Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport
About Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport
Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport is an airport, located at Jl. Marsma R. Iswahyudi, Sepinggan, Balikpapan Sel., Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76115, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 542 766886, visit their website for more detailed information.
Arie Suseno
" It's a new modern airport of Balikpapan. Nice, clean, simplify security check. The only disturbing view is passenger often use seats in waiting room to put their luggage. Should the airport security give them a warning that seats are for passenger only, not for luggage or other things. We often saw some passenger sleep there too.. "
14 May 2018Mumnoon Rashid
" One of the beautiful and clean airport in Indonesia. It is situated in the east Kalimantan (Bornio). It is also an International airport. It has all the facilities including free cinema hall. There is small nice place for children to play and a reading area for every one. Free recliner sofa is also available. "
06 May 2018Toar Mantow
" Very modern airport. Spacious, well designed. Taxi services should be improved though. Online taxi is a must for modern airport. "
04 May 2018Jessica Morina
" Balikpapan's airport is hella capacious. It has a lot of facilities, clean toilets, places to eat, good services, it also has mosque (a good thing right?) it also got a mall in it so yep you can do the shopping there. "
27 April 2018Budi Santoso Purwoatmodjo
" It is green design of airport. Great ambience and also enough clear space to catch up aircrafts. "
20 April 2018Erny Ludvyani
" Sekarang bandaranya kereeeen. Nggak kalah sama bandara di luar negeri. Bangunannya lebih modern dan lebih besar. Bersih, nyaman dan aman. Banyak sign petunjuk jadi tidak bingung. Ada banyak restauran dan souvenir shop. Petugas kebersihan juga selalu siaga untuk menjaga kebersihan bandara. Untuk penumpang yang datang naik motor harus berjalan agak jauh untuk masuk ke bandara. Tersedia lift dan eskalator. Saya suka tema yang diusung yaitu tema kalimantan dengan banyak stuff atau display yang dipasang. Spotnya juga bagus banget untuk foto. "
07 April 2018Kayin Fauzi
" A wonderfull airport in east kalimantan. Previously known by Bandara Sepinggan Balikpapan now become Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan Airport. "
07 April 2018Praditya Wira Satria
" Amaze with the period of time they had to decide to renovate the old airport to this complete new & proper airport. Considering this city is the natural resources rich province. Should have done this way back before. Always better late than never. "
05 April 2018Gerry Utama
" one of the greatest airport in Indonesia. it has complete facilities. Clean and Very Comfortable. "
28 March 2018Mega Aprilia
" Many restaurants, and mini dept store at the arrival terminal. My fave place is reading corner at departure terminal between gate 6 & 7, they also provide play corner for kids and cinema (rarely open). Kekuranganny cuma di pick up zone, kurang lebar dan ada palang2 orange malah agak menghalangi kendaraan keluar masuk "
10 March 2018Jusfar Rivai
" The biggest International airport in Kalimantan Island. The last restoration in 2012-2013 make this seaside airport bigger, more beautiful, more organized, more complete with new facilities and so on...., and now with Go Green concept..!!. I love this airport. From this airport we can find easily any other transportation to Samarinda, the capital city of Kalimantan Timur (East Kalimantan). "
24 February 2018Henry Setiawan
" Waiting room are vast enough to stay while waiting on board. Facility are quite in complete package. You can find bird sometimes enter the boarding room since the roof are open on side to promote energy efficient. The cafe inside boarding room are various and you can buy souvenier here if you forget to buy outside airport. There os a cart that you can hop on off. Nice upgrade to the airport since i miss so much the crafty old airport building. "
21 January 2018David Lee
" Clean and futuristic airport infrastructure. A Good mix of retailers from international as well as local brands. Thumbs up to the airport staff for their friendly greetings and speedy check ins. "
10 November 2017Prajnaditya Manggala
" Quite big and modern airport. With a department store and some food stall & restaurant. The old airport, looks like abandoned. But the building is still good. "
07 November 2017Mohamed Alhashmi
" Best airport in Indonesia. Iiked the library one for adult and for kids. There is kids playground and TV sitting area for kids near gate G8. "
30 October 2017Hadijah Ija
" Mantap banget deh pokoknya "
25 October 2017Adam Afrixal
" Big place, but honestly a bit too big and not filled with facilities yet so in some places feels kind of hollow.
23 October 2017The existing shops and eateries are fine even though more expensive than normal prices but it's normal for airport.
The old building seems abandoned and not being utilized feels like such a shame since it is still a good building. "
Nano Adi
" Bagus "
10 October 2017Kukku
" The Architecture of the airport reflects the diversity of rich cultural, historical and geographic influences in Indonesia. Small Clean and well kept airport
02 September 2017Been here many times..wish to do in future too "
Roy Tumimomor
" The airport develop from time to time, now more modern with local art. Open smoking area. Motorcycle parking is hell though. Edit: Changes made to motorcycle parking, now, it is closer to the main building. Gloria Jeans Coffee also available there now with smoking area. "
19 August 2017Helmi Nurfuadi
" Pretty spacey. Cool architecture even though some spots seems darker (without artificial light) than the rest. A lot of check-in counters make less time spent queueing. "
13 August 2017Setyo Prayogo
" Bandara terbesar di kalimantan "
06 August 2017Danang Andi Nugroho
" welcome to balikpapan "
01 August 2017Izzatul Yazid
" Besar dan luas dengan fasilitas yang oke "
14 July 2017Slop Hitam
" Bandara modern, desain paling asik dibanding yang lain, kualanamu aja kalah asik. Ada bioskop gratis lg.. "
06 July 2017Munir Ahmad
" Nice airport with modern design. Not many food things to see or buy on the departure area. There's starbucks and few others local culinary station. But you can check the mall on arrival area, 2 levels below the departure area. "
30 June 2017Beth Copeland
" Beautiful airport. Roomy and bright. Easy to get around. Standard food for an airport. "
20 June 2017Afiat Ma'ruf
" Well now your bike can nicely park in parking building, love it :* "
19 June 2017Suyandi Liyis
" Impressive airport. Better than the Soekarno hatta of jakarta. 11 garbaratas. Many shops include matahari department store. Toilet with beach theme. I really like this airport. "
02 June 2017Sandra P. Salzani
" the cleanest and most magnificent airport in Indonesia. they had good facilities and seemed very modern. keep up!!!! "
23 May 2017Azhyz Maghfur
" Bandara moderen di pintu masuk kalimantan timur. Pertama kali di indonesia yang mengusung konsep bandara mall. Desain interiornya sangat modern, bersih, dan hijau. "
21 April 2017Ilham 46
" terlalu besar,,, haha buat yg pertama mempir harap rajin bertanya.. "
11 April 2017Rusdiansyah Rusdi
" Airport looks clean, provided a variety of shopping and dining, the place of his prayer was also clean and well-maintained. There is a playground for children "
05 April 2017Ike Nurrohmah
" Great but it's not yet completed , wide and so damn clean so overall is good for me "
22 March 2017Hevar Rysta
" Look esthetic but not that much ergonimic. The design look cool but not that much safety. One escalator (or maybe more) is broken cause of the drop of rain through the wall. Quite good i guess, but someone said that it is the best? I suppose she never went to any other airport in Indonesia. "
09 March 2017Nyong Asfin
" Bekerja "
03 March 2017Virgo Riand
" very modern, bright, & clean. Good Job Angkasa Pura 1 "
19 February 2017ANDRE KUSSUMA
" Bandara yang keren dan nyaman, untuk transit.... "
15 January 2017Alexia Jean
" Nice airport, located near the center and accessible with pete²
05 January 2017Easy entrance & fast check in, clean & there is WIFI.
Facilities are OK and the signs are clear and easy to follow! "
Feri Ferdianto
" the airport was very nice and organized, with adequate facilities as an airport. Stores, food and coffee places, even Matahari department stores, so waiting for the flight schedule becomes more pleasant. "
08 December 2016Note Lima
" The BEST airport in Indonesia. Clean, large car parking area. Very nice design. "
24 November 2016Azizah Nurfadhillah Fadhillah
" Pelayananx sangat baik "
31 October 2016Roy Tumimomor
" The airport develop from time to time, now more modern with local art. Open smoking area. Motorcycle parking is hell though. "
18 September 2016Suyono Thamrin
" Bagus bersih "
13 July 2016Insuyadi Insuyadi
" nggak ada fotonya "
12 June 2016Iskandar Z. Yoserizal
" Great airport! Always transit to this airport everytime I travel to Bontang city or to any city on east borneo "
07 June 2016Scott Sennheiser
" You have to walk like 500m from parkin lot to get to terminal if you a bike owners or get accompanied by bike, this is ridiculous when car owners can park only 20 m to the terminal. And you get your bike burn by the sun while the car owners doesnt have to mind about their own because they have nice parking long :) I hope local goverment can make fairness. Oh and yess i'm one of bike owners :) "
07 June 2016Gibhaze Wedhuze
" parkir di sini "
05 April 2016Rahendra Ida Bagus
" Nice building but the cleaness are quite low, they should provide good acces for public tranporter (angkot), there arent sidewalk or special door for walking or bridge for crossing the carway. "
10 December 2015