" Fasilitas kurang memadai..taman bunga dan jalan setapaknya juga terlihat tidak terawat.. "
07 May 2018
Watini Maghs
" Ya sebenernya gak terlalu banyak apa-apanya. Cuma lumayan lah ngurangin penat "
12 April 2018
Indah Safarina
" Nature 🏇🏻 Entry ticket Rp. 25.000. Extra entry ticket for each spot Rp. 25.000. If you’ll do a prewedding photoshoot session, you must pay Rp. 750.000 and you’ll get a 2 horses and free entry to all spot. "
15 March 2018
Henry Wahyu
" I expect more than a horse ranch, but thats it, a ranch. Nothing else, it has great potential, but it havent executed yet. "
02 November 2017
MissNani Tiyu
" A bit expensive. Entrance ticket costs 25k rupiahs, includes taking photos with the horses as you like. When you want to ride the horse, the cost is 50k rupiahs for 3 rounds. If you need to stay at the cottage, at the weekends the price is 750k, weekdays 500k.
The public toilet is not too clean. Yet there's a canteen here, some gazebos, and wide garden of sunflowers and pines, and awesome views of Panderman mountain and Batu city. Worth to visit. "
25 October 2017
Nita Angeline
" better before you go there,you must knowing what season of sunflower. very wide fields, on the season of sunflower maybe looks beautiful. "
07 September 2017
Stevanus Samuel
" A little expensive, but it worth to try. You can ride horse, take a picture with horses, eat noodle or meatball. The sun flower garden is good too. Keep it clean if you want to visit this place. "
20 July 2017
Tazkiyah Shofana
" Stay here for a while is a good choice. Fresh air, good vibe.😊 "
20 January 2017
Wihar Yani
" Nice place, we can take a picture with the horse and can riding the horse if the condition is acceptable such as no rain . "
18 January 2017
Adi Surya
" A place to get your mind and soul refreshed with flowers, horses, breathtaking scenery of mountains and hills "
12 January 2017
Evan Ericssen
" If you visit this place in the morning, you'll get very fresh air here. It's so cozy and comfortable. But you have to pay some bill if you want to ride its horse for 1 lap up to IDR 50K. "
11 January 2017
Rieki Sipoetra
" Fresh air, beautiful flowers in the garden, and friendly staffs who will take you to interact with the horses "
01 January 2017
Jeje Jelek
" Tempat latihan kuda, dulu tempat ini gratis biaya masuk. Tapi terakhir sya ksana ada retribsi tiket masuk sebesar 25k per kepala "
29 October 2016
Rifqa E
" kindly cowboys "
15 October 2016
Suhud Kharisma Hadisuwarno
" jgan kesini d saat jm mkan siang.. untuk taman bunganya smoga bisa lbih d rawat.. 😊 "
12 October 2016
Surya Eka
" Wisata keluarga berkuda yang bagus "
08 October 2016
Esa Dhipa Susanto
" Sehari jadi cowboy... booyy "
05 October 2016
Agen Villabatu
" Ok "
13 September 2016
Idd Trans
" suasananya sejuk "
18 August 2016
Andre Alvis Z P
" Top "
13 July 2016
Adam Yowanda
" You'll find friendly grooms and horses. Worth a shot but entrance ticket was a rather bit expensive. "
09 July 2016
Hostanto Ari Bagyo
" Sejuk segar. Ditambah dengan pemandangan yang asri & menenangkan "
09 July 2016
Putri Indah
" Tempat yang tepat bagi Anda yang berminat untuk sekolah Berkuda. Karena disini membuka kelas untuk berkuda. "
06 July 2016
Catur Haryanto
" Ayo pacuan kuda "
06 July 2016
Karras Bastomi
" Perlu peningkatan..... Sangat potensial dengan view yang indah dan udara yang masih sejuk.... "
07 June 2016
Wulan Raiz
" Kuda yg baguss "
24 May 2016
Acha Nurul
" Viewnya bagus, cocok buat selfie. Bisa untuk edukasi tentang peternakan kuda "
Devi Endah
" Fasilitas kurang memadai..taman bunga dan jalan setapaknya juga terlihat tidak terawat.. "
07 May 2018Watini Maghs
" Ya sebenernya gak terlalu banyak apa-apanya. Cuma lumayan lah ngurangin penat "
12 April 2018Indah Safarina
" Nature 🏇🏻 Entry ticket Rp. 25.000. Extra entry ticket for each spot Rp. 25.000. If you’ll do a prewedding photoshoot session, you must pay Rp. 750.000 and you’ll get a 2 horses and free entry to all spot. "
15 March 2018Henry Wahyu
" I expect more than a horse ranch, but thats it, a ranch. Nothing else, it has great potential, but it havent executed yet. "
02 November 2017MissNani Tiyu
" A bit expensive. Entrance ticket costs 25k rupiahs, includes taking photos with the horses as you like. When you want to ride the horse, the cost is 50k rupiahs for 3 rounds. If you need to stay at the cottage, at the weekends the price is 750k, weekdays 500k.
25 October 2017The public toilet is not too clean. Yet there's a canteen here, some gazebos, and wide garden of sunflowers and pines, and awesome views of Panderman mountain and Batu city. Worth to visit. "
Nita Angeline
" better before you go there,you must knowing what season of sunflower. very wide fields, on the season of sunflower maybe looks beautiful. "
07 September 2017Stevanus Samuel
" A little expensive, but it worth to try. You can ride horse, take a picture with horses, eat noodle or meatball. The sun flower garden is good too. Keep it clean if you want to visit this place. "
20 July 2017Tazkiyah Shofana
" Stay here for a while is a good choice. Fresh air, good vibe.😊 "
20 January 2017Wihar Yani
" Nice place, we can take a picture with the horse and can riding the horse if the condition is acceptable such as no rain . "
18 January 2017Adi Surya
" A place to get your mind and soul refreshed with flowers, horses, breathtaking scenery of mountains and hills "
12 January 2017Evan Ericssen
" If you visit this place in the morning, you'll get very fresh air here. It's so cozy and comfortable. But you have to pay some bill if you want to ride its horse for 1 lap up to IDR 50K. "
11 January 2017Rieki Sipoetra
" Fresh air, beautiful flowers in the garden, and friendly staffs who will take you to interact with the horses "
01 January 2017Jeje Jelek
" Tempat latihan kuda, dulu tempat ini gratis biaya masuk. Tapi terakhir sya ksana ada retribsi tiket masuk sebesar 25k per kepala "
29 October 2016Rifqa E
" kindly cowboys "
15 October 2016Suhud Kharisma Hadisuwarno
" jgan kesini d saat jm mkan siang.. untuk taman bunganya smoga bisa lbih d rawat.. 😊 "
12 October 2016Surya Eka
" Wisata keluarga berkuda yang bagus "
08 October 2016Esa Dhipa Susanto
" Sehari jadi cowboy... booyy "
05 October 2016Agen Villabatu
" Ok "
13 September 2016Idd Trans
" suasananya sejuk "
18 August 2016Andre Alvis Z P
" Top "
13 July 2016Adam Yowanda
" You'll find friendly grooms and horses. Worth a shot but entrance ticket was a rather bit expensive. "
09 July 2016Hostanto Ari Bagyo
" Sejuk segar. Ditambah dengan pemandangan yang asri & menenangkan "
09 July 2016Putri Indah
" Tempat yang tepat bagi Anda yang berminat untuk sekolah Berkuda. Karena disini membuka kelas untuk berkuda. "
06 July 2016Catur Haryanto
" Ayo pacuan kuda "
06 July 2016Karras Bastomi
" Perlu peningkatan..... Sangat potensial dengan view yang indah dan udara yang masih sejuk.... "
07 June 2016Wulan Raiz
" Kuda yg baguss "
24 May 2016Acha Nurul
" Viewnya bagus, cocok buat selfie. Bisa untuk edukasi tentang peternakan kuda "
24 April 2016