" A good place for quick shopping visit for people who live in the area. It can be entered by people on wheelchair. It has vast parking area too, and the parking fee is very cheap. "
19 May 2018
" Ok "
08 April 2018
Evan D
" Fun for children and shopping "
06 March 2018
Joni Wang
" Located behind the shops, not easy to spot from street. "
12 February 2018
Muammar Andevelez
" quite a big market, the place is well-arranged. the best thing is the space to park your car. 😂 "
10 February 2018
Rahmadhini Annisa
" A place where you can do grocery shopping "
08 November 2017
Rental Tustel
" parkir luas "
10 October 2017
Didik Suryanto
" Ok Untuk Belanja "
07 October 2017
Toni Rahadiyanto
" Salah satu tempat belanja di pontianak. Lumayan lengkap. Bersih tempatnya karena baru selesai dibangun. Di lantai dua ada kids playground sebagai alternatif hiburan utk anak2 "
01 September 2017
Erna Lily
" Tempat parkirnya luas. Item yg dijual juga cukup bervariasi dgn harga terjangkau. Setiap bln biasanya ada beberapa item promooo...😄 jadi lumayan bisa menghemat. Bagi yang punya anak kecil, di lantai 2 ada arena bermain anak (bee bee land nya yaa... ) "
Daniel Wilianto
" A good place for quick shopping visit for people who live in the area. It can be entered by people on wheelchair. It has vast parking area too, and the parking fee is very cheap. "
" Ok "
08 April 2018Evan D
" Fun for children and shopping "
06 March 2018Joni Wang
" Located behind the shops, not easy to spot from street. "
12 February 2018Muammar Andevelez
" quite a big market, the place is well-arranged. the best thing is the space to park your car. 😂 "
10 February 2018Rahmadhini Annisa
" A place where you can do grocery shopping "
08 November 2017Rental Tustel
" parkir luas "
10 October 2017Didik Suryanto
" Ok Untuk Belanja "
07 October 2017Toni Rahadiyanto
" Salah satu tempat belanja di pontianak. Lumayan lengkap. Bersih tempatnya karena baru selesai dibangun. Di lantai dua ada kids playground sebagai alternatif hiburan utk anak2 "
01 September 2017Erna Lily
" Tempat parkirnya luas. Item yg dijual juga cukup bervariasi dgn harga terjangkau. Setiap bln biasanya ada beberapa item promooo...😄 jadi lumayan bisa menghemat. Bagi yang punya anak kecil, di lantai 2 ada arena bermain anak (bee bee land nya yaa... ) "
26 July 2017Agus Hendra
" Nice place 4 shopping "
14 June 2017