About Padi Heritage Hotel
Padi Heritage Hotel is a lodging, located at Perumahan Tata Surya, Jalan Regulus No. 9, Tlogomas, Lowokwaru, Tlogomas, Kec. Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65144, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 341 557791, visit their website www.padiheritage.com for more detailed information.
Rahmad Aji Prasetya
" Not recommended at All!! Poor service, tasteless food, dirty place. Eventhough it's cozy. "
09 May 2018Hendar Putranto
" The view is spectacular, I feel like I was born again at d village "
13 April 2018Ermin Rachmawati
" its cozy to swim cause but still have no idea About stay overnight at the hotel "
30 January 2018Angus Spawton-Rice
" Seems to be no staff but we did go off-season. Also the rice paddy was just mud at the time. Not clean either but was cheap. "
18 December 2017Nome Amez
" Very nice place 👌🏻 "
13 October 2017Ali Reza
" Great views and location, but their's service not good enough "
05 September 2017Agustinus Arie Priya
" back to nature in middle of cities "
14 July 2017Indrie Yuli Pratiwi
" A very good spot for photo session! The place is hidden enough to escape from town buzz. "
11 July 2017Mochamad Amrullah
" Incredible place, loved it "
09 July 2017Yoe Yagami
" Nice place for relaxing body from the city buzz... Nice weather and atmosphere,.. awesome breakfast... "
06 July 2017Bagusakh Febrianto
" lovely and so cozy place to stay and gettin' an escape or just retreat for daily activity, overall, so excited for this place and also proud of the services they gave! ohaiyu "
03 July 2017Candra Arviantria
" Nice view "
09 April 2017Moko Pariatmoko
" Suasana desa di tengah kota. Belum ada resto nya. "
21 February 2017Cv Matraya
" TGL 4-5 MARET OPEN GAK YA .... "
21 February 2017Pendekar Digital
" Dapat kamar yg luas dan beberapa kamar membutuhkan perjuangan ekstra karena harus naik
29 January 2017Perlengkapan kamar mandi hanya tersedia handuk "
Hanafi Eka
" suasana yang alami bikin lupa kalo ini sebenarnya masih di kota malang :) "
15 January 2017Bagus Tatawarna
" Tempat yang sangat nyaman di tengah area perkotaan, suasana desa yang jarang kita temui di hirup pikuknya kota malang, recomended banget deh, pemandangannya juga bagus banget "
14 January 2017Poppy Sartika
" Great for escaperience!!! "
02 January 2017Fajerin Biabdillah
" recomended place "
29 December 2016FX Suprapto
" Good View with reasonable price "
12 December 2016Lala Loopsy
" Back to nature reaort so comfy "
04 September 2016