About Pantai Baru Baru
Pantai Baru Baru is located at Pulau Sempu, Malang 65176. They can be contacted via phone at 081333183380 for more detailed information.
Pulau Sempu
Pantai Baru Baru is located at Pulau Sempu, Malang 65176. They can be contacted via phone at 081333183380 for more detailed information.
Pulau Sempu
Julie Bergeron
" This beach is about 15 minutes walk from pantai Baron. It is very secluded and worth the short hike. The water is calm and shallow in this area. Highly recommended. "
08 June 2018Fitri Nur Hanifah
" Nice place if you wanna hang out with your friends and eat some seafoods, you can really find it here "
26 May 2018Fatimah Bilqis
" For seafood seeker. This beach have some seafood stall with delicious taste, fresh fish, and affordable price. "
19 May 2018Veronica Asmarawardani
" Nice beach actually but some spot are blocked for AVT route which make walking space and playground are narrowed down and not safe for children to play among the trees "
16 May 2018Fani Himawan
" Nice view "
24 April 2018Bondan Wiratmoko B.s.
" Banyak warung di pinggir pantai, jangan takut jika anda kelaparan karena banyak warung. Jangan bawa anak kecil maen air ombak di pinggir pantai karena ombak cukup dahsyat takutnya kalau terseret. "
22 April 2018Ratih Buwono
" Still a very quit beach, white sand, and nice view, love it.. "
17 April 2018Cheri Arifin
" Good "
14 April 2018Eduard Altius
" There's an ATV ride which is so much fun, but the beach itself is not really clean "
21 March 2018Ana Zahida
" Lovely beach, especially at sunset, with pine tree canopy and fresh seafood you will love "
15 March 2018Restu Waras Toto
" This is a small but beautiful beach hidden behind some corn plantations "
26 February 2018Adhyadmoko Abiyoga Supriyoko
" I can't really say that it is 100% perfect, as a beach. But what i do love about this beach, is the simple solitude, less crowded than the beaches on thw east side of jogja'a coast. Aside from that, because of the lower terrain level, you can find much more diverse vegetation in comparation to the east jogja's beaches. Even dragonfruit plantation isn't hard to find, and not to mention the shrimp farm "
19 February 2018Viska Vizuka
" Awalnya saya cuma ingin mengunjungi Pantai Baron dan Mercusuarnya saja. Tapi saya lihat dari atas ada pantai kecil yg indah. Saya putuskan kesana untuk mengecek secara langsung hanya agak bingung karena tidak ada jalan besar. Setelah bertanya apakah ada jalan pada seorang penduduk katanya ada. Iya walaupun hanya jalan setapak. Pemandangan menuju kesana luar biasa dengan hamparan kebun jagung dan pandan laut. Pantai putihnya bersih dan belum banyak pengunjung. Hanya saja beberapa temboknya terkena abrasi. Dari pantai ini juga bisa terlihat Pantai Kukup di sebelah timur. Pemandangan disini mengingatkan saya pada Bali. "
30 January 2018Siti Sholikha
" I wouldn't say okay for the beach tho. The sand is dark and a bit trashy. But it's a good option since you only need to drive straight to the south at the edge between bantul and laut selatan. The seafood is fresher than other beaches, from what I know and heard, so you should try it here. Sometimes it can get very crowded. "
18 January 2018Hafidz Moech
" this is one of the best beaches i know in southern coast of jogja. especially the trees. it protects you from the sunray ✨ "
04 January 2018Aan Panghegar
" Pantainya bagus.....sayang galeri nya kog ada foto yg gak pantas di tampilkan ya....kasian klo ada anak kecil yg liat itu "
22 December 2017Hafidz Moech
" this is one of the best beaches i know in southern coast of jogja. especially the trees. it protects you from the sunray ✨ "
30 November 2017Pak Darmadi
" Beach, high waves, beachfishing area, kids playground, fishery restaurant.
26 November 2017Nice beach view "
Linggar PamBewDey
" Gasengaja nemu pantai nyempil, awalnya cuma jalan2 ke tebing karena di pantai baronnya rame BANGET, eeh ternyata nemu pantai yg keren, bersih, sepi, pasirnya putih, beda seperti di Pantai Baron.. pokoknya kereen "
19 November 2017Rachmat Fajar Noor Kusuma
" Love the trees.. So comfort, nice to enjoy with your family's "
16 September 2017Dwi Anggara
" Masih sepi disini "
06 September 2017Muhammad Noor Fatkhannudin
" Baru "
29 August 2017Ahmed Jood
" Very nice place,, but not much things like in other areas but still good place for many other things "
16 August 2017Mohammad Ferianto
" Dirty and not well maintained. The only clean area was the toilet and mushala. "
15 August 2017Annisa Syaufika Yustisia Ridwan
" Not too far from the center of Jogjakarta. A good choice if you want to have a family picnic. There are lots of pine trees in the beach, so you can enjoy the beach view without worrying about sunlight.
23 July 2017However they really need to improve the garbage management. There are lots of garbage bins, but lots of ignorant people still throw away garbage. "
Maria Dhevianti
" The beach for enjoy the waves, relaxing your mind, and picnic with family or friends. Not recommended for swimming coz there are many corals and it has big waves. The minor here is the beach lil bit dirty because of trashes. "
23 July 2017Bernadeta Ajeng
" Beautiful beach, but the wind and the waves were kind of rough. There were many trees there, making the beach more beautiful. There were many options of seafood restaurants, the price was moderate. You can also rent ATV for IDR 40k for about 20 minutes. There weren't many gas station around the beach. Make sure you have enough gas. "
08 July 2017Christavia Ayunda
" Beautiful, cozy beach. The waves are kinda rough, so is the wind, but nevertheless a nice place to sit for a while and simply hear the nature.. "
26 June 2017Wisnu Pramudya
" lokasi cukup bersih. mudah dijangkau dari kulonprogo. sangat bagus juga pemandangannya. "
22 June 2017Abdul Alief Alamsyah
" We go here first thing in morning to avoid the crowd, and the beach ia wonderful. Rough waves, mild wind, very enlightening. Theres atv rental here to add more experience. If you feel like shopping, some store offer merchandise. We have a great time here. "
02 May 2017Puthut Jatmiko
" Good spot for family vacation, lot of trees that make very relax and feel sleepy.. "
01 May 2017Wahyu Rio Sadewa
" Sejuk "
01 May 2017Adhi Setyawan
" good place for enjoy the beach. there are so many tree so the sun not directly burn your skin. not recomended for surfing. "
10 April 2017Vincensius Riyan
" 👍👍👍👍👍 "
22 March 2017Dewi Arita
" For it's better to be here than Kuwaru. You'll get a clearier view tho. "
22 March 2017Khabib Mustofa
" Relatively "new" Beach, easily accessed as it is now directly connected via southern ring Road. The sea is part of Samudera Indonesia, which has rough wave, so it is not suitable for swimming "
28 February 2017Yulistyo Adi
" A good place for refreshing and culinary. You'll be served by the beauty of the ocean, seafood culinary, and also the relaxing breeze. "
16 February 2017Lupa Nama
" There's a lobsters around here "
04 February 2017Iwan J Prasetyo
" Good view for sunset between Nov - Jan. It is also a place for turtle conservation programs. It is local governmnet program cooperate with universities in Yogya. "
04 January 2017Putri Adini
" I could buy a half kilogram of shrimp, a half kilogram of squid and 2 kilograms fish. They were well cooked by grilling and frying serves. I just pay for Rp. 140.000,- also with sambal and steamed rice for 5 person. Excellent! I don't bargain too much. "
01 January 2017Yuri Yudhaswana
" Fairly nice place, the request of lunch took lots of time "
01 January 2017Adam Althusius
" Food is good, but the beach is not the best sight seeing in Jogjakarta "
14 December 2016Rosyid Arifin
" Pasirnya hitam dan terabrasi jadi pantainya ga landai, adanya penyewaan ATV mengganggu ketenangan.agak kotor juga ada sampah2 di pinggiran. Yang spesial adalah banyaknya pohon-pohon rindang dan seafood yg enak dan murah "
31 July 2016Sokiyarist Sukisna
" Sedikit semrawut "
19 July 2016Fajrul Fitrianto
" Pantai Baru is one of the renowned beaches in southern part of Yogyakarta. It is located in Bantul, lining up with other beaches (Pantai Pandansimo, Pantai Kuwaru, and Pantai Pandansari). The beach is known for its pine shades lining on the shore. It's also known for its mass use of wind turbine and solar panel to provide electrical energy around the beaches. The wind turbines around this place giving the beach a unique view which are rarely found in other beaches. "
14 July 2016Jiiu Anakaneh
" Black sanded beach with lots pine trees. Good for a picnic by the sea. Decent view. Ferocious waves so no swimming here. "
22 May 2016Nandastra Adi
" Ok juga sih "
27 December 2015Maryanto Segoroyoso
" Lum sempat kesana "
12 November 2015