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Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi FEB Unpad (Accounting Student's Association)


About Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi FEB Unpad (Accounting Student's Association)

Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi FEB Unpad (Accounting Student's Association) is an accounting, located at Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia. Visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Himpunan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Padjadjaran (Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad) is a student organization at the level of Undergraduate Accounting Studies Program Faculty of Economics and Business Padjadjaran University that based on professionalism, kinship, social, scientific values, and religious based on Pancasila and UUD 1945. Since Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad was established in November 1995, the Student Association has given benefits to members of Hima Akuntansi FEB Unpad in the development of intellectual, leadership, professionalism as an accounting student, kinship, and also as a means of devotion to the almamater, community, and nation.


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