About Mie Gajah Mungkur
Mie Gajah Mungkur is a restaurant, located at Gosoma, Tobelo, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, Indonesia. Visit their website www.survive-giezag.org for more detailed information.
Mie Gajah Mungkur is a restaurant, located at Gosoma, Tobelo, North Halmahera Regency, North Maluku, Indonesia. Visit their website www.survive-giezag.org for more detailed information.
Muhammad Halim Nur Aziz
" 👍👍 "
20 May 2018Amiing Promosindo
" Langganan ku wi hahaha "
10 April 2018Ragil Aprilialit
" Mie ayam favorit. Tetangga sendiri dari jawa "
27 March 2018Saviour Fabian
" Iiii "
12 March 2018Choirul Maarif
" tempat makan yang enak dirasa dan kantong "
08 March 2018Mbasri Tjereni
" Mkanan enak sklih...... "
15 December 2017Fahrel Yuniar
" Asik buat kencan "
19 September 2017M. Nursholiqin
" I've tried here once to ordered a mie ayam bakso and a glass of lime water that served by young javanese men. Warm welcome and fast service. A bit messy by used roll tissue papers on the floor or event on the table.
14 September 2017The taste was good for the mie ayam (this reminds me to javanese mie ayams taste from wonogiri or some of mie ayam gerobak/street food mie ayams in jakarta; and from the name of the restaurant, gajah mungkur is a dam name there, so easy to guessing that the owner is from wonogiri, central java) and not bad for the meat ball, bakso. I think I will come back later, for maybe to order for the only bakso. And if you need to have a receipt, just ask it, they could provide it. "
Fitri Kitty
" Saya sukka sekali dengan tmpat ini makanan yang super duper enek bingit😘 "
22 August 2017Erwan Hasbulloh
" Enak, lumayan murah dibandingkan pesaing sejenis di Tobelo "
18 February 2017