Gereja Katolik St.Yoseph Naikoten 2 is a church, located at Jl. Herewila No.34, Naikoten II, Kec. Kota Raja, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Tim., Indonesia
" One of the oldest church in town. Getting better after renovation. "
27 September 2016
Tommy Janu
" indah pada waktunya "
24 June 2016
Lief Anthony
" One of the the oldest Catholic churches in Jakarta. it has, what I would call, awkwardly-positioned, beautiful altar. It has gone through several renovation but thankfully, they decided to preserve the original facade "
28 April 2016
Christoforus Petrus Ho
" To gathering with some friends from my community "
23 January 2016
Ferdian Yustiawan
" Me and my girlfriend was baptism in this Church, and I hope I'll get married in here too :) "
Yanto Kelly
" area parkir luas sekali "
25 January 2018FX Budi Widyatmoko
" A good Roman Catholic church. "
14 January 2018Nona Rodriquez
" Paroki St. Yoseph Naikoten "
14 January 2018Jantje Hunila
" Good "
16 July 2017Gb Jkt
" Ok "
09 November 2016Christophorus Gorgy
" One of the oldest church in town. Getting better after renovation. "
27 September 2016Tommy Janu
" indah pada waktunya "
24 June 2016Lief Anthony
" One of the the oldest Catholic churches in Jakarta. it has, what I would call, awkwardly-positioned, beautiful altar. It has gone through several renovation but thankfully, they decided to preserve the original facade "
28 April 2016Christoforus Petrus Ho
" To gathering with some friends from my community "
23 January 2016Ferdian Yustiawan
" Me and my girlfriend was baptism in this Church, and I hope I'll get married in here too :) "
24 August 2012