" Okay. Kami dari Surabaya dekat dari jalan keluar tol. Terawat, banyak di lakukan perbaikan untuk memberi kenyamanan pengunjung. "
30 May 2018
Aric Darmawan
" Flying fox is a great experience for my little son... "
22 April 2018
Geipenko Widayanto
" easy to find location, attractive games for our kids. have good space for parking and caffetaria "
21 April 2018
Aji Cahyono Kusuma Wardhani
" fresh spring water. good for swim "
09 March 2018
Claudine Gofira
" Cheap food, drink, and entrance ticket.
But in holiday or weekend this place is very crowded "
17 January 2018
Andrik Hadi
" Yes terday....
Ahaaayyyy "
01 January 2018
Fithri Muta'afi
" Nice place for holiday with the kids "
27 December 2017
Imam Imam
" Perlu penataan lagi karena letaknya di tengah2 area persawahan... Alami walau tidak tidak terlalu tinggi air terjunnya... Bagus untuk nyantai dan berendam... "
06 December 2017
Dody Himawan
" a comfortable family recreation area featuring a swimming pool and outdoor activities arena for children and adults. The price of food and beverage is also affordable because it utilizes local people to trade food and fruits. Entrance tickets are very affordable "
06 December 2017
Wilson Chee
" Narrow acess from main road but always very crowded during pucblic holiday. "
29 November 2017
Syahputra Ww
" Cocok untuk nyegerin badan, selalu berkunjung 1 bulan sekali "
10 November 2017
Rizky Adidharma - Riplay Studio
" Cheap entry, inside is surprisingly large, not only swimming pool they have many interesting spots like horse riding and kids playground. The swimming pool is crowded on holidays and weekend though, some small area seems unfinished or abandoned "
03 September 2017
Budi Setiawan
" Nice place for swim and good view "
19 August 2017
Dimas Ferry
" Good Place for family and playground kids "
12 August 2017
Sumardi Pribadi
" My favourites place for swimming and refrshing "
31 July 2017
Nana Carlina
" Ikuti Google Map.
Jika naik roda empat, berhenti sampai yang ditunjukkan google.
Jika naik roda dua, ikuti jalan yang diarahkan penduduk setempat, maka akan bisa parkir roda dua persis di dekat Coban ini.
Masih bersih, alami, bisa mandi di kolam di bawah Coban. Tetapi belum ada fasilitas apapun disini. 👍💕 "
13 July 2017
Mohamad Adam Nasrullah
" nice for family trip many pools 😀 "
01 July 2017
Arin Arin
" The water is fresh and the price isnt expensive so this is the best place fir swimming practical in weekday nit for weekend "
23 May 2017
Oky Istia
" Nice place to swim "
14 May 2017
Dimas Nur Ilham
" Nice place for fun family "
28 March 2017
Nauval Karim
" Good place to get really really fresh water. "
27 February 2017
Tamz FotoVideo
" Nice place to hang out with family and friends "
03 February 2017
Taufik Wibawanto
" Cheap adventure park. But on holiday too much people "
19 January 2017
Ali Rosidi
" So good, and beautifull "
15 January 2017
Rofiul Masyhudi
" Cheap one "
12 December 2016
Rizal Hakim
" Top "
08 December 2016
Kastil Utama Saya
" keren banget sapai sapai aku mandi 5 jam bersama temanku "
12 September 2016
Eko Musa
" Jihad "
06 September 2016
Ririf Haybah
" Lumayan untuk refreshing "
09 August 2016
Rizal Jr25
" Haha hh aha gk lucuuuu ???/ "
09 July 2016
Rizal Achmad Fahrezi
" Murah meriah "
28 June 2016
Wiwin Maliana
" Menyenangkan "
12 June 2016
Sigit Carixs
" Good for refreshing ....... "
23 May 2016
Jalis Endarwanto
" Terapi ikan paling suiiip "
21 May 2016
Daryo M. Wihardja
" Kolam renang yg wajib dikunjungi. Airnya bersih alami langsung dari mata air ... "
" Okay. Kami dari Surabaya dekat dari jalan keluar tol. Terawat, banyak di lakukan perbaikan untuk memberi kenyamanan pengunjung. "
30 May 2018Aric Darmawan
" Flying fox is a great experience for my little son... "
22 April 2018Geipenko Widayanto
" easy to find location, attractive games for our kids. have good space for parking and caffetaria "
21 April 2018Aji Cahyono Kusuma Wardhani
" fresh spring water. good for swim "
09 March 2018Claudine Gofira
" Cheap food, drink, and entrance ticket.
17 January 2018But in holiday or weekend this place is very crowded "
Andrik Hadi
" Yes terday....
01 January 2018Ahaaayyyy "
Fithri Muta'afi
" Nice place for holiday with the kids "
27 December 2017Imam Imam
" Perlu penataan lagi karena letaknya di tengah2 area persawahan... Alami walau tidak tidak terlalu tinggi air terjunnya... Bagus untuk nyantai dan berendam... "
06 December 2017Dody Himawan
" a comfortable family recreation area featuring a swimming pool and outdoor activities arena for children and adults. The price of food and beverage is also affordable because it utilizes local people to trade food and fruits. Entrance tickets are very affordable "
06 December 2017Wilson Chee
" Narrow acess from main road but always very crowded during pucblic holiday. "
29 November 2017Syahputra Ww
" Cocok untuk nyegerin badan, selalu berkunjung 1 bulan sekali "
10 November 2017Rizky Adidharma - Riplay Studio
" Cheap entry, inside is surprisingly large, not only swimming pool they have many interesting spots like horse riding and kids playground. The swimming pool is crowded on holidays and weekend though, some small area seems unfinished or abandoned "
03 September 2017Budi Setiawan
" Nice place for swim and good view "
19 August 2017Dimas Ferry
" Good Place for family and playground kids "
12 August 2017Sumardi Pribadi
" My favourites place for swimming and refrshing "
31 July 2017Nana Carlina
" Ikuti Google Map.
13 July 2017Jika naik roda empat, berhenti sampai yang ditunjukkan google.
Jika naik roda dua, ikuti jalan yang diarahkan penduduk setempat, maka akan bisa parkir roda dua persis di dekat Coban ini.
Masih bersih, alami, bisa mandi di kolam di bawah Coban. Tetapi belum ada fasilitas apapun disini. 👍💕 "
Mohamad Adam Nasrullah
" nice for family trip many pools 😀 "
01 July 2017Arin Arin
" The water is fresh and the price isnt expensive so this is the best place fir swimming practical in weekday nit for weekend "
23 May 2017Oky Istia
" Nice place to swim "
14 May 2017Dimas Nur Ilham
" Nice place for fun family "
28 March 2017Nauval Karim
" Good place to get really really fresh water. "
27 February 2017Tamz FotoVideo
" Nice place to hang out with family and friends "
03 February 2017Taufik Wibawanto
" Cheap adventure park. But on holiday too much people "
19 January 2017Ali Rosidi
" So good, and beautifull "
15 January 2017Rofiul Masyhudi
" Cheap one "
12 December 2016Rizal Hakim
" Top "
08 December 2016Kastil Utama Saya
" keren banget sapai sapai aku mandi 5 jam bersama temanku "
12 September 2016Eko Musa
" Jihad "
06 September 2016Ririf Haybah
" Lumayan untuk refreshing "
09 August 2016Rizal Jr25
" Haha hh aha gk lucuuuu ???/ "
09 July 2016Rizal Achmad Fahrezi
" Murah meriah "
28 June 2016Wiwin Maliana
" Menyenangkan "
12 June 2016Sigit Carixs
" Good for refreshing ....... "
23 May 2016Jalis Endarwanto
" Terapi ikan paling suiiip "
21 May 2016Daryo M. Wihardja
" Kolam renang yg wajib dikunjungi. Airnya bersih alami langsung dari mata air ... "
27 December 2015