About Masjid Al-abrar
Masjid Al-abrar is a mosque, located at Gambah Luar, Kandangan, South Hulu Sungai Regency, South Kalimantan 71291, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-5548-8488 for more detailed information.
Masjid Al-abrar is a mosque, located at Gambah Luar, Kandangan, South Hulu Sungai Regency, South Kalimantan 71291, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-5548-8488 for more detailed information.
Iin DjanggoLa
" HaLaman parkir Luas, tempat wudhu dan kamar mandi bersih, mesjid sejuk ber-ac 😊😊😊 "
31 May 2018Yaser Boabmc
" View mantap "
27 May 2018Nata Chan
" Upik saya mengaji disana "
23 May 2018Muhammad Zainur Roziqin
" Bagus "
23 May 2018Fiforlif Banjar HerbalAriz
" Makmurkan... "
18 May 2018Muhammad Anas
" Best place for prayer, in hart of town. "
13 May 2018Chrisma Wibowo
" Look forward to see this mosque some day. I have been to many place near Merlion, yet I just realised this mosque "
04 May 2018Ihsan Young
" Fake "
27 April 2018Ricca Isma
" Bernostalgia "
18 April 2018Danil
" Tempat yang tenang dan nyaman untuk beribadah "
13 April 2018Mohammad Bagus Sasmita
" Berkah "
25 March 2018Ayah Manggeng
" مسجد الأبرار "
20 March 2018Serba Serbi
" menjadi sarana untuk mempererat tali silaturahmi dan ukhuwah Islamiyah. Pada saat melakukan salat berjemaah, umat Islam akan berbondong-bondong datang ke masjid. Hal ini bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk mengenal lebih dekat satu sama lain.
22 February 2018Dalam Islam, menyambung tali silaturahmi merupakan salah satu hal yang dianjurkan oleh Rasulullah "
" di zaman Nabi Muhammad shollallahu ’alaih wa sallam sedemikian bersemangatnya orang menghadiri sholat berjamaah di masjid sampai-sampai ada yang dipapah dua orang di kiri-kanannya agar ia bisa sholat berjamaah di masjid... "
20 February 2018Md Mottalib
" Quick facts
16 February 2018Masjid Al-Abrar is one of the earliest mosques in Singapore, and is located along Telok Ayer Street in the Chinatown district within the Central Area, Singapore's central business district.Wikipedia
Architectural style:
Indo-Islamic architecture
Sources include:
Wikipedia "
Serba Serbi
" Sebuah hadits menjelaskan Rasulullah SAW bersabda :”Barangsiapa yg berwudhu dan menyempurnakan wudhunya, kemudian sholat dua rakaat (Sholat Hajat) dan sempurna rakaatnya, maka Allah SWT berikan apa yang dia pinta cepat atau lambat.” (HR. Ahmad) "
08 February 2018Ayah Manggeng
" مسجد الأبرار "
22 January 2018Rahmat Irvan
" Masjid ny nyaman, bersih dan ada taman bermain di depan masjid "
20 January 2018Irma Smart
" Nyaman "
30 December 2017Mohsin Hasan Mumtaz
" Beautiful masjid located on the main busy street. Parking is difficult to get and ladies prayer masjid is available. Good community of Muslims is living around here. Many courses often took place. It's difficult to get halal restaurant nearby, only non Muslim food. "
11 December 2017Agus Misbahudin
" Bagus dan bersih tempatnya, imamnya juga merdu bacaan sholatnya. "
18 October 2017Ayu Jamal
" Mesjidnya bagus sekali setiap tarwih aku di sana sholat "
18 October 2017Fendi Istyawan
" Nice place "
11 October 2017Afif Afandi
" ayo ramaiikan masjid2""" "
25 September 2017Mf4uzy
" Peacefull place "
23 September 2017Hadi Muhamad
30 August 2017Agha Najid
" Waktu saya shalat jumat disini, suasananya cukup nyaman dan tempat wudhuknya jaga bersih. "
21 July 2017Rusdiansyah HMI
" Mesjidnya bagus, cuma letaknya bukan dijalan poros "
18 July 2017Salsabila Nashucha
" Tempat x indah dan adem. Enak buat sholat "
13 July 2017Ebmot T
" ﷲ اكبر "
08 July 2017Muhammad Yahya
" Ok "
07 July 2017BarakMahfuzh Al-Alabiy
" Mesjid dg gaya arsitektur tradisional "
17 June 2017Zulfan Hakimi
" Saya pernah sholat disini, tenang beribadah disini "
01 June 2017Naruto Shippuden
" Sgt bagus "
10 April 2017Jay Hussein
" House of Allah welcome to those who believes... Convenient for the Muslim office staffs to be connected in the busy area. ⏳ "
10 March 2017Fiforlif Banjar HerbalAriz
" Ok "
07 February 2017Derek Ewell
" Convenient place to pray for the office crowd, but it becomes incredibly crowded on Fridays. Early arrival is essential. Historic building, and well preserved. "
13 November 2016Namas Saya0087
" Caleue desa ketapang "
14 October 2016Hafidz Abdurrahman
" Bersih, nyaman, ber-AC "
11 October 2016Adinda Rys
" Rumah allah harus di sukai :-) "
28 June 2015