" It's so good that I can take plane pictures there. But the access not that good. I mean, it's smooth concrete road but hidden between airport hotel.
If you mind to visit it for planespotting in further months you should consider another location because there's a project being done there and probably the runway view would be blocked soon.
P.s.: For Planespotting I suggest to use long-range lens "
16 May 2018
Fanny Fajarianti
" There's nothing here but you can see airplanes take off and landing. Ngurah Rai airport is definitely a very busy airport! "
14 May 2018
Adhe Bhisma Chendikia
" The best place to see aircrafts landing and holding 😊 "
14 April 2018
Angelica Chrestella
" Local beach. You can see the plane take off from here. Nice place to spend your evening. "
29 March 2018
Sena Wiranata
" As the nearest beach you can reach from Ngurah Rai International airport, it offers you an instant pleasure in no time! XD
Only 10 minutes by walking from airport, it welcomes you with a harbour-like row of stones. Great place to see the airplane take off, making it absolutely beautiful as it is combined with amazing sunset. Two thumbs up 👍 "
27 March 2018
Nency Prasetyo
" Yes, it sometimes flooded by garbage from the ocean on certain season, but otherwise you can see a white sandy beach and magnificent sunset on the horizon. The view during the sunset is hard to beat. It's not too crowded like Kuta beach nearby. "
07 February 2018
Sebastian Lopez M
" Dirty beach with calm waves and relaxing views "
06 February 2018
BayAreaLen Classic
" Absolutely love this beach, as it is bordering the airport, and I love plane spotting. This was a great day of playing on the beach while watching narrow bodies and wide body jets roar out of Ngurah Rai International. At one point I must have gotten too close to the airport fence with my camera because security came along and told me to get away. I guess they don't play around here, even if you're just an innocent plane spotter. "
24 January 2018
Husni Mobarak Prince
" Just ignored the dirty beach. Feel the freshness and enjoy the environment. And Don't forget to have a dish of spicy Salad. "
24 November 2017
JYao Liu
" It is a nice place. There will be very nice sunset. Yet the beach is a little bit dirty. "
22 November 2017
Bali Yacht Services
" Launch spot for surfers taking water taxi out to Kuta Reef. Few beach warungs are quaint and pleasant -- i mean who doesn't like fresh coconut on the beach?
During minsoon season a fair amount of trash gets blown over and accumulates on the beach, which isn't so ideallic. This is dueing heavy rain and wind monsoons tho for a couple/few mjnths of the year.
Many local jukungs here, for fishing and for transport. It also serves as kind of a shipyard, so you can see how they build these local boats. "
19 November 2017
Ervina P Wulandari
" The place where you can enjoy beauty of the beach while seeing the planes take off and landing at the same time "
13 November 2017
Danny Damar Swasonodjati
" Whether some place in this area are private, this bright pale brown sand beach show off the cleanliness surrounding, not so crowd. There are several sets of white coral rock as far as the eye sees ...awsome place "
27 October 2017
" Liked this place.. You can just relax and watch airplane taking off and landing "
01 September 2017
Akha Zakariya Fuadi
" Wanna see sunset while watching airplane landing and taking off? This is definitely the right spot. Situated right in the north side of Bali Airport runway, make us able to see the aircraft from a closer distance. "
10 August 2017
Rengganis Eriyagandhi
" Nice place for sunset, you can see ngurah rai airport from German Beach, many boat also there "
01 August 2017
Benoît Benito
" Good beach just for chill. I do not swim bcs the current is very strong. "
14 July 2017
Gabriella Lestari
" Not comfort for sunbathing so many fisherman boat, only good for surfing "
02 June 2017
Retno Damayanti
" White sand, clean water, less touristic and crowded than kuta beach. Worth to visit "
27 April 2017
Dennis Ng
" Less crowded less touts or simply not any on the beach. There were debris from previous night's storm. Though on a finer day, waters were calm good inclination distance (no sudden drop in depth) which means you can float calmly nearby the moored fishing vessels. The bike parking even said free. Can't be sure since I parked towards main road and walk in mostly when going to beaches. There is a nicely walkway or jogging path streaming from the back of Discovery Mall meandering here and up until Patras Villa which is just whiskers away from the airport runway. Good vantage point of planes taking off and landing. "
09 April 2017
Nunung Nurhayati
" So great place, nice people, specialy fishing with local fisher... I love that "
25 March 2017
Beverley Leslie
" Putu was a great host, great burgers by the sunset would advise a snack well worth while and very economical. "
22 March 2017
Muh. N. Dewantoro
" The beach so beautiful especially sunset time with fishermen boat "
05 March 2017
Azmeer Sulong
" Full of plastic rubbish. But many unique fisherman boats here. Dare not to swim. "
10 February 2017
Maja Matic
" Very nice beach,but a little bit dirty "
06 February 2017
Eric Heim
" Filthy plastic trash beach, with burning piles of trash. Best after sunset when you cannot see the filth. Came here to have a look, and eat at the nearby Panthai restaurant. "
29 December 2016
Studio Man
" Very long beach close to airport, there many local people in evening, nice place to meet sunset "
25 October 2016
Ahmad Anshori
" Almost feels like Sanur beach with lots of fisherman boats laying around, but in the opposite location. This beach offer a nice sunset view with occasionally plane flyby (it's located near the Bali airport).
+ Good for swimming
+ Nice sunset view
- Not so clean, sometime there are trashes like plastic bottles and driftwood
- Crowded on weekends "
30 August 2016
Robby Ferdian
" Near from the airport, provide you have plenty of time during the transit, you can stroll there.
Clear view upon sunset, quiet place, fisherman beach, a lot of trash. "
07 July 2016
J ドワニ
" quite beach with not too many hawkers but dirty "
23 May 2016
Zilvinas Butauskas
" Fairly nice beach with a relaxed atmosphere. Not very crowed with only a couple of people can be seen when I was visiting between the hours of 12 to 3 pm. Although there are some plastic and glass stuff laying around which can be dangerous if you step on it. "
08 May 2016
Eric Suryadireja
" Pretty relaxing there cause not too crowded. But the sea water getting dirty. "
Luqman Alif
" It's so good that I can take plane pictures there. But the access not that good. I mean, it's smooth concrete road but hidden between airport hotel.
16 May 2018If you mind to visit it for planespotting in further months you should consider another location because there's a project being done there and probably the runway view would be blocked soon.
P.s.: For Planespotting I suggest to use long-range lens "
Fanny Fajarianti
" There's nothing here but you can see airplanes take off and landing. Ngurah Rai airport is definitely a very busy airport! "
14 May 2018Adhe Bhisma Chendikia
" The best place to see aircrafts landing and holding 😊 "
14 April 2018Angelica Chrestella
" Local beach. You can see the plane take off from here. Nice place to spend your evening. "
29 March 2018Sena Wiranata
" As the nearest beach you can reach from Ngurah Rai International airport, it offers you an instant pleasure in no time! XD
27 March 2018Only 10 minutes by walking from airport, it welcomes you with a harbour-like row of stones. Great place to see the airplane take off, making it absolutely beautiful as it is combined with amazing sunset. Two thumbs up 👍 "
Nency Prasetyo
" Yes, it sometimes flooded by garbage from the ocean on certain season, but otherwise you can see a white sandy beach and magnificent sunset on the horizon. The view during the sunset is hard to beat. It's not too crowded like Kuta beach nearby. "
07 February 2018Sebastian Lopez M
" Dirty beach with calm waves and relaxing views "
06 February 2018BayAreaLen Classic
" Absolutely love this beach, as it is bordering the airport, and I love plane spotting. This was a great day of playing on the beach while watching narrow bodies and wide body jets roar out of Ngurah Rai International. At one point I must have gotten too close to the airport fence with my camera because security came along and told me to get away. I guess they don't play around here, even if you're just an innocent plane spotter. "
24 January 2018Husni Mobarak Prince
" Just ignored the dirty beach. Feel the freshness and enjoy the environment. And Don't forget to have a dish of spicy Salad. "
24 November 2017JYao Liu
" It is a nice place. There will be very nice sunset. Yet the beach is a little bit dirty. "
22 November 2017Bali Yacht Services
" Launch spot for surfers taking water taxi out to Kuta Reef. Few beach warungs are quaint and pleasant -- i mean who doesn't like fresh coconut on the beach?
19 November 2017During minsoon season a fair amount of trash gets blown over and accumulates on the beach, which isn't so ideallic. This is dueing heavy rain and wind monsoons tho for a couple/few mjnths of the year.
Many local jukungs here, for fishing and for transport. It also serves as kind of a shipyard, so you can see how they build these local boats. "
Ervina P Wulandari
" The place where you can enjoy beauty of the beach while seeing the planes take off and landing at the same time "
13 November 2017Danny Damar Swasonodjati
" Whether some place in this area are private, this bright pale brown sand beach show off the cleanliness surrounding, not so crowd. There are several sets of white coral rock as far as the eye sees ...awsome place "
27 October 2017Leon
" Liked this place.. You can just relax and watch airplane taking off and landing "
01 September 2017Akha Zakariya Fuadi
" Wanna see sunset while watching airplane landing and taking off? This is definitely the right spot. Situated right in the north side of Bali Airport runway, make us able to see the aircraft from a closer distance. "
10 August 2017Rengganis Eriyagandhi
" Nice place for sunset, you can see ngurah rai airport from German Beach, many boat also there "
01 August 2017Benoît Benito
" Good beach just for chill. I do not swim bcs the current is very strong. "
14 July 2017Gabriella Lestari
" Not comfort for sunbathing so many fisherman boat, only good for surfing "
02 June 2017Retno Damayanti
" White sand, clean water, less touristic and crowded than kuta beach. Worth to visit "
27 April 2017Dennis Ng
" Less crowded less touts or simply not any on the beach. There were debris from previous night's storm. Though on a finer day, waters were calm good inclination distance (no sudden drop in depth) which means you can float calmly nearby the moored fishing vessels. The bike parking even said free. Can't be sure since I parked towards main road and walk in mostly when going to beaches. There is a nicely walkway or jogging path streaming from the back of Discovery Mall meandering here and up until Patras Villa which is just whiskers away from the airport runway. Good vantage point of planes taking off and landing. "
09 April 2017Nunung Nurhayati
" So great place, nice people, specialy fishing with local fisher... I love that "
25 March 2017Beverley Leslie
" Putu was a great host, great burgers by the sunset would advise a snack well worth while and very economical. "
22 March 2017Muh. N. Dewantoro
" The beach so beautiful especially sunset time with fishermen boat "
05 March 2017Azmeer Sulong
" Full of plastic rubbish. But many unique fisherman boats here. Dare not to swim. "
10 February 2017Maja Matic
" Very nice beach,but a little bit dirty "
06 February 2017Eric Heim
" Filthy plastic trash beach, with burning piles of trash. Best after sunset when you cannot see the filth. Came here to have a look, and eat at the nearby Panthai restaurant. "
29 December 2016Studio Man
" Very long beach close to airport, there many local people in evening, nice place to meet sunset "
25 October 2016Ahmad Anshori
" Almost feels like Sanur beach with lots of fisherman boats laying around, but in the opposite location. This beach offer a nice sunset view with occasionally plane flyby (it's located near the Bali airport).
30 August 2016Pros:
+ Good for swimming
+ Nice sunset view
- Not so clean, sometime there are trashes like plastic bottles and driftwood
- Crowded on weekends "
Robby Ferdian
" Near from the airport, provide you have plenty of time during the transit, you can stroll there.
07 July 2016Clear view upon sunset, quiet place, fisherman beach, a lot of trash. "
J ドワニ
" quite beach with not too many hawkers but dirty "
23 May 2016Zilvinas Butauskas
" Fairly nice beach with a relaxed atmosphere. Not very crowed with only a couple of people can be seen when I was visiting between the hours of 12 to 3 pm. Although there are some plastic and glass stuff laying around which can be dangerous if you step on it. "
08 May 2016Eric Suryadireja
" Pretty relaxing there cause not too crowded. But the sea water getting dirty. "
25 April 2016Yan Winada
" Just nice "
15 February 2016