "
08 August 2017Aziz Gaffar
" Nice "
26 July 2017Rajab CHoro
" Good "
04 July 2017Wahyu Pino
" Refreshing "
14 June 2017Bill Lilipaly
" Good "
28 May 2017Ervan Ismail
" historical place, quite informative "
30 April 2017Rustam D'Javu
" Amazing.. "
16 March 2017Andi Ekasari
" Beberapa koleksi kurang terawat dan hanya dapat dilihat pada waktu waktu tertentu "
04 March 2017Murnhiech Putri Cancer96
" Bangunan yg begitu mewah, bersih n penuh sejarah....mantap☺😊👍semoga keindahan serta kebersihan lingkungan.x tetap terjaga "
31 December 2016Ust Reza Allreuzaldy
" Waps ini sangat membantu sy dalam melakukan perjalanan jauh sehingga sy tdk sulit menemukan alamat..joss hebat "
09 October 2016Amir Al
" Anazing "
04 October 2016Andi Yusril
" Sangat indah, dengan halaman yang bersih "
02 October 2016Azhar El-Marosy
" Tempat bersejarah "
28 August 2016Asyraful Anam
" One of landmarks in gowa "
23 August 2016Roedy Rustam
" Icon gowa "
22 May 2016Wahyudin Mas'ud
" Icon dan simbol dari Kesultanan Gowa. "
19 May 2016Zulu Man
" Wisata sejarah "
26 March 2016Bernard Tan
" Museum Balla Lompoa ini rekonstruksi dari Istana Kerajaan Gowa yang didirikan oleh pemerintahan Raja Gowa ke-31 pada tahun 1936. Arsitektur bangunan ini berbentuk rumah khas orang Bugis, yaitu rumah-rumah panggung yang terbuat dari kayu ulin atau kayu besi yang dibangun di atas lahan seluas satu hektar yang dibatasi oleh pagar tembok yang tinggi. "
03 February 2016Suprabto Baskoro
" keereen "
22 August 2015Stanis Heatubun
" Museum yang sangat bagus, tapi sayang, karena Mrs.Brigitta Weiss , siang tadi jam 12.00 pada hari ini 13,juli,2015 hendak mengunjungi namun tak ada pemegang kunci, walaupun jendela-jendela Museum terbuka, jadi agak kecewa sebab tak sempat dibukakan pintu Museum, semoga Pimpinan Museum kedepan dapat selalu mengontrol kesiapan layanan buat pengunjug, apalagi wisatawan mancanegara ini sangat kagum akan kejayaan masa lalu krajaan Makassar. "
13 July 2015Muhammad Rawal
" Wwwww "
30 November 2014