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FLOUSTUDIO is a company, located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Let's Start with F L O UF L O U is the abbreviation of three Chinese characters, Fu 福 Lü 禄 Shou 寿 that stand for Blessings, Prosperity, and Longevity.F L O U is how you pronounce F L O W, which in this context means the Qi 氣 flow. Qi > Universal Energy.All things in the world made up of Qi 氣. Then our life too is no exception. By understanding how the Qi 氣 flow, we understand why things happen around, to, and for us. In other words, we now also have the opportunity to participate in the creation of our life.--The Tools We UseWithin the Chinese Metaphysics philosophy, studies are divided to further focus on a certain topic.Ba Zi 八子 is part of "Destiny" school, talks about the Qi 氣 flow in one's life.Feng Shui 风水 is part of "Physiognomy" school, talks about Qi 氣 flow in the environment by understanding the land contour and form.Ze Ri 择日 talks about Qi 氣 flow in the timing factor.Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 the most complex system out of all, is part of the "Divination" school, talks about Qi 氣 flow within the four realms, Spirit (Universe realm), Heaven, Earth, and Man.These are some of the main tools that I regularly use as a Business Advisor.On a regular basis, I assist my clients in making the right decisions by understanding the circumstances better and subsequently taking the right actions to get the best favorable outcome.As we understand the blueprint of Qi 氣 flow within one's life, living a life that is full of blessing, prosperity, and longevity (good health) becomes possible and within our reach. Now, we also become the co-creator of our own life. This is the heart of FLOUSTUDIO.--If you think that we can support you in any way after reading this short article explaining about us, send us a message and we'll get back to you soon and we'll start from there.



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