" Great place for remembering all of great creation. The firmament of the mosque is superior "
09 May 2018
Roy I Evendy
" Always nice to be here, a place that have historical related to Tuban city. Great mosque of Tuban always full with prayers and moeslem pillgrimage visit. Mainly for Friday prayer. Also had several times joining praying during Ramadhan, I said very great and also full of prayer. Ablution room also clean and managed properly. Rest room also very clean. This place close to main road. So for traveller using public transportation is very easy go get here. Another 500 m far we will find boom place for relax and enjoy Tuban sea. A crowded seller outside sometimes disturb our car parking, need to be managed by Tuban local goverment. This place also great to take a picture, either from front side or by drone up side. Local handy craft also available on a mini road close to this mosque. You can find habdicraft with low prices. Enjoy Tuban hits. "
20 April 2018
Hasan Muda Afgani, ST
" Icon kota Tuban. Masjid nya besar. Masjid Agung.
Ke Tuban Wajib ke masjid ini.
Dekat dengan Sunan Bonang, juga depan nya alon alon..
Juga dekat dengan kantor bupati.
Juga dekat dengan pantai boom.
Lengkap sudah berkunjung disini. "
11 April 2018
Ika Yudhawastuti
" As one of landmark from Tuban City, this mosque is beautiful. Great outside, peace inside. Nice architecture for each part of this building. Completed with big umbrella that remembering us to Nabawi mosque. Masha Allah. 💙 "
24 February 2018
Etis Kurniasari
" Beautiful mosque, great architecture, but pleaseeeeeeee clean the bathroom, the bathroom and wudhu place was bad😞, remember clean is part of iman "
08 February 2018
Willy Naresta Hanum
" Beautiful mosque, nice architect. Around the mosque is so crowded. "
30 January 2018
Mohammad Rizal
" Amzing masjid, great architecture.... "
12 January 2018
Omank Zaman
" Nice architecture, clean! "
10 December 2017
Novan C Nugraha
" Unique architecture "
11 September 2017
Zhall Leonhart
" Great architecture. Monumental landmark of Tuban city. Historical mosque. "
25 July 2017
Gladiodio Ftf
" Unique mosque "
08 July 2017
Achmad Fathoni
" Although the bathroom stinks, it has air conditioner inside and good architecture. "
29 June 2017
Yudha Aries
" great n beautiful mosque "
03 May 2017
Muhammad Syarifuddin
" Beautiful mosque "
30 April 2017
Yanuar Hudha
" great place, good arch n beautifull "
18 April 2017
Faizal Akbar Setyanto
" Historical mosque value descend from time to time. "
Surya Mahardika
" Great place for remembering all of great creation. The firmament of the mosque is superior "
09 May 2018Roy I Evendy
" Always nice to be here, a place that have historical related to Tuban city. Great mosque of Tuban always full with prayers and moeslem pillgrimage visit. Mainly for Friday prayer. Also had several times joining praying during Ramadhan, I said very great and also full of prayer. Ablution room also clean and managed properly. Rest room also very clean. This place close to main road. So for traveller using public transportation is very easy go get here. Another 500 m far we will find boom place for relax and enjoy Tuban sea. A crowded seller outside sometimes disturb our car parking, need to be managed by Tuban local goverment. This place also great to take a picture, either from front side or by drone up side. Local handy craft also available on a mini road close to this mosque. You can find habdicraft with low prices. Enjoy Tuban hits. "
20 April 2018Hasan Muda Afgani, ST
" Icon kota Tuban. Masjid nya besar. Masjid Agung.
11 April 2018Ke Tuban Wajib ke masjid ini.
Dekat dengan Sunan Bonang, juga depan nya alon alon..
Juga dekat dengan kantor bupati.
Juga dekat dengan pantai boom.
Lengkap sudah berkunjung disini. "
Ika Yudhawastuti
" As one of landmark from Tuban City, this mosque is beautiful. Great outside, peace inside. Nice architecture for each part of this building. Completed with big umbrella that remembering us to Nabawi mosque. Masha Allah. 💙 "
24 February 2018Etis Kurniasari
" Beautiful mosque, great architecture, but pleaseeeeeeee clean the bathroom, the bathroom and wudhu place was bad😞, remember clean is part of iman "
08 February 2018Willy Naresta Hanum
" Beautiful mosque, nice architect. Around the mosque is so crowded. "
30 January 2018Mohammad Rizal
" Amzing masjid, great architecture.... "
12 January 2018Omank Zaman
" Nice architecture, clean! "
10 December 2017Novan C Nugraha
" Unique architecture "
11 September 2017Zhall Leonhart
" Great architecture. Monumental landmark of Tuban city. Historical mosque. "
25 July 2017Gladiodio Ftf
" Unique mosque "
08 July 2017Achmad Fathoni
" Although the bathroom stinks, it has air conditioner inside and good architecture. "
29 June 2017Yudha Aries
" great n beautiful mosque "
03 May 2017Muhammad Syarifuddin
" Beautiful mosque "
30 April 2017Yanuar Hudha
" great place, good arch n beautifull "
18 April 2017Faizal Akbar Setyanto
" Historical mosque value descend from time to time. "
17 March 2017Hari Rahardian
" Good "
14 March 2017Bud Dipur
" ok "
03 January 2017Uddin Lumajang
" Ok "
27 November 2016Ayundi Dwi
" Arsitektur bangunannya cantik sekali "
17 October 2016Rifki Putra
" Warna warni indah "
14 October 2016Yayan Desijanto
" Ziarah "
28 July 2016Buya H BOY
" Keramaian penggambaran kebersamaan "
25 July 2016Ria Asmara
" Bagus... "
15 June 2016Suhiman Rasmad
" Ok "
16 May 2016Ahmad Harmain
" Nyaman... "
01 May 2016Zakky Mubarrok Wicaksono
" Beautiful mosque "
29 November 2015Samsul Hadi
" Masjid yg indah "
13 May 2015