Rollaas Coffee & Tea (Executive Cafe & Resto)
About Rollaas Coffee & Tea (Executive Cafe & Resto)
Rollaas Coffee & Tea (Executive Cafe & Resto) is a cafe, located at Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah Blok G No.106, Manyar Sabrangan, Mulyorejo, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60116, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 59174141, visit their website for more detailed information.
Aditya Perdana
" Checker board available "
10 May 2018Kriyo SAMBODHO
" Simple and homy place with fully unforgetable taste of high quality of Indonesian coffee. The best place to taste the best coffee for their lovers. "
13 April 2018Anthony Khandar
" Service is a bit slow "
27 February 2018Hanny Nahan
" It is a great place to spend some quality time with family, friends or someone special. "
17 February 2018Erwan Dwi Setiawan
" Good place for hangout and many choice of food and beverage "
06 February 2018Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman
" The best rollaas chain in town. Very quiet and cozy. The food is good. The coffee is great. But still need a lot of improvement to catch the crowd.
27 January 2018Great job! "
Bayu Handoko
" Good place for hangout,cozy place "
12 December 2017Akhmad Rafi'i
" Good place to hang out with customer "
26 November 2017Rolancon Habeahan
" Bagus dan strategis "
15 October 2017Sedot Wc Murah Surabaya Mitra Sedot Wc
" Mantap "
01 October 2017Haryono Tedjo
" Nice coffee taste... great place to hang out with friends or even family "
27 September 2017Hanny Nahan
" It is a great place to spend some quality time with family, friends or someone special. "
23 September 2017Afig Casfer
" enak tuk santai mnghilangn sumpek n stres krn sharian kerja.. "
12 September 2017Joe Yau
" Very quiet and cosy... Service is good and there is soft music to go along with your lopi luwak "
08 September 2017Wan Hing Liem
" Bagis tempatnya "
07 September 2017Kriyo SAMBODHO
" Simple and homy place with fully unforgetable taste of high quality of Indonesian coffee. The best place to taste the best coffee for their lovera. "
19 August 2017Wolfgang Rupert
" Good choices of local coffee. Fast services. Parking lot is limited "
05 August 2017Ervan Mahardhika
" tempatnya instagram-able banget, banyak spot foto menarik.. sayangnya harga kurang kompetitif buat kantong saya. "
04 August 2017Ramadhani Helmy F
" Unforgetable Coffee "
31 July 2017Minda Soemali
" Friendly crew, provide me with lots of new information about coffee "
18 July 2017Nita Indriani
" The best venue of Rollaas chain! The place is very cute and it's OUTSIDE any mall. Beverages and foods are well prepared, and they open until 12 even in Ramadhan! "
17 June 2017Sukirin Lim
" AC nya kurang kuat. Ga nyaman. "
04 June 2017Aris Imam Bukhori
" Rasa makanan perlu diperbaiki krn taste nya kurang "
06 May 2017Bobby Rahman
" salah satu cafe dengan interior terbaik di kota Palangka Raya "
03 May 2017Arief Prakosa
" Convenient place with good value menu's "
22 April 2017Acka Jogja
" Keren uii "
18 April 2017Stanley B
" Coffee was okay but the non smoking room still smells smokes "
17 April 2017Bhakti Endratama
" Another great Rollaas Coffee and Tea experience. I used to visit another Rollaas Cafe in Beachwalk Bali. The menu is similiar, however this place is nostalgic since it is not in a mall. The interiors and seatings really reflect that great coffee can be enjoyed at home. "
07 April 2017Nurul Rahmawati
" Menuu menu lezat dengan minuman yang nikmat. Tempat nongkrong yg dapat diandalkan "
06 April 2017Bhakti Endratama
" Another great Rollaas Coffee and Tea experience. I used to visit another cafe in Beachwalk Bali. The menu is similiar, however this place is nostalgic. The interiors and seatings really reflect that great coffee can be enjoyed at home. "
30 March 2017Gendi Raharjo
" Great coffee, nice place with high speed wifi connection "
15 March 2017Ibnu Prayogo
" Kopi 100% cafe 100% "
22 February 2017Alexander Agung
" Nice place for hangout or meet up. "
11 February 2017Acu Herlian
" Tempatnya nyaman buat nongkrong.. "
16 January 2017Rosik F. Aldian
" Exclusive "
26 December 2016Jusef Treser
" Menu kopi berbagai macam,berbeda dgn coffee shop biasanya. Kopi lanang mantap..sayang coba kopi maragogype (ktnya produksinya tdk banyak).
25 December 2016Harga sedikit lbh mahal dr biasanya.Tempat lumayan buat nyantai dan ngobrol "
Rusni Dwi Yanto SE
" Cocok tempat acara Ultah, rapat, ibadah, pertemuan, dll "
25 December 2016Ray Cahyo Ariono
" Serasa kada di Kota Cantik Palangka Raya
16 December 2016Masuk langsung mak nyus....dingin ac
Makanannya juga relatif enak dan terjangkau "
Heriyadi Bintang
" Friendly "
09 November 2016Azriel Asharie
" Tempat yang sangat nyaman dan enak makanannya, cocok untuk meredakan stress, good job 👌 "
05 November 2016Alessandro Nicholas Marchevino
" Mantaappp "
24 October 2016Trully Laksono
" Nice place "
06 October 2016Hendy Ramdityo
" nice coffee with high speed internet connection "
11 July 2016Khorniawan Wibisono
" Like this place "
15 June 2016Rayhan Nur Razeski
" Waa "
03 April 2016