" The icon of Batam is Barelang Bridges. You'll find many people fishing there, and surely you'll find seafood restaurant around there. "
03 June 2018
Hasan Imam Mukut
" Jemabatan 1 Barelang or Barelang 1st Bridge that official name is Jembatan Fisabilillah is the longest of the six chain bridges of Jalan Trans Barelang.
This popular and iconic bridge is connecting Batam Island it Tonton island and the rest other islands.
Jalan Trans Barelang is the highway till to last corner of New Galang Island where last 6th bridge is.
Day and night this Jemabatan satu / Barelang Bridge one attracts local visitors beside the islanders passing by for business or personal purposes to Batam or from batam. Get photos if love too. Enjoy the sceneic bridge area and Islands from it. "
21 March 2018
Joko Ng
" Well, it's a landmark. If you wish to you can park your vehicle and take pictures on it. The wind is usually strong and the scenery is great so it's a pretty cool place to be at.
Be careful if you wish to step outside the railings because it's really really high up. "
14 March 2018
Melisa Riska Putri
" It's almost 35 °C but I love this place. Barelang Bridge is like Batam icon "
14 March 2018
Ellen Abrigo
" One of the attractions in Batam. Great for photoshoot. Nice view. "
03 March 2018
Ye Aung
" Bridge Design and view are nice and can take photos freely, native food and coconut drink can get and enjoy "
26 February 2018
Ika Andriani
" Spot bagus buat foto, instagramable bgt. Tempat bersih, masih asri ada monyet liat di sana. "
15 December 2017
Lily Cute
" Best restaurant for fresh seafood with best view..I love this place 😍😍 "
05 December 2017
Ag Djo
" This is one of six bridges along Batam Rempang Galang. The best time to go to first bridge is in the morning. Not much people there, and you can have a picture freely.
You can park not so far from the stage and walk to instagramable icon.
From the stage you can see first and second bridges.
Please not to park on the bridge. "
05 December 2017
Ake Rahayu
" Ikon Pulau Batam, jembatan yg kokoh dan megah dgn view laut lepas. Sooo eksotik. "
30 September 2017
Hana Cerita
" Currently under renovation the entrance but you still can use small pathways. Good view from the bridge. You'll meet alots of instant photography service here and fried lobster and prawns on stick.
It's better to books taxi back to city or travel bus before come here or check the public transportation schedule. It's so hard to find taxi from here, me and my friend ended up ask for motorcycle service to sent us back to where we can take public transportation. "
13 August 2017
Resi Dewi
" Got "
18 July 2017
Agus Wahyudiono
" Wisata bahari.. Mantapp.. "
13 July 2017
Ramadhani Yulianis
" Tempat rekreasi yg memiliki pemandangan yang Indah, hanya saja kebersihan kurang terjaga, apalagi tempat ibadahnya, "
04 July 2017
Sayf Al Hakam
" jembatan yg super megah di indonesia selain dr jembatan suramadu "
29 May 2017
Maradona Ali
" Dilarang parkir, tapi boleh parkir asal bayar...hehehehe... Tp pemandangan yg bagus... "
22 May 2017
Vidi Tampi
" Nice view of the sea, bridge, and islands. And of course, fresh air "
27 April 2017
Rahmad Adinata
" Jembatan penghubung beberapa pulau dgn batam..n "
10 April 2017
Basiran Imam
" Jembatan barelang di Batam indah sekali "
04 March 2017
Leonardo Tommy Dacu
" Good view "
22 January 2017
Sayf Al Hakam
" jembatan yg megah sekali menghubungkan beberapa pulau di batam "
19 January 2017
Nanda Nadya
" Jembatan Barelang. "
05 January 2017
Najwa Ramadhan
" Lg makan 2. Enak sama keluarga "
26 November 2016
Ruli Soni
" Selalu Bersabar di Kota terpencil ini.
Walaupun terkadang Menangis di Sudut kamar ini. "
01 November 2016
Pindri Pinpo
" Baru sekali berkunjung dan nagih pengen foto di semua jembatan "
01 November 2016
Warsono Oo
" nembak di sini pas kena jantung hatinya hahayy.... "
Sarina Gabryela
" The icon of Batam is Barelang Bridges. You'll find many people fishing there, and surely you'll find seafood restaurant around there. "
03 June 2018Hasan Imam Mukut
" Jemabatan 1 Barelang or Barelang 1st Bridge that official name is Jembatan Fisabilillah is the longest of the six chain bridges of Jalan Trans Barelang.
21 March 2018This popular and iconic bridge is connecting Batam Island it Tonton island and the rest other islands.
Jalan Trans Barelang is the highway till to last corner of New Galang Island where last 6th bridge is.
Day and night this Jemabatan satu / Barelang Bridge one attracts local visitors beside the islanders passing by for business or personal purposes to Batam or from batam. Get photos if love too. Enjoy the sceneic bridge area and Islands from it. "
Joko Ng
" Well, it's a landmark. If you wish to you can park your vehicle and take pictures on it. The wind is usually strong and the scenery is great so it's a pretty cool place to be at.
14 March 2018Be careful if you wish to step outside the railings because it's really really high up. "
Melisa Riska Putri
" It's almost 35 °C but I love this place. Barelang Bridge is like Batam icon "
14 March 2018Ellen Abrigo
" One of the attractions in Batam. Great for photoshoot. Nice view. "
03 March 2018Ye Aung
" Bridge Design and view are nice and can take photos freely, native food and coconut drink can get and enjoy "
26 February 2018Ika Andriani
" Spot bagus buat foto, instagramable bgt. Tempat bersih, masih asri ada monyet liat di sana. "
15 December 2017Lily Cute
" Best restaurant for fresh seafood with best view..I love this place 😍😍 "
05 December 2017Ag Djo
" This is one of six bridges along Batam Rempang Galang. The best time to go to first bridge is in the morning. Not much people there, and you can have a picture freely.
05 December 2017You can park not so far from the stage and walk to instagramable icon.
From the stage you can see first and second bridges.
Please not to park on the bridge. "
Ake Rahayu
" Ikon Pulau Batam, jembatan yg kokoh dan megah dgn view laut lepas. Sooo eksotik. "
30 September 2017Hana Cerita
" Currently under renovation the entrance but you still can use small pathways. Good view from the bridge. You'll meet alots of instant photography service here and fried lobster and prawns on stick.
13 August 2017It's better to books taxi back to city or travel bus before come here or check the public transportation schedule. It's so hard to find taxi from here, me and my friend ended up ask for motorcycle service to sent us back to where we can take public transportation. "
Resi Dewi
" Got "
18 July 2017Agus Wahyudiono
" Wisata bahari.. Mantapp.. "
13 July 2017Ramadhani Yulianis
" Tempat rekreasi yg memiliki pemandangan yang Indah, hanya saja kebersihan kurang terjaga, apalagi tempat ibadahnya, "
04 July 2017Sayf Al Hakam
" jembatan yg super megah di indonesia selain dr jembatan suramadu "
29 May 2017Maradona Ali
" Dilarang parkir, tapi boleh parkir asal bayar...hehehehe... Tp pemandangan yg bagus... "
22 May 2017Vidi Tampi
" Nice view of the sea, bridge, and islands. And of course, fresh air "
27 April 2017Rahmad Adinata
" Jembatan penghubung beberapa pulau dgn batam..n "
10 April 2017Basiran Imam
" Jembatan barelang di Batam indah sekali "
04 March 2017Leonardo Tommy Dacu
" Good view "
22 January 2017Sayf Al Hakam
" jembatan yg megah sekali menghubungkan beberapa pulau di batam "
19 January 2017Nanda Nadya
" Jembatan Barelang. "
05 January 2017Najwa Ramadhan
" Lg makan 2. Enak sama keluarga "
26 November 2016Ruli Soni
" Selalu Bersabar di Kota terpencil ini.
01 November 2016Walaupun terkadang Menangis di Sudut kamar ini. "
Pindri Pinpo
" Baru sekali berkunjung dan nagih pengen foto di semua jembatan "
01 November 2016Warsono Oo
" nembak di sini pas kena jantung hatinya hahayy.... "
26 October 2016La Coffee
" Seafood "
24 April 2016Galang Galang
" Lg makan2 bareng dgn kluarga. "
05 May 2015