About PT Freyabadi Indotama
PT Freyabadi Indotama is a company, located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Visit their website www.freyabadi.com, Facebook, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
PT Freyabadi Indotama is a trusted supplier of chocolate in the Asia-Pacific, Middle East and African regions, as well as the largest chocolate manufacturer in Indonesia. Founded in 1995 via a joint venture between Fuji Oil Holdings Japan, and McKeeson Investments from Singapore, Freyabadi Indotama manufactures chocolate as a food ingredient sourcing the cocoa raw materials from reputable producers in Africa, Asia and South America, to create the flavor profile desired by our local consumers. Freyabadi Indotama's large production capability and flexibility enables us to meet the demand of chocolate at various scales, ranging from micro, small, medium (MSMEs) to industrial, both local and international in over 20 countries across Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and Africa.Follow us on social mediaTulip:facebook.com/tulipchocolateinstagram.com/tulipchocolateEmbassy:facebook.com/embassychocolateinstagram.com/embassychocolate
Yandika Suharto
" Great taste of chocolate and also good quality "
07 March 2019Yandika Suharto
" Great taste of chocolate and also good quality "
07 March 2019Padika Muhamad
" representative place for work "
19 November 2018Dapur Uni Rini
" This company produce many various Chocolate product, they export the product. They have a high standard chocolate processing machines, and also have a good and modern laboratory. "
26 April 2018Dapur Uni Rini
" This company produce many various Chocolate product, they export the product. They have a high standard chocolate processing machines, and also have a good and modern laboratory. "
25 April 2018Budi Noryanto
" Pabrik pengolahan coklat dengan kualitas internasional, mereka memiliki alat-alat dan laboratorium pengolahan coklat yang bagus dan modern "
25 April 2018CV Anugrah Bersama
" Produsen coklat "
07 February 2018Marudut Turnip
" Produsen coklat "
11 January 2018Yusuf Hermawan SE
" PT yg sangat mengesankan penuh semangat dan motivasi. "
06 November 2017Aisyah Natasya
" Nomer telepon pabriknya berapa ya? "
18 October 2017Hendri Setiawan
" Pabrik cokelat "
02 April 2017Agus Maulana
" Great.. PT ku "
15 April 2016Heru Dianto
" Great Chocolate! "
08 December 2015