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Masjid Hubbul Wathan Islamic Center NTB


About Masjid Hubbul Wathan Islamic Center NTB

Masjid Hubbul Wathan Islamic Center NTB is a mosque, located at Jalan Langko Mataram, Mataram 83125. Visit their website for more detailed information.

Sebuah lambang sempurna arsitektur pusat peradaban Islam dan Masjid di Pulau Lombok dan Nusa Tenggara Barat yang dikenal sebagai Serambi Madinah dan Pulau



Sebuah lambang sempurna arsitektur pusat peradaban Islam dan Masjid di Pulau Lombok dan Nusa Tenggara Barat yang dikenal sebagai Serambi Madinah dan Pulau


Item Reviews - 26

Ayat Hidayat

" Masya Allah, Tabarakallah. Masjid Hubbul Wathan merupakan Masjid sekaligus Islamic Center yg ada di Pulau Lombok, NTB. Masjid dengan desain arsitektur yg begitu megah. Parkiran memadai dan bsa menampung banyak jamaah. terdapat beberapa ruangan Hall yg bsa di fungsikan untuk acara-acara seperti Walimah, Workshop, dan lain-lain. Semoga Masjid ini tetap selalu makmur dan dimakmurkan oleh jamaah nya baik yg lokal maupun pendatang. Aamiin. "

01 June 2018

Ewan ZN

" Luas dan nyaman "

22 May 2018

محمد دین ذو القرنين ناسوتيون

" It's a great mosque. It's big and majestic. The vestibule is grand, & the main hall is vast without any single column. The adzhan is beautiful & the carpet is soft & fluffy. However the aircon is not cool enough & the dome has leaks. "

21 May 2018

Hadri 2102

" My rating is not on the mosque but on the staff there. Very dissapointed with the them. Come at 830am they told the tower will be open at 9am. Yet 10am nobody at the counter. And the staff simply smoking in the mosque area! Very disrespectful!!! "

24 April 2018

Anna F

" this mosque has a tower where we can see the beauty of lombok city with thousands of mosques around it. every person who will get to the tower must wear a dress that covers the private or closed and polite. we are charged 5000 rupiah to get to the top of the tower. "

20 April 2018

Asri Nurbaeti

" It is such beautiful place not only for praying but also you can rest and enjoying mataram's view from the tower, all you need is just buy a ticket to go up there "

13 April 2018

Baha Fadly

" Better then pusat islam malaysia.. small island but big heart "

04 April 2018

Hannibal Steenfos

" Incredibly friendly staff member guided us around, as we arrived during midday prayer. Beautiful mosque "

25 March 2018

Anna Wonder

" I’m proud to be a moslem, berkunjung ke tempat megah miliknya seluruh umat islam...very lucky to have an opportunity to visit this place "

24 March 2018

AR Sugeng Riyadi

" The great place for praying in Lombok. Prof. Suparman was very happy for the first jumuah ... "

16 February 2018

Gary Daniels

" This is the largest mosque in Lombok and it's open to visitors including non-believers like myself. Of course, only Muslims can go into the reading room.

The highlight of the visit is going up to the top of the mineret in a lift to get great views of the island. You can even see Bali. It costs 20,000 IDR per adult for a foreigner (5,000 for a local). "

08 February 2018

Si Bagio

" Great Mosque with a beautiful architrcture dedign and interior, with the tower that give a great view of lombok island landscape "

02 November 2017

Mark Gerbrandt

" Inspiring. Breathtaking, pure devotion. A must see. "

29 October 2017

George Mui

" Tallest, largest and grandest mosque in Lombok. Visitors can pay 20k rupiah to go up the tallest minaret to the 13th floor for an amazing view of Lombok! Really fantastic and peaceful experience! "

08 September 2017

Sam Aranta

" The great of the great mosque ever built in West Nusa Tenggara. The new awesome icon was born. Thumbs up "

27 June 2017

Haekal Joenoes

" Great great great atmosphere with vast parking area and very calm ambience. Sound system quality is superb. Very clean inside with fantastic interior. The exhibition is very informative and the visitors allowed to climb the tower with admission fee. "

20 June 2017

Lukman Hadi

" Lombok island frequently people give the island of Lombok with Icon" Pulau Seribu Satu Masjid" cause it landscape of the island punctuated with more than 1000 mosque and minarets. Base on it icon, the Governor of West Nusa Tenggara Province have initiative to build the highest mosque on the island even the highest Mosque in eastern part of Indonesia country and recently succeed named Masjid Raya Hubbul Wathan Islamic Centre. This Mosque situated exactly in central of Mataram city. Just 20 kilometer from Senggigi area. For now islamic center attract many Muslim traveller from other province in Indonesia even from round the world.This place is open for public visitor even visitor from western countries, but to entering the Mosque it is more polite wear long dress T - shirt. "

21 March 2017

Dan O'Cker

" Very cool building. It's great to take a look around. During prayer times it's very busy, and you will have to be(come) a Muslim to enter. "

14 March 2017

Maria Baran

" Gorgeous mosque, especially in the nights when all illumination starts. Very friendly staff at the gate made a tour for us for free. We were allowed to see the praying place (from upstairs, actual ladies zone) "

13 March 2017

Muhammad Asrar Amir

" Really big and cool mosque. Such a beautiful architecture. Love it. To all moslem who visit lombok for the first time, try praying over here "

13 February 2017

Ummu Amaroh

" icon pulau seribu masjid.
located in capital of west nusa tenggara "

30 January 2017

Aliamsyah M

" The Bigest Mosque in Mataram "

29 January 2017

Dan O'Cker

" Very cool building. It's great to take a look around. Obviously during prayer it's very busy, and you will have to become a Muslim to enter. "

22 January 2017

Fitrah Hidayat

" A big Muslim center "

26 December 2016


" Ok "

02 October 2016

Raja Langit

" Terbaik "

02 October 2015

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