United Bike & Build A Bike
About United Bike & Build A Bike
United Bike & Build A Bike is located at Jalan Mayjen Sungkono 174, Surabaya, Indonesia 60225. They can be contacted via phone at +62315652111, visit their website www.unitedbike.com for more detailed information.
Desy W
" mau numpang parkirin sepedah sebentar aja ga boleh :( apa karena sepeda gw butut bin dekil yak? "
09 June 2018Partha Karmakar
" OK not so impressive some very old unsold stuff "
01 June 2018Andrew Hadiwijaya
" Bagus,lengkap semua orang terkagum dari kerapian sepeda "
18 May 2018Alton Gunadi
" Cool "
14 May 2018Putu Tonsen
" Bile workshop. Memiliki dua lantai
02 May 2018Tempat membeli sepeda. Ada begitu banyak plilihan, mulai dari yang murah sampai yang mahal. Tergantung budget Anda.
Anda bisa memesan sepeda secara customized. Di sini juga tersedia spare parta serta aksesories sepeda.
Pelayanan bagus sekali. "
Henricus Erawan
" Mantap diskonnya, sukses..... "
06 April 2018Andre Santoso
" Dealer sepeda merk United, Patrol, dan Trek. Outletnya cukup besar dan designnya keren, pilihan sepeda tidak terlalu banyak khususnya untuk Road Bike.
03 April 2018Pelayanan cukup baik, ketersediaan aksesoris dan perlengkapan lainnya kurang banyak.
Tersedia akses langsung ke luar mall untuk test ride. "
Fithri Malinda
" Yang jualnya gak niat, banyak main hp... "
31 March 2018Didit Adit
" Tempatanya nyaman pelayanannya top di semua posisi "
04 March 2018Dwi Lestari
" Good place to buy a good bike "
18 February 2018Rahmat Hidayat
" Lengkap "
17 February 2018Luthfi Naufal
" You can find a lot of kind of bicycle here. Road bike, mountain bike, folding bike, and also electric bicycle. The price is quite expensive. For folding bike united trifold we need to spend 3.6 million rupiah. We can make our bike here. That's why this store named Build a bike. There are two floor. Many choices for buy and modify bicycle here. "
01 February 2018Bali Bike Hire
" Great place for a great quality and friendly services. "
22 December 2017Psymon Peers
" very helpful staff, good selection of bike and spares "
14 December 2017M Afri Ongkowijoyo
" Toko penjualan unit sepeda dengan model & tipe terbaru berkualitas. Tapi mahal "
21 May 2017Ary Widayatmo
" Bike consultans "
10 April 2017Anies Heriyanto
" Koleksi sepeda nya lengkap.... harga oke lah "
25 March 2017Inro DJ
" Nice place to buy a bike "
22 March 2017Candra Kurniawan
" Di unite bike ada bmx?? Kalo ada aku mau beli👍👍👍👍 "
16 March 2017Motivator Islami
" good "
15 January 2017Stuart Kelly
" Useful for spares and accessories if you know what you are after. Hold very good sales. "
08 October 2016Yosep Widian
" Judulnya United tapi koleksi United nya sedikit.. "
12 September 2016Davi Ditya
" Fresh and comfortable for shop bike. Just have clearance sale for specialized "
14 June 2016Heru Kusmartono
" Helpfull bike service staff.. Complete tools.. Nice store.. Open early on weekends.. "
26 April 2016Rama Dwi Pradnyana
" If you are looking for a roadbike or MTB, this is a good place to start. Good and friendly staff, some of them don't really know about bike but that's okay. They sell specialized bikes. "
05 January 2016Richard Yapeter
" Great staff.
15 November 2015Very informative and really knowledgeable. They are really trying hard to sell the right stuff for you. "
Tim Boende
" They sell bikes. That's about it. Staff don't know anything about bikes, don't even know how to build them. Put forks On backwards. Can't find parts, don't even understand schedules (agreed to meet at shop one hour before they even opened...obviously weren't there). It's also part of a massive chain (no Pun intended) and not a local shop. There are several other shops on Bali to purchase from. "
13 November 2015Merta Adnyana
" Sering ada sale nya "
04 September 2015Risandi Pradipto
" best customer service "
29 June 2015