About Sumber Baru Toserba
Sumber Baru Toserba is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Raya Pasirian No.204, Joho, Pasirian, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur 67372, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 334 574000 for more detailed information.
Sumber Baru Toserba is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Raya Pasirian No.204, Joho, Pasirian, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur 67372, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 334 574000 for more detailed information.
Hary Ismawanto
" Not bad. "
07 October 2020Aprilia Ayu Sholihati Nafisah
" One of the most complete shopping center in town. "
03 October 2020Maria Veronica Sulistyarini
" Rapi, profesional, products is good quality "
15 August 2020Ria Mics
" Happy time "
06 June 2020Anna Miyosi
" Nice shopping mall, friendly servants, easy parking, reasonable prices "
09 March 2020WS Education
" Many food,beverages,cookies,traditional cake, T shirt, car, bycicle, motor cycle and more "
05 March 2020Precious순규
" A good place to visit for shopping👍🏻 "
20 January 2020Mas Beck
" Good shop.. "
20 January 2020Rizky Aprilia
" the best department store in this town that sell groceries with low price. but the place is too small. "
10 November 2019Sanita Chairunnisa
" Great price, too narrow "
04 June 2019Ganda Perkasa
" The one and only in my home town "
28 April 2019Ganda Perkasa
" The one and only in my home town "
28 April 2019Ali Hudatwi
" I was there last week to buy some elecytonic stuff, but since the employer is so UNfriendly and UNhelpfull I decided to move to other store. If you have more patient and willing to wait for a looong time, do come here. Suggestion: should add another employer in each section, and surely they are eager to work fast. "
10 March 2019Ali Hudatwi
" I was there last week to buy some elecytonic stuff, but since the employer is so UNfriendly and UNhelpfull I decided to move to other store. If you have more patient and willing to wait for a looong time, do come here. Suggestion: should add another employer in each section, and surely they are eager to work fast. "
10 March 2019Wahyudi Sulistyo
" Department Store in Wonogiri, Near Alun-Alun. In main road Wonogiri. First floor for groceries, second floor for clothing shop. "
07 March 2019Wahyudi Sulistyo
" Department Store in Wonogiri, Near Alun-Alun. In main road Wonogiri. First floor for groceries, second floor for clothing shop. "
07 March 2019Desi Rizky A
" I think, this is the best departemen store in town! Low price, good atmosphere, clean. The reason I didn't give 5 stars is because sometimes when I go there, I didn't get stuff that I needed. "
21 December 2018Desi Rizky A
" I think, this is the best departemen store in town! Low price, good atmosphere, clean. The reason I didn't give 5 stars is because sometimes when I go there, I didn't get stuff that I needed. "
21 December 2018Irmadli Kumahersinung
" One Stop Shopping yang bisa dikatakan terlengkap di kota Wonogiri.
08 November 2018Bintang Lima akan di berikan jika pengalaman membuktikan harga yang dipajang di etalase cocok dengan harga di mesin kasir. soal nya pengalaman selama ini, harga nya kadang tidak akurat, mungkin disebabkan up date yang terlambat dari MD atau Management.
Selain itu bagus, pelayanan cukup baik, ATM dan mesin Debet tersedia. Mau karaoke juga ada. "
Sunil Gehani
" In this market you get import goods like best salted peanut, salted pistachios, rs olive oil for cholesterol,rs pomace oil for cooking food, nectaflor honey for drink n eat to get healthy life.... "
12 September 2018Ema Nuraini
" Buy daily necesities here.. Great place to shop.. "
10 September 2018Intan Aristy
" A good place to buy daily necescities, they have complete stuff and reasonably price "
18 July 2018Panjezz Mitch Sullivan
" Good place for many people.. shopping or get many food at food court "
20 June 2018Bayu Surya
" Best retail & grocery store I've ever visited "
02 May 2018Bunda Mursini
" Bagus...komplit. tp kurang luas....trimaksih sumber baru toserba.☺☺ "
09 April 2018Stefriko Stifler
" Basement : parking
15 March 20181st floor : supermarket
2nd floor : fashions
3rd floor : foodcourt & kidzone "
Kevin Tri
" Mini market gaul.. "
15 February 2018Suseno Anwar
" Most popular mini market in wonogiri "
12 February 2018Rey Dhaa
" Toko kebutuhan sehari hari dan mudah di lugat dari pinggir jalan "
07 December 2017Iwan Supriyanto
" Nice Place 2 shooping with your family "
25 November 2017Desi Kartika Sari
" Groceries shop here is fun "
18 November 2017Anggoro Wahyu
" 👍 perfect "
14 September 2017Serempet Gudal
" Minimarket di pedesaan harganya pun terjangkau terletak di pingir jalan sangat mudah di lihat "
05 September 2017Tjoeng William Christian
" Komplitttt, supermarket, fashion, food court, entertainment "
05 June 2017Nabila Rosa
" This place located very strategic in the center of this city. A nice one! "
13 May 2017Agus Kristiyanto
" Small super market but biggest in wonogiri city "
23 April 2017Reza Sakti
" The Best Supermarket in Wonogiri "
17 March 2017Guruh Wahyudi
" Very nice place at this region "
16 February 2017Dina Ayu Puspitasari
" a small dept store that offers variety things of daily need. the place is clean and neat. "
15 February 2017Havy Fidarain
" if you stay at wonogiri, this one is complete mall "
08 February 2017Lita Ariani
" This market provides such a complete daily needs, has been well located and has a good access to visit. "
28 December 2016Yulian Chrisna Dyaswara
" Good "
30 November 2016Himawan Reza
" Affordable price and good for groceries "
07 November 2016Suntoro Post
" Toserba Baru merupakan toserba yang telah lebih awal berdiri dibanding dengan toserba lain di sini, kita bisa masuk ke toko ini dari dua pintu akses, dari pintu timur dan pintu barat, swalayannya sangat lengkap dari barang kebutuhan harian, pakaian, elektronik, alat mainan untuk anak-anak, stationery, jam tangan, dan lain-lain tersedia di sini dan tentu saja dengan harga yang cukup murah. "
18 September 2016Prabowo Dony Sulistyo
" lengkap "
24 August 2016Bintang Yudha
" Lumayan lengkap "
16 July 2016Suntoro Post
" toserba paling senior nih di kota Wonogiri, semoga selalu ringan harganya dan tetap lengkap "
25 June 2016Sp Budi Setyarso
" Small Dept. Store in a small town.
13 June 2016Nice and complete. "
Si Dik
" terbilang murah "
22 May 2016L Pratama
" Salah satu dari dua toserba di Wonogiri. Layout menarik dan terdiri atas 3 lantai. Lantai 1 merupakan supermarket, lantai 2 merupakan tempat baju, dan lantai 3 foodcourt dan arena bermain anak. "
24 February 2016