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About Kencana Travel (KENCANA ADVENTURE)

Kencana Travel (KENCANA ADVENTURE) is a travel agency, located at JL Sukarno - Hatta (Front of Gardena Hotel), Flores, Labuan Bajo, Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Tim. 84111, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 370 693307, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 25

Jean-Baptiste Thiebot

" Thanks a lot for this amazing day. From Labuan-Bajo (Flores Island), we hired the boat for 2 passengers for the day: Kelor - Rinca - Kalong. Very lucky with what we saw (dragons chasing prey, cobra, monkeys on Rinca; sea snakes, turtles when snorkelling at two places; and spectacular sunset with thousands of flying foxes taking off.
Thanks to Eddie (?) and his brother, for arranging this private tour for us, including pick-up and drop-off at the hotel, lunch and water (1.5 million IDR total). Many thanks also to the friendly captain (Tuti ?) and his son for their devotion during the tour, to make this day a fantastic memory for us. Absolutely nothing wrong to mention, although we did find a cheaper company for the same tour (but that one seemed unreliable).
Highly recommended: a friendly family business, instead of the big tourist factories that thrive in Labuan Bajo. "

31 May 2018

Febri Guntur

" Good "

24 April 2018


" I did not have a great experience with Kencana Travel. We had the 4D/3N from Lombok to Flores. After the first night, one of the boats engines failed, so all the second day we were waiting for a replacement boat. Day three we had to drive all day to make up the delay. On day four they tried to make up everything by showing us the dragons, mantas and the pink beach, which was nice, but quite stressed. I guess it would be much cheaper if you go directly to Flores and go for a one day trip to see all this.
I totally understand that technical problems can happen, but the way they handled the situation was a catastrophe. The guide made up several promises he did not held and was afraid to call his boss. The boss hung up the phone on us and the captain left the boat all day. (It would be so easy to say sorry with a beer or an extra lil stop somewhere).
If you still consider to take this trip: The boat and the food was good for the price. But bring some snacks (noodle soup, fruits) for in between, since the food is just enough. "

24 April 2018

Krisna Kusuma

" Pertama kali pakai kencana travel, langsung kecelakaan. Sopirnya ngebut ngawur, tiba2 ngerem mendadak dihajar deh dari belakang sama pick up. "

03 December 2017

Nur Akbari Hidayat

" Good service... "

19 November 2017

Kristaps Skrulis

" No, no and no! Avoid this company and tour from Lombok to Labuan Bajo, Flores at all costs! Firstly, we paid 2.5 million idr (some people paid more, some paid 1.4 million for a place on the deck with a very low roof, but they still had to pay 250 k for the Komodo park) for a cabin which was unusable and a ride which was the worst that we weren't prepared for. Agent that sold us this 'adventure', promised that we would get everything that we asked for - shower, 3l of water, fins for snorkelling, good snorkelling spots etc. What a naivity... When we were taken from Kuta Lombok with a taxi, nobody told us where we are going (it was like this for the whole tour), so we were first taken to west, Sengiggi, then we had to wait for few hours for a bus which took us and the rest 3 hours to nameless port in the east. Then we were shocked to see our boat (white and blue one) that was small, uncomfortable and loud. Luckily we were only 10 passengers. Cabin was terrible, with bugs, no air and impossible to sleep in because of the roaring engine and smell, so we moved up with the rest of the passengers. Toilets where filthy, wet and with no toilet paper. Our guide who spoke very little in english and the crew were absolutely with no interest about the passengers or program. They stopped at some spots only to tick things off the list. The boat that was supposed to take us to the shore, was the most terrible thing that shouldn't be floating, it was filling up with water and guy from a crew used an oar to move. I was afraid to take camera or anything else with me. Snorkelling was ok but didn't seem like it would be the best we could get, masks were crappy, no fins too. When we stopped in the darkness after sailing all night for the hike up the mountain, nobody told us that it's good to go and see the sunrise. :( So we just sadly ate our single breakfast pancake (every morning the same and not enough) and went up there when the sun was already up. Food was ok, but nothing between meals. Crew was smoking all the time and they were staring at us all the time, we felt unwanted and like a burden to them. Never again!!! "

06 November 2017

Kamila Knapova

" Absolutely disgusting !!!!
Definitely don't go for it ! "

17 October 2017

Aryo Indro Prasojo

" Ok "

03 October 2017

Jula Herold

" I booked the 4day/3night island tour around Komodo island, pink beach, manga point etc..

The first day, we did nothing. Hung out on the boat. The second day we went to Moyo island- that's it. The night from the second day to the third, we noticed a burning smell and woke up from the motor having to be restarted several times.

The third day we woke up from the crew telling us to gather for bad news. The boat had a hole and two out of three engines had burned through. Apparently the captain knew there was something foul about the engine all along.

We were picked up in the Bay Area by a public bus. It was meant for maybe 15 people. Approximately 30 people squeezed in, hung on the outside and crouched up top. After roughly 3 hours we arrived in Bima where we took yet another tiny bus to Sape. Here, we met a representative of Kencana adventure who, apparently, had been with us the whole time but had not bothered to introduce nor explain the situation to anyone.

Near the Harbour we stayed in the cheapest and dirtiest hostel. I had spiders and ants everywhere in the room, got 200000 rupiah stolen and the representative did not even bother giving us a better accommodation nor taking responsibility for the stolen money. Obviously this could have happened anywhere but we did not choose to be at that place and it would not have happened on the boat.

Moving forward.. the next morning we took an 8 hour ferry to Labuan Bajo. We had to buy our own lunch even though it was meant to be included. Here, we sat at the office trying to get a refund at least 75% late into the night. They only wanted to give us either 50% refund or a 2day/1night Trip. However, we only saw one island in 3 days of a 4 day trip. On top of that had to deal with the boat, busses, Hostel and all the time lost.

I ended up doing the 2 day/1 night trip. Scenery wise it was amazing. Our boat broke again though. Mind you, it was a different boat!

Lesson learned. Read reviews. This company is not trustworthy.

By the way- the food was always instant noodles with rice... "

16 September 2017

Amelia Sarah Kowal

" there is a shuttle service. free if still close. for further areas subject to additional charges. comfortable. the driver is friendly. for ticket reservations can be via whatsapp. "

11 September 2017

Miquel Àngel Serra Llompart

" La meva atlota i jo hem realitzat el Tour de 6 dies i 5 nits, i en general podem dir que ha estat una bona experiència.
Es visiten unes illes molt paradisíaques i molt guapes (cosa que noltros cercavem), en elles, pots disfrutar fent snorkel ja que les platges són cristalines i hi ha una gran quantitat de peixos; les demés aturades són per a realitzar diferents trekkings, on alguns millors que d'altres, però que val la pena fer-los tots. Els trekkings que més ens agradat per les gran vistes que hi ha des d'adalt de la muntanya, és el de la illa de Gili Laba. Altres aturades que es realitzen són per anar a veure unes cascades, de la que tenim un bon record és de l'illa de Moyo Island, ja que té una corda que permet pegar bots a l'aigua.
Evidentment no tot és perfecte i hi ha coses a millorar, pel que fa al menjar és bo i en bona quantitat però no és molt variat. Pensam que l'organització és una cosa que pot millorar molt, a vegades hi havia poca informació, molts de temps morts dins el vaixell, etc...
En general, la nostra sensació una vegada acabada l'experiència, és bona i recomanable. Ens ha agradat més el viatge Labuan Bajo - Lombok que el viatge Lombok - Labuan Bajo. Això si, el que més recomanam és dur-se unes cartes o algún joc per matar el temps! "

22 August 2017

Roque Mendoza Moreno

" Mal situado en el mapa!!
Hicimos el clásico viaje a Lombok.
Lo mejor el trayecto, fue algo único, cada isla.
Lo peor, te tratan como quieren. Nosotros conseguimos un buen precio pero otros compañeros de barco habían pagado un 40% más. "

14 August 2017

Adrian De Los Santos

" No recomiendo estos servicios .
Llegan a meter 20 o más persona en una pequeña embarcación sin medidas de seguridad muchas horas perdidas en el mar y pocas horas en tierra.
Estuvimos 5 días navegando y estuvimos en muy pocos sitios y por muy poquito tiempo el guía nos daba como mucho una hora y media o 2 horas en cada parada.
Llegamos a estar 22 horas seguidas sin bajarnos del barco.
La embarcación es pequeña y con tanta gente que llega a ser agobiante , nos dieron una cabina que no la pudimos usar por el olor insoportable a combustible y por el ruido incesante del motor viejo.
Los únicos sitios que valieron la pena visitar fueron la isla de Komodo y hemos visto muchos dragones, la Isla de Flores la playa rosa.
Las puestas del sol y los amaneceres desde el barco son alucinantes bellísimas.
Los otros sitios que hemos visitado las playas estaban llenas de residuos plásticos lleno de corales muertos e incluso para hacer snorkeling solamente lejos pero muy lejos de la orilla. "

04 August 2017

Noor Farikhah

" Best Travel with Best Price in Town "

25 July 2017

Siroj Ahmad

" Nice service travel. "

11 July 2017

Hana Bussines

" Cukup baik. Selalu on time dan profesional, mskipun sedikit2 kena charge namun pelayanannya sangat baik. "

10 July 2017

Muhammad Teguh Adi Wibowo

" Sudah pesan untuk penjemputan jam 5.30 dari Semarang ke Jepara, tetapi tidak datang. Saat di hubungi katanya belum ada pencatatan, padahal sudah di konfirmasi melalui sms hari sebelumnya. Bad service !! "

20 May 2017

Martha Febri

" Ruang tunggu dan kendaraan nyaman tapi pelayanan kurang baik; pemberangkatan sering tidak sesuai dengan jadwal yg ditentukan, tidak mau mengangkat telfon padahal tersambung (ditelfon 10x lebih tidak diangkat2).
P.s : kalau ingin menyampaikan sesuatu kepada pelanggan lebih baik berbicara langsung dengan bahasa yang sopan dan jangan sekali2 meremehkan pelanggan. Terima kasih. "

07 May 2017

Deny Suwignyo

" Pelayanan ramah.. mobil nya juga bagus.. recomended lah ini travel.. drpd yg lain.. "

11 April 2017

Wiwid Kemen

" Armada bagus bagus...pelayanan baik. "

31 March 2017

Senja Rizal

" Murah, unitnya update , dibanding travel sebelah yg blm peremajaan "

29 March 2017

Sarifudin MST

" Untuk ruang tunggu nyaman, meskipun di luar ruangan tanpa AC, penjemputan cepat, cuma armada nya pada kotor-kotor, gak di cuci dulu sbelum buat bwa pnumpang "

25 March 2017

Faisal Ahmad

" Pernah pakai jasa ini untuk keliling bajo "

03 March 2017

Leon Foam

" Никогда-никогда не связывайтесь с этими товарищами. 20 человек на крошечной лодочке, где негде даже сесть в течение 4 дней. 1 ночь вы плывете без остановки под дикий грохот двигателя. Половину картинок вы не увидите или то, что увидите будет обычным туристическим шлаком. Снорклинг надоест уже на второй день. Еда отвратная. Удобств никаких. Туалет — дырка в полу. Ринку вам так и не покажут. На Комодо вы увидите одну полудохлую ящерицу в полтора метра у домика рейнджеров. Не портите себе отпуск. "

29 July 2016


" Avoid this company no matter what. Booked in advance directly through company. Didn't get the itinerary we were sold from bus pick up through to the point when we abandoned ship. I didn't love the approach to tourism in Indonesia but this place takes the cake.
They're very mafioso esque from illegal fuel purchases to constantly asking for more money for no added service. I felt unsafe multiple times, from being left at a beach with no communications, to climbing over a cargo ship to disembark, don't get me started on the boat's emissions. Not only was the journey (which we abandoned halfway through, as it was our honeymoon and it was no longer fun) emotionally scarring, I came away with plenty of physical wounds.
It was nothing like what we anticipated or paid for and it left the very worst taste for Indonesia tourism. I don't know if there are better boat companies, I don't think so, and we just wished we had flown from Lombok or Bali to Labjuanbajo, and chartered a trip to Komodo. Cheaper faster safer happier. I wish you could give 0 stars, as that is what these folks deserve. The best part is if you speak up, especially as a woman (God forbid), they blame the captain (who "can't speak English") or the owner (who has never been seen). Pathetic. No interest in customer service. "

25 June 2015

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