About Lancar Jaya Souvenir Shop
Lancar Jaya Souvenir Shop is a store, located at Jl. R. Tumenggung Suryo No.86, Purwantoro, Blimbing, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 7472007, visit their website www.lancarjayakeripik.com for more detailed information.
Rindang Prasetyawati
" Soal produk lancar jaya, dijamin renyah gurih enak dan murah :D "
11 April 2018Ricky Ilyas
" Murah, lengka dan bervariasi. Namun sayang pelayan tidak ramah dan tidak menjelaskan produk yg dijual secara jelas. "
05 December 2017Pratiwi Bestariati
" It's very popular for those who wants to buy snacks from Malang. The price is cheap, yet the quality is nice. The staff are friendly. But the parking lot is limited. "
13 November 2017Fazri Rochmawati Dewi
" This place serve many unique snacks from malang. You can buy many variations of chips, like banana chips, apple chips, orange chips, and others. You can also get traditional snack like fruit dodol and cracker. "
11 October 2017Chandra Annisa
" Tempat belanja oleh - oleh khas malang, ada kripik tempe, kripik telo, kripik ceker dll. Harga nya sangat terjangkau. Kripik Tempe satu bungkus berkisar 6000 - 6500. "
23 September 2017Dimas Abdurrahman S
" The best place for gift shop. With "always ready stock" local food "
01 September 2017Refa Anjeng Sari
" One of the center of traditional food that can be bought for family and friends. There are tempe chip, fruit chip, dodol and so on with cheap price. "
18 August 2017Ilham AB
" Very popular souvenir and gifts shop in Malang. Full of traditional food. Keripik Tempe is one of the most popular here. "
07 August 2017Anto Martanto
" A great place if you are looking for gift from Malang. It doesn't have a huge parking lot "
27 June 2017Rahma Nurul A'Lima
" If you are looking for cheap and original kripik tempe Malang, this place is smokinh hot. But sadly the displays are not tidy at all. I suggest if you want to buy Bakpia Malang, go find the one with "Langgenggo" brand, and thanks me letter. "
25 June 2017Rendra Zulfikar
" This place is a good choice to find exclusive food from Malang. In here you can find many types of exclusive food from Malang like fried fermented soybean cake, apple egg rolls, apple pies, jenang apples, fruit cracker and many more. Besides offering foods, this places is also offers products with chrap prices. "
20 June 2017Novrizal Herdananto
" Hard to find decent parking. Expect a scratch on your car. Extremely crowded on holidays or weekend "
19 June 2017Eleony Shelley
" Lots of variety and helpful staff. They packed your items in a box and then strapped them for easy carry. "
15 June 2017Hendra Setiaji
" Complete store for snacks, traditional cookies and fruit cracker. Always has fresh stocks and have a competitive price, no wonder if this store is very crowded every weekend. "
14 May 2017Paramitha Rahma Wardhani
" Quite famous place to find malang snack and "oleh oleh" from malang. But you have to bring cash here. "
12 April 2017Nenez Sykes
" All you can choose snack. Not only from Malang, but from other place also. "
03 March 2017Franc Renaldo Tindangen
" Fast response and great quality food... Selling Malang souvenirs n food "
24 January 2017Adhyaksa Prameswara
" Very cheap souvenir shop and quite a lot of kind of snacks from Malang. Highly recommended especially for college students. "
22 January 2017Cholid Mawardi
" a complete one stop shopping center for oleh-oleh "
26 December 2016Henry Erik Estrada
" Price slightly cheaper than other places. The place is not too comfortable though as it is small and crowded. The staffs are not friendly especially the parking staff. Better go to Gudang Oleh Oleh if you bring kids/childrem "
23 December 2016Halim Undangan
" Lebih murah & lebih lengkap dibandingkan toko-toko di sampingnya. "
15 October 2016Dela Erawati
" Local specialites and others. Mainly fruit chips (wide range of chips, actually). A bit packed with stuffs. "
12 September 2016Novian Zaini
" Tempat belanja oleh-oleh favorit orang-orang. Lengkap sih. Keripik berbagai rasa & jenis. Manisan, jajanan, dll. Harga terjangkau. "
06 September 2016Sastradirja Leonar
" you can get traditional snack from this place "
13 August 2016Zaeni Zaeni
" Recommendation for Malamg Souvenir "
11 August 2016Goez Indra
" Toko oleh2 yg harganya bersaing, lengkap lagi 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 "
22 July 2016Sugeng Agung Wibowo
" Pusat oleh-oleh Malang yg komplit "
21 July 2016Eko Wijayanto
" salah satu toko recomended oleh oleh khas malang kripik tempe "
07 July 2016Manik Agra
" Belum jam 8 sudah buka.. 🙌 "
26 June 2016