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About Lolai Negeri Di Atas Awan

Lolai Negeri Di Atas Awan is located at Limbong, Rantepao, North Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi 91854, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 27

Fitria Alexander

" Nice view but the government has to manage this area seriously. "

05 May 2018

Japhet Paramma

" Seriously, this is a great place. And so recomended "

22 April 2018

Rifki Satria

" Great views but difficult to get some proper meals "

01 April 2018

Ganang Aditama

" thay called it negeri atas awan. not so cold but the heavy wind will make you masuk angin... hahaha "

15 March 2018

Fonny Pangarungan

" Went there around 4 in the afternoon and this epic cloud we were waiting for didnt happen. So we went there again the next day at 3 in the morning and this epic cloud was there! It was awesome !! "

17 February 2018

Anon Sulistyo

" Pls start early morning to get the parking many cars in the weekend. The road to Lolai is good...concrete and asphalt.
Prepare you car to climb for 15 minutes, use 1st gear/transmision..and use engine brake to come down to the city...and be careful with other vehicle from the oposite.
Better if you visit this place in the morning after rainy at night..the cloud will come to you .. "

03 February 2018

Putu Adi

" The cloud are amazing bellow us and mount Sesean. The motel too expensive (350k) per night. The road is good already (concrette and asphalt). Not much option for food.. I will be there again tommorow (after this review are written).. "

28 December 2017

Andreas Tjahjadi

" Very beautiful view from the top of the mountain. The scenery along the way to the top of the mountain is very beautiful. "

13 December 2017

Rendyka Prana

" we start from rantepao at 4am. theres road maintenance so we have to take another route. we arrived ad 5.30am when the sun almost rising from the mountain. very beautiful view. "

02 December 2017

Ibach Tiar

" Good View for take a pic and experience on Negeri diatas awan,Tongkonan Lempe at Tanah Toraja "

19 November 2017

Joko Susilo26

" nice landscape, come to this place will give you unexpected experience, if youre lucky yo’ll get best view when sky come around under your feet "

08 October 2017

Halim Sugandi

" Nice view but not much attraction than some tongkonan (traditional house) "

24 September 2017

Inggita Notosusanto

" We visited Aug 2017 they're constructing lodgings and roads. It is a tough terrain but once your car parked by the tongkonans (where you can stay overnight) you can walk over to the ledge to see the clouds.. which will assemble around 7am. "

19 August 2017

Marco Tjoanda

" A great place to go, however the roads are so damaged that it's not worth to go there unless you are renting the local cars or you are driving a 4x4 or a SUV. Also the roads are so small that if you are inexperienced, it's wise to just rent a car with a local driver. "

08 August 2017

Wulan Handayani

" it's just amazing lookin all those clouds under your feet "

04 August 2017

Kezia Prima

" The place was nice with refreshing air, beautiful view of sunrise, cloud, fog and the valley down below. But the way up to Lolai was totally hard-broken road, that's why need more time to go up. In weekend or holiday are very crowd & difficult to park your car even your bike. "

28 July 2017

Justine Mae

" There are three spots to see the clouds paradise... If you'r lucky... "

26 July 2017

Leo Agung Arie Purnomo

" Great view but very bad road to the site. Pay attention to the weather so that not too disappoint when arrived here. Rain the day and the night before is very determining. "

08 July 2017

Ferry Taslim

" Great panoramic view like we're beyond the cloud "

02 June 2017

Nur Hapsah

" Kalau kelokasi mesti siapin jaket tebal dan bukan di musum hujan. Viewnya keren banget pas moment sin rise... Tapi kudu bangun agak cepat ya... "

26 May 2017

Jacko Jackson

" Mellong "

03 April 2017

Fajar Hadi Pratama

" Medan yg dilalui cukup ekstrim. Saat berkunjung tidak ada biaya apapun hanya sebaiknya anda datang menginap disana krn lebih nikmat menikmati saat subuh matahari terbit. Harga sewa per kamar skitar 200-400 ribu. Tempat ini akan ditutup sementara waktu utk pembangunan penginapan yg lebih baik, sampai Juli 2017 nanti baru dibuka kembali. Pemandangan & cuaca dingin yg luar biasa. "

28 March 2017

David Thioritz

" Speechless.... "

06 March 2017

Rafhael Welli

" Aku sudah pernah kesana bersama keluarga yang ada di Toraja Lolai itu tempat liburan yg sempurna dan kita bisa melihat awan dari atas gunung😁😁😁😁👏 "

03 February 2017

Lucky Ibrahim

" Salah satu negri di atas awan yang sangat menarik untuk dikunjungi. Terdapat Tongkonan Lampe yang terdapat disana, memperindah pemandangan landscape Lolai! "

01 February 2017

De Mayang

" Tempat liburan yg bagus untuk keluarga, menikmati pemandangan awan di pagi hari. Saat in jalur transportasi dan penginapan masih dalam proses penempurnaan demi kenyamanan pengunjung.. "

29 January 2017

Yuna Lembang

" Adem nan tenan hihihi "

14 January 2017

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