About Wisma Tenera
Wisma Tenera is a lodging, located at Jl. HOS. Cokro Aminoto No.3, Jagalan, Magersari, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61300, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 321 322904 for more detailed information.
Wisma Tenera is a lodging, located at Jl. HOS. Cokro Aminoto No.3, Jagalan, Magersari, Mojokerto, Jawa Timur 61300, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 321 322904 for more detailed information.
Galuh Livano
27 August 2019Irin SBP
" Clean and cheap. Everything else was so so. Behind the hotel lies a TPA. The rooms located at the back are potentially to be affected by bad odour from the TPA. For breakfast you will get hot tea and boiled egg. Well what do you expect? With the price I paid getting free breakfast was a surprise "
19 March 2019Awan Ardian
" Good and cheap place in the city center to relax, free breakfast is available (boiled egg and tea), the cons are it is so hot in the daylight at economy room and a little noisy due to water pump. "
01 October 2018Kurniawan Doank
" Quiet place "
17 September 2018Zaimatus Sa'diyah
" Noisy place... Can't have tight sleep "
24 March 2018Rebecca Fredlina Lisa
" Cozy and clean bathrooms with super affordable price. Recomend this hotel for transit or short getaway "
24 February 2018Darmawan Utomo
" Clean, quiet, affordable "
15 November 2017Maria Candra
" Secara tempat bagus.. tapi untuk manajemen agak kurang baik krn waktu sy menginap trjadi double booking dan pihak manajer tidak menyelesaikan masalah malah di tinggal pulang dan sy hrs menyelesaikan mslhnya dg tamu lain.. kebetulan ada staff saksi yg menyaksikan bw saya yg telah memesan kamar trlebih dahulu sblm tamu lain itu.. staffnya ramah kecuali manajer hotelnya yg kurang profesional "
01 October 2017Aucky Nararya
" Bersih rada mahal buat yg kamar lama beda tipis sama kamar baru harganya "
04 September 2017Supriadi Saputra
" Murah meriah mulai 90Rb / malam.
01 September 2017Kamar yg saya gunakan yg 110Rb.
Dapet kasur 2 ranjang, meja, bangku, TV, kipas, lemari.
Kamar mandi (sabun anduk bawa sendiri :) )
Saran saya coba itu mesin aer di pundahin.
Kalo lagi bunyi bersisik banget.
Keseluruhan untuk budgeting is oke lah. "
Wahyu Noor Hidayat
" Clean and quiet "
03 July 2017Yusup Sidik
" Nice service "
16 June 2017Sakti Ganefonda
" Dekat akses perbelanjaan dll "
09 June 2017Arief Setiyanto
" affordable but quite comfortable.. the rooms has been renovated to the level of budget hotel.. "
24 May 2017Arief Setiyanto
" affordable but quite comfortable.. "
11 May 2017Arief Indriawan
" Penginapan transit yang murah. Ingat hanya untuk transit. Lokasi berada di belakang pasar, jadi kadang tercium aroma sampah yang terbawa angin. Yang mengagumkan pelayanannya sangat ramah. "
13 March 2017Deny Setya Baskara
" Murah meriah "
01 January 2017Irdinata
" Bangunannya lama dan antik, harga sangat murah, tapi jangan harapkan fasilitas dan pelayanan bintang lima "
21 July 2015