" This bank is situated in the centre of town but it has a suitable parking. They also serve money changer for foreigners. The ATM 24×7 with secutity. "
15 February 2018
Henry Popang
" Benar2 menghabiskan waktu seharian jika di bank ini, padahal cuman mau nyetor, ngandalin atm setoran ehh ngantri juga kepakai sama nasaba yg bukan mau nyetor "
26 September 2017
Christian Banna
" Lokasi bagus, dekat jalan poros. Area parkir luas. "
29 May 2017
Damy Fernando
" Ada 5 ATM, 4 ATM tarik tunai 100rb, 1 ATM setor tunai. Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa like "
21 April 2017
De Mayang
" Lokasi strategis. Bagian depan bangunan dibuat menyerupai atap rumah adat Toraja. Halaman parkir tidak terlalu luas, seringkali harus parkir di bahu jalan. Di tanggal awal setiap bulan pasti padat dan harus antri lebih lama. Tersedia ATM dan bisa setor tunai juga. "
02 February 2017
Barracuda X
" Access to this place is very easy to reach,
and sometimes the customers who come here very much,
you will get the queue "
Rannu Sanderan
" This bank is situated in the centre of town but it has a suitable parking. They also serve money changer for foreigners. The ATM 24×7 with secutity. "
15 February 2018Henry Popang
" Benar2 menghabiskan waktu seharian jika di bank ini, padahal cuman mau nyetor, ngandalin atm setoran ehh ngantri juga kepakai sama nasaba yg bukan mau nyetor "
26 September 2017Christian Banna
" Lokasi bagus, dekat jalan poros. Area parkir luas. "
29 May 2017Damy Fernando
" Ada 5 ATM, 4 ATM tarik tunai 100rb, 1 ATM setor tunai. Semoga bermanfaat, jangan lupa like "
21 April 2017De Mayang
" Lokasi strategis. Bagian depan bangunan dibuat menyerupai atap rumah adat Toraja. Halaman parkir tidak terlalu luas, seringkali harus parkir di bahu jalan. Di tanggal awal setiap bulan pasti padat dan harus antri lebih lama. Tersedia ATM dan bisa setor tunai juga. "
02 February 2017Barracuda X
" Access to this place is very easy to reach,
23 August 2016and sometimes the customers who come here very much,
you will get the queue "