PT ADIRA DINAMIKA MULTI FINANCE CABANG KEDIRI is located at Jl. Airlangga No.39, Ngadirejo, Kec. Kota Kediri, Kota Kediri, Jawa Timur 64129, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 354 690533 for more detailed information.
Bot Mail
" the phone number can't be contacted, once there is a problem regarding bpkb, you have to report to the center first, then Kediri telp uses the office number. once the cs phone is fierce, not polite, likes to interrupt the conversation. I want to extend BPKB for 5 years, I'm too late, my turn to complain is even more fierce, just this once, it's a business with Adira. NOT RECOMMENDED at all. "
15 November 2020Nidya Deviana
" want her for 5 years, it's hard to ask for forgiveness.
11 November 2020someone gave him to help, it turned out that 2 months it didn't work, the money was asked for a lot, Adira didn't help asking at all, even though his partner. you can get the money out but you can't yet, find a replacement for people to take care of, from the 6th filed, he said the 10th can be processed, the 11th asked, he said the system is error, BPKB cannot be processed from Adira. It's been over 2 months that the motorbike has died, but the installments must continue. wonder !! "
Hermawan Utomo
" Ok "
17 October 2020Ari Geseng
" Mantep, cepat "
12 July 2020RezaDanu Bone
" Review bayar angsuran di Adira Kediri.. Tempatnya nyaman,parkiran luas,teller dan cs sangat ramah dan baik dalam pelayanan. "
11 July 2020Joeli Soenarjadi
" My office. "
06 January 2020Alif Alfian
" tempat parkir e gak ada atapnya... pelayanan lumayan baik lah... "
06 January 2020Budi Pranoto
" Pelayanannya ramah dan service kepada nasabah memuaskan "
31 December 2019Tholibi
" Tempat luas. Parkir luas "
17 December 2019Muhammad Budiman
" office "
16 December 2019Penyebar Dakwah Islam
" Hati hati aja pokoknya.. udah hati hati aja disini buat temen temen sebelum ambil langkah 😃 "
09 September 2019Lek Doel
" Semua masalah bisa diselesaikan dgn baik "
16 August 2019Petradinda APR
" Bayar motor sek.., "
07 July 2019Ami Wisesa
" Tempat mantan istri bekerja, tapi area kertosono 😁 "
28 February 2019Aknes Setiawati
" Parkir luas..ruangan ac..tersedia jga air mineral panas /dingin.. tiap bulan hampir sll kesini jauh dari wates panas panas masuk langsung nyaman.. sambil nunggu antrian bisa minum dulu "
19 December 2018Arovia Devi Cahyanti
" Leasing,, pembayaran kredit bekerja sama dengan bank danamon, alfamart & indomaret. "
09 June 2018Darmono Tjokrodarsono
" Parkir mobil susah.. "
27 April 2018Fendi Yuanto
" Cepat, perhatian "
27 April 2018Hasta Invarian
" bagus "
25 April 2018Leman Ariesule
" Pelayanan bagus "
14 April 2018Tri Nanang Budiarto
" Pelayanannya memuaskan "
06 April 2018Denny Eka Hermawan
" Bersih dan nyaman "
09 February 2018Heru Cokro
" Nyaman "
15 January 2018Zaenudin Chomari
" Tempat pengajuan kredit motor dan mobil terpercaya "
22 November 2017Solekan Music Channel
" Adira kediri "
20 November 2017Budi Santoso
" Tempat Parkir Luas
02 October 2017Ada Tempat Parkir khusus Karyawan
Ada Tempat Parkir khusus SALES Counter
Ada Tempat Parkir Nasabah
Tidak Ada Tempat Parkir Mobil di dalam
Parkir Mobil diluar
Toilet dan MUSHOLLA Tidak ada Untuk
Nasabah "
Irfan Fahrudin IRFAN
" Disini Semua Kebutuhan Pembiayaan Ada Semua "
06 August 2017Tjondro Sutanto
" Lembaga pembiayaan terbaik di Indonesia "
29 July 2017Taufiq Hidayah
" Solusi pilihan untuk pengajuan kredit kendaraan dn elektronik "
14 June 2017Khoirul Huda
" Sngat ramah dan antrinya harus lama "
19 January 2017Andi Nur Alamsyah
" Datang pagi-pagi "
22 September 2016Kliwon Buser0354
" Ada tenda SUZUKI , minat langsung kirim "
19 August 2016