" Buat yang bete dirumah,rekomendasi banget nih tempat buat ngopi sambil wifian sampai lupa waktu 😄 "
26 April 2018
Travel Life
" Enjoy coffee time here and nice wifi "
24 April 2018
Beta Malewa
" Good "
30 March 2018
Hery Hery
" Pokok. Nya enak & bisa santai. "
09 March 2018
Fadhli Azis
" Ok "
16 February 2018
Daeng Firman Afriyansyah
" the price of coffee cup quite cheap, wifi somewhat weak if it is crowded the wearer, the room inside a little stuffy and dark . "
08 January 2018
Benni S
" coffee shop with local taste (bitter and burning coffee smell) "
03 January 2018
Wartono Tono
" Yookkkk "
22 December 2017
Tekad Matulatan
" If you are the real coffee lover then this is not for you... but if you are condensed milk fanatic camouflage with coffee so people will think you are real coffee lover then this is the one. "
21 November 2017
Rizky Mulya Pratama
" its nice place "
01 September 2017
Ricky Pramudya
" Tempat kopi paling santai dan sangat ramai disini. Sangat menyenangkan bagi sebagian orang karena ada fasilitas WiFi gratis. Untuk dibawa pulang pun, dapat botol bekas sirop. "
07 July 2017
Bintan Vision
" Tempatnya oke. Pelayanan bagus. Cocok buat nongkrong. "
Sukardi Gan Aguan
" Terlalu byk org hisap rokok "
21 May 2018Setio S
" Kedai kopi Batman "
29 April 2018Hydro. Exe
" Buat yang bete dirumah,rekomendasi banget nih tempat buat ngopi sambil wifian sampai lupa waktu 😄 "
26 April 2018Travel Life
" Enjoy coffee time here and nice wifi "
24 April 2018Beta Malewa
" Good "
30 March 2018Hery Hery
" Pokok. Nya enak & bisa santai. "
09 March 2018Fadhli Azis
" Ok "
16 February 2018Daeng Firman Afriyansyah
" the price of coffee cup quite cheap, wifi somewhat weak if it is crowded the wearer, the room inside a little stuffy and dark . "
08 January 2018Benni S
" coffee shop with local taste (bitter and burning coffee smell) "
03 January 2018Wartono Tono
" Yookkkk "
22 December 2017Tekad Matulatan
" If you are the real coffee lover then this is not for you... but if you are condensed milk fanatic camouflage with coffee so people will think you are real coffee lover then this is the one. "
21 November 2017Rizky Mulya Pratama
" its nice place "
01 September 2017Ricky Pramudya
" Tempat kopi paling santai dan sangat ramai disini. Sangat menyenangkan bagi sebagian orang karena ada fasilitas WiFi gratis. Untuk dibawa pulang pun, dapat botol bekas sirop. "
07 July 2017Bintan Vision
" Tempatnya oke. Pelayanan bagus. Cocok buat nongkrong. "
01 April 2017